At Home Workout Tips for a Weight Loss Program

Working out from home has become a new normal for many. Here are some tips to get the most out of your home workout for success in your weight loss program.

Working out from home has become a new normal for many.  Here are some tips to get the most out of your home workout for success in your weight loss program.

This past year has brought with it many changes, including a major shift in how people incorporate fitness into their daily lives.  What used to be a thriving fitness industry in which people attended classes, lifted weights or even hired a personal trainer in a gym have all had to try to accomplish these goals at home.  It can be daunting to try and figure out the best way to lose weight, reach your fitness goals or even just maintain your weight loss success.  We have some tips to help you along this weight loss journey and continue to see success even from your own home.  Here is some advice from our SureFiz trainers: 

Set up a Good Space

At Home Workout Tips for Weight Loss

Depending on the living area of your home, this can be easier said than done.  You might need to think outside the box a little to find a space for your workouts.  But setting up a space is extremely important for your overall success.  By having a dedicated space for working out, complete with equipment and a workout mat or even just a place to set a device to stream online classes, you have a much higher chance of success.  If you try to do your workout in the main living area of your home you are subjecting yourself to the distractions of life–including laundry, dishes, pets, children, significant others.  Any of these distractions will take your focus and hinder your ability to work hard and burn more calories, thus reaching your weight loss goals.  If you have a garage, bonus room or small space you can dedicate, those can be some perfect spaces.  For anyone who lives in a warmer climate, your balcony, backyard or patio is a perfect place to get away from your main living area and workout.  

Have a Plan

At Home Workout Tips for Weight Loss

Like anything else in your diet and weight loss journey, having a plan for your home workout will help you find long term success.  Without a plan you are likely to waste time trying to decide what to do each time you workout.  We suggest setting up plans in 4-6 week blocks, then revisiting to make necessary changes. This decreases the chances of workout boredom or muscle stagnancy that can come from doing too much of the same exercises over a long period of time.  Changing your plans and your resistance will help your muscles continue to get stronger while helping you efficiently lose weight faster.  

Incorporate HIIT

At Home Workout Tips for Weight Loss

HIIT (high intensity interval training) is an extremely effective form of cardio training that gets your heart rate up to a fat blasting level in a short amount of time. Not only is it effective in the duration of the routine, but it has been shown to keep you in a fat burning state for hours after you do it, which will prove to be most effective for your long term weight loss goals.  The best part about HIIT is that you don’t need equipment to get the weight loss benefits you are looking for.  The calorie burning benefit only works if you push yourself hard, though.  A popular form of HIIT, tabata, will only take you 4 minutes but you have 8 rounds of 20 second intervals with 10 second rest periods in between.  During the work periods, you have to work as hard as you physically can to truly see the calorie blasting benefits of the work.  For more information on how to incorporate HIIT into your workout and weight loss program and some fun HIIT ideas, click here.  

Remember to Warm-up and Stretch

At Home Workout Tips for Weight Loss

Whether in a gym setting or at home, many people forget to take the time to warm-up before their workout or stretch after.  And with the many potential distractions in a home environment it can be even harder to set aside those extra moments.  But they are of utmost importance in your long term success for your workout and weight loss benefits.  If you do not prepare the muscles at the beginning and relax them at the end, you will endure more muscle soreness and risk the potential of an injury at any point.  Although life is busy and carving out additional time may seem like a chore, being sidelined for an injury takes far more time for recovery and can really hinder your weight loss goals.  Our blog on warming up and stretching has even more information on why it’s important.  We also have some great stretching ideas in our blog on yoga stretches in a weight loss program.

Find a Good Online Program

At Home Workout Tips for Weight Loss

An online class or trainer can be extremely helpful in your fitness and weight loss routine.  Human nature is to not push ourselves as hard as someone else would, which is why a gym environment can be helpful for people to try and be pushed to their calorie burning limits.  In a home environment this can be much harder.  Having someone else create a routine, explain the correct form and tell you how hard to work can really be the difference between an okay workout and an amazing workout!  Luckily, there are many amazing programs that offer online classes, either live streamed or recorded.  The possibilities are endless and you can search online for your favorite style of workout, but some of our favorite programs are Peloton, Beachbody and Apple Fitness+.  Each of these programs do require a small monthly membership fee to use their workouts, but if cost is a factor, check out our blog post for details on some great free options to try.  

Your weight loss plan doesn’t have to be hindered just because you have to workout from home.  Be sure to follow these tips to get the maximum success in your fitness routine.  For optimal weight loss, always remember to eat a healthy diet and keep your calories within a low enough range to burn fat and continue on a steady weight loss path.   Follow our blogs weekly for more healthy tips, workout advice and weight loss help.  And be sure you are stepping on your SureFiz scale daily to track your progress and get help along the way.  

Are Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

As you work through your New Year’s Resolutions and weight loss goals, you might be looking for an extra boost in supplements. But will they really help?

As you work through your New Year’s Resolutions and weight loss goals, you might be looking for an extra boost in supplements.  But will they really help?

Are Pre Workout Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

Pre-Workout Supplementation

If you’ve been anywhere near a gym lately or searched fitness topics on instagram, you have likely heard of or seen promotions for pre or post workout supplements to boost your workout and weight loss results.  Many of these supplements claim to help you lose more weight, burn more fat or grow more muscle as a result of taking them.  You can pretty much find a different type of supplement for any goal you may have-”slim down”, “bulk up”, “run faster”, “lose weight”, “burn fat” and others are claims on supplement labels.  Personal trainers and health coaches are often asked by their clients, “are supplements necessary?” or “Will they help?”  We are going to dive into some basic information about supplements to help you break down whether they are a good option or could even help you with your workout and weight loss performance.  

What are Pre-Workout Supplements?

In general, pre-workout (or any workout type) supplements can be defined as any supplement that boosts workout performance.  They can be taken in the form of a powder, pill or liquid form and most companies claim that they will help enhance your workout performance in the gym.  There is a huge variance in ingredients based on company and from supplement to supplement, making it confusing for consumers who are trying to find a supplement to fit their personal workout or weight loss goals. 

Common Ingredients in Pre-Workout Supplements

Are Pre Workout Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

While the list of ingredients is too exhaustive to cover here, we can give you some of the main pre-workout ingredients used in common pre-workout supplements.  The goal is generally to boost energy, focus, muscle gain, or even burn more calories to help you reach a weight loss goal sooner.  Here are some of the main ingredients you might find in a pre-workout supplement:

  1. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant and often included in that morning cup of coffee. But some studies have shown that caffeine use can boost performance in the gym as well.  In a 2012 study done by the Journal of Strength Conditioning and Resistance, men who took a caffeine drink containing 179 mg of caffeine as a pre-workout supplement 60 minutes before exercise could lift more weights at a higher resistance than those who took a placebo.  However, according to Live Science, “too much caffeine can pose a health risk, and supplements can contain much more than is found in food or drinks. A person could guzzle gallons of coffee and not suffer from a true caffeine overdose. But even at much lower levels, caffeine can worsen underlying conditions such as a heart arrhythmia, leading to cardiac arrest”.  In fact, some studies have shown that supplements containing caffeine sometimes contained more than 4 times the amount of caffeine contained in a normal cup of coffee. 

  1. Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Monohydrate (also known as just creatine) is a common pre-workout supplement used to increase muscle performance and energy production.  It has been a supplement that shows some positive reviews based on limited studies.  According to Live Science, some studies have shown that college football players taking creatine had fewer injuries and reported less cramping, achieved peak power performance and even increased some of their body mass.  But they also report that creatine needs to be taken regularly to build up in a person’s system and actually be effective.  It also only works well when someone REALLY pushes themselves in the gym and many people generally don’t push themselves to the peak level of performance for the creatine benefits to truly be seen.  And since some side effects of creatine involve the “bulking up”, most people who are trying to accomplish weight loss and slimming their bodies down will not want the building or bulking effects of the creatine supplement.  Healthline reports that weight gain, bloating, water retention and digestive issues can all be side effects of creatine supplementation, which definitely poses a challenge to those who have weight loss as their primary goal in working out. 

  1. Guarana

Guarana is a plant from the Amazon that has been harvested by Brazilians for decades, but has also entered the American market and is generally used as an energy booster.  According to Very Well Health, guarana is used to “fight fatigue, boost mental alertness, and promote weight loss.  The fruit contains caffeine-rich seeds that have up to three times the amount of caffeine as coffee beans. The seeds are also rich in tannins and the stimulants theophylline and theobromine”.  Since guarana contains caffeine, it is important to check any pre-workout supplement labels for the amounts of each ingredient included to make sure that the overall amount of caffeine you consume is not over the recommended usage.  Some side effects noted from guarana usage can be agitation, stomach upset, headaches and other miscellaneous effects.  

  1. BCAAs

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) consist of three different molecules-leucine, isoleucine and valine.  These amino acids are also contained in many foods, mostly protein rich animal products.  BCAAs are known for their aid in the muscle building process and many bodybuilding supplement programs include them as a component.  However, they are more well absorbed when eaten in their whole food form.  According to Healthline, use of BCAAs is generally safe, especially considering they are naturally occurring in many foods we already eat.  But the benefit of supplementing them is currently mixed, it may be better to eat them in their natural form than buy an additional supplement to add to your weight loss routine.  

  1. Other Ingredients

Many supplement companies list a “proprietary blend” in part of their ingredient lists, which can be hard to understand.  According to Self Magazine, “It’s important to realize that virtually every supplement and exercise nutrition brand out there has its own pre-workout formula, meaning that no two tubs contain the same—or even similar—ingredients. In fact, according to a 2019 study of the top 100 commercially available pre-workout supplements, nearly half of all ingredients were part of a ‘proprietary blend,’ meaning the amounts of each ingredient were not disclosed”.  Each company can put together blends of their choosing without necessarily disclosing to consumers what those blends contain. 

Are Pre-Workout Supplements Regulated and Safe for Use?

Are Pre Workout Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Federal law does not require dietary supplements to be proven safe to FDA’s satisfaction before they are marketed.  For most claims made in the labeling of dietary supplements, the law does not require the manufacturer or seller to prove to FDA’s satisfaction that the claim is accurate or truthful before it appears on the product”.  The FDA does require companies to report any side effects or results after market of their supplements as reported by consumers or in a lab.  If enough reports or claims are made then a supplement can be taken off the market.  But without clear guidelines or a ton of requirements placed on companies who make supplements regarding specific ingredients, it is definitely the job of the consumer to do the research and decide if the ingredients will be safe and beneficial for use in a diet or weight loss program.  Although many times historically ingredients used in a product are generally safe for use, they may not be able to provide the results someone is looking for in a weight loss program.  

Are Pre Workout Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

You can find many other supplements used in pre- and post-workout supplement formulas, and we recommend doing your research before choosing to purchase them for your weight loss and training routine.  Some can be beneficial for promoting energy and focus which can help you push through a hard workout.  But a good old cup of coffee and a piece of fruit can also supply the energy and fuel to get you through, for a lot less money each month.  Many times you will find the best weight loss results from sticking to the tried and true methods of eating a well balanced, healthy diet composed of many whole foods–lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy whole grains and fiber rich foods.  When incorporating these foods into your diet and weight loss regimen, you will start to see the results you want and your pocketbook will be thicker with all the money you saved from not purchasing every supplement advertised on your Instagram feed.  

If you do find the desire or need to try supplementation, we recommend doing your research from third parties before buying and making sure that you follow dosage instructions and always take them safely under the company’s guidelines.  Check us out on our website, or any of our social media pages for more advice on nutrition, weight loss, diet plans and healthy recipes.  

Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere to Improve Flexibility

Yoga can be very effective at increasing blood flow and flexibility, while also improving your focus. Here are some favorite yoga poses anyone can master!

Yoga can be very effective at increasing blood flow and flexibility, while also improving your focus.  Here are some favorite yoga poses anyone can master!

Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere for Improved Flexibility

Yoga has exploded in the American fitness scene over the past 10-15 years as a relaxing option in holistic weight loss programs to build strength, core endurance and flexibility.  But it has been around for many years and can be traced back to ancient India.  According to Yoga Basics, “The development of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, but some researchers think that yoga may be up to 10,000 years old old. Yoga’s long rich history can be divided into four main periods of innovation, practice and development”.  Although ancient practice of yoga included a spiritual component including prayers and meditations, current Westernized yoga is mainly practiced for its health benefits in relation to weight loss, strength building and an emphasis on flexibility.  

Medical Daily reports that “the popularity of yoga in the U.S. has increased throughout the decades, rising from 4 million in 2001 to 20 million in 2011. Since then, plenty of scientific studies have found that yoga comes with a flurry of health benefits: It reduces high blood pressure, depression, chronic pain, and anxiety. It also improves cardiac function, muscle strength, and circulation”.   Yoga can also be a very beneficial component of your current diet and weight loss program.  Increasing blood flow and core strength will support other areas of weight loss and help you feel stronger and more centered on your weight loss journey.   If you can’t start practicing yoga in a class at your local gym, you don’t have to miss out on all the health and weight loss benefits that yoga offers! You don’t have to be an expert to practice yoga easily and safely at home.  We have some ideas and tips to get you started, as well as some tried and true yoga poses that are sure to bring you the benefits to make your weight loss plan holistic and well rounded.  

How To Practice Yoga At Home

Yoga is a very easy practice to do from home, once you have an idea of what poses to try and a general knowledge of flow. Yoga International offers 6 tips to help you start incorporating yoga into your weight loss program at home (or anywhere), and how to setup a good space to prepare yourself mentally to relax and focus:

  1. Start with quiet

Yoga is all about internal focus and energy.  If you begin by setting up a quiet space in your home without distractions, it will help you start practicing yoga in the right frame of mind.

  1. Pick a direction

There are many different forms and styles of yoga.  Choosing the style that best fits your lifestyle, workout or weight loss plan, time constraints and mentality will help you succeed at the practice of yoga while contributing to a holistic weight loss plan.

  1. Set an intention

Be intentional with the poses you choose and how to do them.  Setting an intention will help you use your time more constructively and wisely. Be aware of what your goals are and how yoga can fit into your current weight loss program to help you see the best overall results. 

  1. Choose poses you love

If you choose poses you enjoy doing, you will be much more likely to continue and less likely to give up.  Enjoyment and focus go hand in hand while practicing yoga. 

  1. Pay attention in class

If you do take a class in a gym or even virtually, take mental notes when the instructor explains the poses so that you know the correct form and breathing techniques to ensure you can safely execute the poses when you are alone at home.

  1. Move in all directions

Choose poses that incorporate all movement patterns-leaning side to side, back to back, a twist pose and turning upside down.  This will help you get the maximum full body benefit in your personal yoga practice.  It will also benefit you in your other weekly workouts, helping you feel stronger, healthy and more centered.

Simple Yoga Poses 

We have included seven of our favorite simple yoga poses to give you some ideas to start practicing yoga at home.  The list of amazing and beneficial yoga poses is endless, so this is simply a place to start.  Be sure to practice all the poses intentionally with deep breathing and steady, slow movement.  If you want to learn more about focused yoga practice, there are many online resources to help you choose a focus or direction.  These moves are simple enough for beginners just starting their weight loss journey to avid runners looking to loosen their legs or those who have been practicing yoga for years.  You should never feel pain or tightness during yoga, so if something hurts listen to your body and skip the exercise or find a modification that works for you.

Triangle Pose

Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere for Improved Flexibility

Triangle pose is beneficial in many ways, some of the main benefits are strengthening multiple muscle groups, opening up the hips and reducing anxiety. Start in mountain pose (standing, face forward, at the front of your mat).  Step one foot back 3-4 feet while twisting to the side, arms up and out in a T position. Make sure your toes of the front foot are pointed forward and the toes of your back foot are angled out (about 45 degrees).  Make sure both legs are straight but knees not completely locked.  Begin to hinge the hips as you lean forward, bringing your front arm forward and down towards the ground.  The back arm begins to point up towards the ceiling.  Hold the pose for a couple of breaths before returning back to mountain pose (standing) and repeat with the other side.  (Open Fit)

Seated Twist

Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere for Improved Flexibility

Twists are a great way to stretch the spine differently while also stretching the arms and relaxing the shoulders. There are many forms of seated twists, but this one is our favorite.  It is formally known as Marichyasana C.  Begin in staff pose, or sitting with both legs straight in front of you.  Sit up straight and tall.  Bend your right knee and place your foot firmly on the ground while keeping your left leg straight.  Place your right arm down behind you for support and twist your body to bring your left elbow across the body until it rests on the outside of the right knee. Hold the pose for a couple of breaths.  Bring the body back to center (staff pose) and repeat with the other side.  If you have any spine issues or intense back pain, this would be an exercise to avoid or modify as it can impinge the discs of the lower spine in those who suffer with back issues.  (Yoga Outlet)

Downward Dog 

Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere for Improved Flexibility

Downward dog is great for improving focus, stretching the spine and the backs of the legs. Begin this pose in tabletop position (or on all fours).  Arms should be straight with hands directly under the shoulders and knees under the hips.  From here you can push up into a plank position keeping the legs straight and spine in neutral alignment.  Begin to push the body back and the butt up in the air, keeping in mind that your legs and back stay straight until you’ve formed an upside down V position with the body.  It is okay if your heels don’t touch the ground at first, the most important thing to keep in mind is a straight back.  Pause in the down position for 2 breaths.  This pose may be challenging for those with high blood pressure or a tendency to get dizzy, so modify if needed.  (Yoguonline)

Cobra Pose

Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere for Improved Flexibility

Cobra is a great pose for opening up the chest and stretching the abdominals. Begin by lying on your belly face down (prone position).  Keep the legs straight behind you with thighs resting on the ground and toes pointed.  Bring your hands under your shoulders, palms on the ground and elbows bent.  Begin to push your body up, keeping the shoulders down and back, and your gaze up towards the ceiling.  Make sure your upper back doesn’t begin to round forward and stop before the point that your lower back begins to feel pinched or tight.  Hold the pose for two long breaths before returning to the starting position.  If this pose bothers your back, you can modify with bent arms and keep your arms bent with your  forearms on the ground.  (Yoga Journal)


Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere for Improved Flexibility

Pigeon is a wonderful hip opener for anyone who is feeling tight hips as a result of hard workouts.  Keeping hips flexible is so important for healthy weight loss and preventing injury.  Begin in plank position or modified plank on your knees.  Bring your right leg forward and bend the knee as your right foot crosses over the left side of your body.  The right shin should be parallel to the ground.  Keep your shoulders square towards the front of the room and hold the pose for two breaths.  If you feel any tightness or pain, feel free to adjust the position or bend of your leg until you reach a comfortable position.  Return to the starting position and repeat with the left leg. (Women’s Health Magazine)

Standing Forward Fold

Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere for Improved Flexibility

Forward fold helps with focus, calming the mind and anxiety.  It can also help with headaches and reduce stress.  To begin, stand in mountain pose with hands at your sides. Bring your arms slightly forward and gently lean over, bending the back and keeping the knees soft.  If your hamstrings (back of your thighs) are tight and you cannot bend very far, that’s okay.  Rest your palms on your shins or thighs for support.  Very flexible people can bring their palms to the ground or reach around to the back of your calves.  Hold the pose for two breaths.  If you have high blood pressure or feel dizzy, you can try to modify it by shortening the length of the bend and resting your hands on your thighs. (Yoga Outlet

Child’s Pose

Simple Yoga Stretches To Do Anywhere for Improved Flexibility

Child’s pose is a very simple, classic yoga pose that is great for stretching the back, centering the mind and relaxing the body.  Begin by kneeling on the floor and start to bring your feet together while simultaneously bringing the knees out wider than the hips, so that your hips rest between the legs.  Lean forward as far as you can, reaching your arms out on the floor in front of you and resting your head on the ground if comfortable.  Hold for 2 or more breaths until you feel calmed and centered, then return to the starting position.  You can modify this position by keeping your knees together and sitting over the feet, if the hip opener is too much on your hips to begin with.  

Give these poses a try and see how you like them! Be sure to share with us in the comments section.  Here at SureFiz we value holistic, healthy weight loss and yoga can certainly offer a relaxing component that will rejuvenate you, make you feel stronger and more flexible and offer you more overall success as you travel through your weight loss journey.  For more tips and advice, be sure to click here to sign up for our FREE weight loss workout plans, recipes, and diet plans.  We support you on this journey and will be there every step of the way to help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals!

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

Do you need help finding some new exercises in the New Year? SureFiz trainer shares her favorite exercises to help you succeed in your weight loss journey

Do you need help finding some new exercises in the New Year? SureFiz trainer shares her favorite exercises to help you succeed in your weight loss journey

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

The New Year is upon us and as we welcome in 2021, many people are also looking for ways to achieve their New Year’s Resolutions or accomplish their weight loss goals.  If you ever wondered what trainers think are the best exercises, our very own SureFiz trainer has compiled eight of her favorite exercises that she incorporates in her fitness routine for you to try as you sweat your way to weight loss.  Try incorporating them into your weekly workout routine to see how well they work for you.


Any exercise is a good exercise to help with healthy weight loss and staying fit.  But many trainers have favorites—exercises that they feel are better for the whole body.  The exercises we list here are what we call “more bang for your buck” exercises, allowing for integration of core work and multi-muscle group activation.  When doing them correctly you can see your fitness level and your overall strength increase.  These are certainly not all-inclusive; there are many exercises that help with full body strength and endurance.  But these exercises are a good start to helping you reach your strength and fitness potential, as well as lose more weight for good.

1.     Burpees

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

Burpees are a great full body bodyweight workout that can blast calories and fat, while getting the heart rate pumping.  You will work your lower body during a squat position, upper body and shoulders as you drop down into a plank and the core for the entire exercise.  Although they may sound intimidating, burpees can be modified so that almost anyone can do them.  There are many variations of a burpee that can be done to make it more or less challenging, such as adding a pushup or dumbbells, adding exercises to make it more complex, or doing it on an elevated surface to make it easier.  Here’s how to do a burpee:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, glutes engaged, core tight and knees slightly bent-not locked.
  • Bend your knees more and reach forward as you bend over to place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
  • Kick your legs straight out behind you into a plank position and immediately lower the entire body down to the ground, bending at the elbows, so that your chest touches the floor.
  • Use your arms to quickly push your body back up while hopping your legs back under your body towards your arms and finish by exploding into a squat jump, hands overhead as you rise up. 
  • Repeat 10-15 times to complete a full set. 
  • To modify: You can use a chair or other elevated surface, or even a wall to do a burpee on and make the exercise less intense.  Just follow the steps above placing your hands on a chair or the wall instead of the floor.

2.     Squat Press

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

A squat press is another great full body exercise with more of a focus on strength than explosive cardio.  But don’t let it fool you—a squat press can get your heart pumping and the sweat flowing almost as good as any cardio based exercise!  In a squat press you will use legs to squat, arms to lift the weights overhead and the core to stabilize while you work.  You will need a set of dumbbells or soup cans, or another weighted object to perform this exercise.  Here’s how to perform a squat press:

  • Start with your feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent and dumbbells near your shoulders. 
  • Slowly squat back and down as if you are sitting in a chair behind you, keeping the weights at shoulder height during your descent. 
  • As you rise back up, begin to lift the weights straight up above your shoulders until your arms are almost fully straight but not completely locked.  Keep a slight bend in the knees as you come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10-15 times to complete a full set.

3.     Push-ups

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

Push-ups are a great strength building bodyweight workout that engages multiple muscle groups for maximum calorie burn and weight loss.  You don’t need anything except your body and a mat or the floor to perform them, and there are many modifications you can do to make this exercise effective for anyone at any fitness level.  Here is how to do a push-up:

  • Start in a high plank position and place your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider with shoulders stacked directly over wrists.  Make sure your body is straight, knees are not locked, and your core and glutes are engaged.
  • Begin to bend your elbows and lower the body to the ground, keeping it straight and angling your elbows at about a 45 degree angle behind you. Continue engaging the core and glutes to keep your back in neutral alignment and your whole body straight.
  •  Push back to the starting position at a high plank
  • Repeat 10-15 times until you have reached full fatigue in the arm muscles.  
  • To modify: You can modify the exercise by doing the push-ups on your knees, or using an elevated surface like a chair or bench, or even by using the wall to do the push-up.  Try each of the variations to see what works best for you.

4.     Plank 

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

The plank is an excellent endurance and strength building exercise and is a favorite of many trainers.  Because the abdominals are intended as stabilizers and not movers, the plank helps to strengthen them in a more effective way than other popular core exercises, such as a crunch.  There are many ways to modify the plank to make it more or less challenging and to build intensity as you can increase the time a plank is held.  Here is how to hold a plank:

  • Place your hands directly under your shoulders, keeping your arms straight but elbows not locked
  • Straighten your legs out and hold the body up by pushing onto your toes while continuing to stabilize with your arms.  Keep a straight line with the body and look slightly in front of you to keep neutral alignment in the spine.  Make sure you focus on keeping the core tight and engaged, as well as tightening the glutes to prevent sinking or bowing of the lower spine.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds to start, for 3-4 sets.  As you build strength and endurance, you will be able to hold for longer and can work up to a full minute plank.
  • To modify, you can do this exercise on your knees, on an elevated surface such as a chair or even on the wall until you are strong enough to hold a plank on the ground.

5.     Bulgarian Split Squat

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

The Bulgarian split squat is an amazing strength building exercise using a step or bench that engages the quadriceps as a primary mover and also works the glutes, calves and hip flexors.  You will also engage your core as the body works to balance with one foot elevated on a step.  Here’s how to do a Bulgarian split squat:

  • Stand in front of a box, chair or large step; facing away from the step.  You can hold dumbbells, a barbell or just use body weight.
  • Place one foot on the step behind you, making sure you are stepping far enough in front of the step to allow for a 90 degree angle on your knees was you descend.  Make sure your front knee does not extend past the toes of your front foot.
  • Perform 10-15 squats on your first leg, and then repeat on the second leg to complete your set. 

6.     Sumo Squat

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

The sumo squat (also known as a plié squat) is a variation of the traditional squat where you step your legs out wider and the toes are pointed outward to opposite corners of the room.  This exercise is perfect to implement into a leg routine, as it activates the leg muscles differently than a traditional squat.  As you do the exercise, engaging the core and glutes will also help to promote a larger grouping of muscles and feel more like a full body exercise, gaining the “more bang for your bucks” benefit in your weight loss program.  Here’s how to do a sumo squat:

  • Stand with legs in a wide stance-wider than a traditional squat with toes pointed outward, knees slightly bent.  You can use one dumbbell held in both hands, or a dumbbell in each hand.  This can also be done fully bodyweight.
  • Slowly lower the body until your legs are close to a 90-degree angle, and thighs are parallel to the floor.  Hold for one second, and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-15 reps or until legs are too fatigued to continue.

7.     Kettlebell or Dumbbell swings

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

Swings are a dynamic exercise that works your full body in one movement while scorching calories and blasting fat.  The swing will strengthen your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, shoulders, core and more.  With so much muscle activation in one movement, you can see why they are a popular move for many trainers.  If you don’t have a kettlebell you can also use a single dumbbell or even double up with two dumbbells for a more challenging routine.  Here’s how to do a kettlebell swing:

  • Start in a standing position holding the kettlebell (or dumbbell) with both hands in between your legs.  Legs should be a bit wider than hip width apart and toes pointed slightly outward.  
  • Gently lean forward while bringing the kettlebell behind your glutes as if you are performing a deadlift or modified squat.  Legs should be slightly bent as you hinge at the hips but not so deep as in a squat.  
  • Next, swing up and forward with the hips while swinging the kettlebell up and out in front of you.  Keep your abs and glutes engaged to make sure you are not putting pressure on your lower back during the movement.  Stop shortly above shoulder height.
  • Repeat this move for 10-15 reps until you reach fatigue.  The kettlebell swing will offer benefits of both strength resistance and cardio, which will burn calories faster allowing for greater fat loss and overall weight loss. 

8.     Jumping Jacks

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

You might be one of many who overlook jumping jacks in adulthood and think they are meant for middle school PE class.  But in all honesty, jumping jacks are an amazing way to burn calories quickly, and work your entire body at the same time!  If you do them correctly they can be a valuable piece of any weight loss workout routine.  Here’s how to do jumping jacks correctly:

  • Stand up straight with arms at your side and knees slightly bent, not locked.
  • Jump your legs out laterally at the same time, while bringing the arms out and up overhead, so that your hands almost meet above your head.
  •  Jump in again while bringing your arms back down to the starting position at your sides.  
  • Repeat for 30 seconds or a 10-15 count, whichever leads to full fatigue and cardio/heart rate increase.

Many people think that there needs to be a complicated routine or fancy gym equipment to reach their weight loss and fitness potential, but in reality many of these classic simple moves can be done on a regular basis to help you reach your goals.  By implementing these moves into your weekly routine, you will see lasting weight loss results while you get stronger and faster.  Remember to eat a healthy, balanced diet and fuel yourself correctly before each workout.  If you need tips for a healthy breakfast, click here for some easy, tasty ideas.  Don’t forget to step on your SureFiz scale each day to track your progress and receive personalized guidance along your weight loss journey.  SureFiz scale truly offers the secret sauce to weight loss, and we can help you reach your diet and weight loss goals.

What is Exercise Addiction? Description and Risk Factors

Exercise is vital to any weight loss program and for maintaining a healthy body, but at what point does it become an unhealthy problem and potential addiction?

Exercise is vital to any weight loss program and for maintaining a healthy body, but at what point does it become an unhealthy problem and potential addiction?

What is Exercise Addiction? Description and Risk Factors

Eating right and getting regular exercise are known to be vital to any weight loss program.  Many people looking to get healthy and lose weight in the New Year will be turning to exercise and healthier foods.  But for a small amount of the population, exercise can actually become an addiction.  According to Psychology Today, approximately 3 percent of the population suffers from exercise addiction and their strive for physical fitness may actually do more harm than good.  Exercise addiction can be described as an unhealthy obsession with physical fitness and exercise, and can often be a result of similar disorders like eating and body image disorders.   Symptoms of exercise addiction are very similar to symptoms of other addictions, such as “obsessing over the behavior, engaging in the behavior even though it’s causing physical harm, engaging in the behavior despite wanting to stop, and engaging in the behavior in secret” (source: healthline).

How Does Someone Become Addicted to Exercise?

Exercise addiction can begin with someone who simply has a desire for better physical fitness but can become out of control when they become dependent on it.  Individuals who suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, or those with body dysmorphic disorder may be more likely to become addicted to exercise as well.  Exercise addiction can also be found in distance and endurance athletes such as marathon runners, triathletes and others who run for long miles many days a week.  Exercise releases endorphins and dopamine, which are also known as feel-good hormones. These are the same neurotransmitters released during drug use. An exercise addict feels reward and joy when exercising. When they stop exercising, the neurotransmitters go away. An addict has to exercise more to trigger the chemical release (source: healthline).  The need to increase exercise to reach the high leads to an addiction. 

Psychology Today explains exercise addiction as the following: “In a nutshell, exercise addiction is an overzealous pursuit of physical activity persisted in despite physical, emotional, and social consequences. Its symptoms are similar to those of any addiction, except the drug of choice in this case is fitness”. They list seven possible symptoms of exercise addiction.  Individuals can suffer from any or all symptoms to be considered suffering from addiction, but the more symptoms noticed the higher likelihood of an actual addiction versus an exercise enthusiast:

  1. Tolerance: Needing more and more of the initial activity to achieve sought-after effects (for example, the “runner’s high” or an endorphin rush).
  2. Withdrawal: Feelings of anxiety, fatigue, irritability, or other unenjoyable emotional and physical experiences on days when one is unable to workout as planned.
  3. Intention Effect: Repeatedly exceeding planned-upon limits to the amount of time spent exercising.
  4. Lack of Control: Experiencing one’s physical activity habits as difficult or impossible to keep at manageable levels.
  5. Time: Far more time is spent exercising than is recommended by medical or fitness professionals and planning, engaging in, or recovering from physical activity consumes a noticeably large portion of one’s days and weeks.
  6. Reductions in Other Activities: Social, work-related, and leisure endeavors are sidelined to prioritize fitness—often, to the detriment of one’s emotional and interpersonal wellbeing.
  7. Continuance: One persists in physical activity despite illness, injury, negative psychological outcomes, or medical advice to taper down or take a break. (Retrieved from: Psychology Today)

How to Tell if Someone is Addicted to Exercise or just an Enthusiast

Ian Cockerill, a sports psychologist at the University of Birmingham, England, puts it very simply; “Healthy exercisers organize their exercise around their lives, whereas dependents organize their lives around their exercise” (Retrieved from webmd).  If an individual enjoys exercise and seems to work out a lot but doesn’t exhibit any of the seven symptoms above (or maybe just one or two), then he or she is likely an enthusiast or avid exerciser and not necessarily addicted to exercise.  Once behavior is exhibited similar to addictions of other forms (i.e. drugs, alcohol or eating disorders), then the individual is more likely suffering from an exercise addiction.  Exercise addiction is not only dangerous mentally but can also be dangerous physically–as exercise increases so does the risk of injury.  Many exercise addicts will continue to work out during injury or illness which sets them up for dangerous long term physical effects.  

How to Overcome Exercise Addiction

Currently, exercise addiction is not a classifiable mental illness that can be diagnosed or treated with medication.  Additionally, many individuals who suffer from exercise addiction don’t see it as an addiction because it is perceived as a healthy behavior.  But even healthy behaviors can be taken overboard and become potentially damaging or unhealthy if they become an addiction.  If an individual is suffering from an exercise addiction, most experts recommend self control as a means to help overcome exercise addiction.  It is possible that an individual will need to take a break from exercise (temporarily) to help get control over the urges to exercise and the feelings of needing to excessively exercise each day.

No matter the struggle during a weight loss journey, SureFiz can help. Our patented all-inclusive program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. Check out the features in our app to help guide and direct each step of your weight loss journey. Our diet plans, workout plans and healthy tips can help you get the most out of your exercise and weight loss program. Check out our website or any of our social media channels for more tips and encouragement, along with advice to guide your journey.

Fun Ways to Add HIIT into Your Weight Loss Program

Is your workout routine getting a little boring? Try incorporating some fun HIIT workouts to boost endurance and maximize calorie burn for optimal weight loss.

Is your workout routine getting a little boring? Try incorporating some fun HIIT workouts to boost endurance and maximize calorie burn for optimal weight loss.

Fun Ways to Incorporate HIIT into Your Weight Loss Program

Doing the same thing at the gym week after week is not only boring, it could be hindering your success in your workout and weight loss program.  Changing up your routine can make it more fun, exciting and get you better results on your weight loss journey.  One way to challenge yourself is to try HIIT, or high intensity interval training.  HIIT is a great way to increase a calorie burn in less time.  HIIT is generally intended to be used as a maximum burst of effort, such as a sprint, or movement that gets your heart rate high and gives you a feeling of breathlessness. 

Fun Ways to Incorporate HIIT into Your Weight Loss Program

How to do HIIT

In order to do HIIT correctly, you want to work so hard that you feel like you couldn’t go any harder.  To test out if you are doing HIIT correctly, try to talk during your interval.  If you are able to talk easily, you aren’t working hard enough.  Push yourself so hard that speaking is challenging to do.  If you have a heart rate monitor or smart watch, this can also be a great tool for knowing how hard to train, based on your target heart rate in your training zone. 

A good target heart rate training zone for HIIT is anywhere between 70-90% of your maximum heart rate.  If you don’t know your maximum heart rate, there are a few equations to help you figure it out.  One easy equation is called the Tanaka equation and here is how to use it: 208-(0.7x age)=maximum heart rate.  Once you know your maximum heart rate, you can calculate your target heart rate percentage.  One thing to keep in mind is that these are estimates and not 100% precise, but they can be a baseline to help you know how hard to push yourself during HIIT intervals.  

Fun Ways to Incorporate HIIT into Your Weight Loss Program

Types of HIIT

There are many different ways to work in intervals.  The most important thing to focus on is your work/rest ratio.  HIIT intervals need to be incredibly high intensity, with a small amount of recovery/rest period before another high intensity interval.  The amount of rest depends on the level of intensity you are putting in during the work period.  Here are some HIIT suggestions to try:

  • Tababa-Tabata is a very popular form of HIIT and is based on 8 work/rest interval cycles.  Each cycle is composed of 20 seconds maximum effort work to 10 seconds rest.  You can either time yourself for these cycles, or you can search music apps to find tabata songs.  There are many different options which offer direction on timing.  This makes it really convenient to just focus on your work, and push yourself–instead of having to look at a stopwatch or check the time.  
  • Chorus sprints-If you have a treadmill, spin bike, rowing machine or even just run/bike outside, chorus sprints are another way to incorporate HIIT into your cardio routine without adding any complicated program.  Simply get a playlist filled with upbeat power songs to inspire you, and when the song builds at the chorus or bridge, sprint!  During the verses or less intense parts of the song, keep a light steady jog pace.  In between songs slow to a walk or full rest.  The variability of this style of interval training allows for more variety in your workout routine and can help runners who are looking to speed train.  Chorus sprints are also great for beginners who are simply interested in building endurance and burning a maximum amount of calories for weight loss.
  • Other HIIT Interval options-There are many different intervals you can use with HIIT training, some examples are 30/15, or 40/20, even 10/50 work/rest ratio.  You could even try a mix of all to make it interesting and fun.  Just keep in mind that the shorter the work interval, the harder you need to push yourself. If your interval is only 10 seconds of work with 50 seconds of rest, those 10 seconds need to be at a maximum effort for the calorie burn to be most effective. 

HIIT Exercises

The benefit of HIIT training and weight loss is it can be done with almost any equipment, or even just your body weight.  Running, cycling, rowing machines, battle ropes or kettlebells are examples of some equipment that you can use to incorporate intervals.  If you don’t have any equipment at home or access to a gym, try incorporating HIIT with burpees, squat jumps, star jacks, or mountain climbers.  Each of these exercises are full body plyometric exercises that will allow the heart rate to get into the training zone you need and really maximize your calorie burn.  

Fun Ways to Incorporate HIIT into Your Weight Loss Program

Simple HIIT Workout

If you are new to HIIT training and don’t know where to start, here is a simple 20 minute bodyweight/jogging HIIT workout to try:

  • 5 minute warm up jog-at your own light pace.  Heart rate should be at about 50-60% maximum effort for a light training zone.
  • 5 minutes sprint at a 30/15 work/rest ratio-sprint for 30 seconds, rest for 15.  Repeat each cycle for 5 minutes.  Heart rate should be in the training zone during each interval, somewhere between 70-90% maximum heart rate. 
  • 4 minute burpee tabata-8 rounds of 20 seconds hard work with 10 seconds rest.  Heart rate should continue to be in the 70-90% maximum heart rate zone. 
  • 5 minutes sprint at a 30/15 work/rest ratio-sprint for 30 seconds, rest for 15.  Repeat each cycle for 5 minutes.  Heart rate should continue to be in the 70-90% maximum heart rate zone. 
  • 1 minute cool down-walk lightly at a slow pace to bring your heart rate down to resting heart rate. 
  • Don’t forget to fully cool down and stretch! If your heart rate has not recovered by the end of the cool down walk, feel free to continue walking slowly until you have reached full recovery.  Stretch the muscles while they are still warm to help them recover and prevent injury.

HIIT training is incredibly effective and also very intense.  It is recommended that you use interval training no more than 1-3 days per week depending on your fitness level, and vary your workouts to allow for rest days in your workout routine.  As you continue on your weight loss program and begin to increase your endurance, you can also increase the length and amount of your HIIT training.  Check out or any of our social media platforms for more workout tips, diet advice, recipes and more.  We are here for you on your weight loss journey and love to help you succeed!

Top Running Gear for Your Best Run Ever

Ever wonder what to wear for your outdoor run? Running expert and SureFiz trainer shares her favorite gear to help you run your best no matter the weather!

Ever wonder what to wear for your outdoor run? Running expert and SureFiz trainer shares her favorite gear to help you run your best no matter the weather!

Top Running Gear for Your Best Run Ever

Running is a very basic sport for weight loss that many people can do easily and rather inexpensively, but it does come with some initial cost if you want to feel comfortable and running your very best.  Running outdoors requires a bit more equipment, as the seasons and weather changes will affect choice of gear.  SureFiz trainer and avid runner Jenn Ryan shares her top picks and tips for running in a variety of climates.

  • Hat or visor–A good lightweight running hat can be the best choice, especially for women with long hair.  The hat can hold in stray strands, helping you focus more on your run and less on the messy hair in your face.  On hot, bright sunny days, a visor can be a good alternative to a hat because it will allow for the heat to escape your body while still keeping hair out of your face.  Some people prefer headbands to keep hair in place, and there are a fair amount of headbands on the market that are designed to cover your ears in colder weather.

Top Running Gear for Your Best Run Ever

  • Headphones–A good set of headphones is extremely helpful to keep motivational tunes, your favorite podcast or an audiobook in your ears and keep you moving when the miles get tough.  Bluetooth enabled headphones are well worth the extra money, as they will eliminate the annoyance of having wires swinging around while you run.  There are a number of different types from ear buds to full noise canceling over the ear headphones, and it really depends on personal preference.  Go with what is most comfortable for you, and don’t be afraid to spend some money.  With headphones you truly get what you pay for and it can be really frustrating to mess with bluetooth connections when you’re trying to run.

  • Sunglasses–When it’s a bright and sunny day with the sun beaming down at you or right in your eyes, sunglasses can help protect your peepers.  In this scenario, the cheaper the better.  Jenn recommends finding the cheap pair that was given in a goodie bag at a seminar or some from the Dollar Store.  The cheaper pairs are much more lightweight and you won’t be disappointed if you set them down, drop them or lose them on a run.

  • Running tops– In warmer running climates, lightweight slightly fitted tanks are best.  Wearing lighter, brighter colors is also beneficial for a few reasons-mainly to keep you visible to cars and to attract less heat.  In cold climates, a lightweight long sleeve dri-fit top can keep you warm and wick the sweat from your body once you’re a few miles in. Jenn also recommends a half zip top to further control body temperature-fully zipped at the beginning of your run, and you can unzip after warming up.  In extremely cold winter weather, a nice puffy vest can be worn over any top, keeping your core temperature warm and comfortable in wind, snow or rain.

Top Running Gear for Your Best Run Ever

  • Sports Bra–For women, a good quality sports bra is a must.  Keeping yourself supported and comfortable for the longer mile runs is extremely important.  Many brands offer great products, but checking with your favorite department store is a good place to start.  Some popular sports apparel brands like Lululemon, Nike, Adidas, and Fabletics all have an array of styles and support levels for any body type.

  • Deodorant– The main goal and purpose of deodorant is to help with body odor and underarm sweat, but it can also be a valuable tool for chafing.  Anytime you run extra miles, especially in the warmer summer months, you risk chafing in areas of the body that run together.  Simply rubbing deodorant over those spots can help reduce uncomfortable chafing.  Another option is a product called BodyGlide that produces a similar effect.  

Top Running Gear for Your Best Run Ever

  • Armband–An armband is a great place to store your phone, key, gym card or ID while you’re running.  There are many different options and sizes available depending on how many things you need to store while running.  Many running stores or larger box stores carry a variety of armbands.

  • Pants or Shorts–In warmer summer months you may find it more comfortable to wear shorts or crop leggings.  There are ranges of shorts from compression and form fitted to loosely fitted, and it depends on comfort level.  Some people prefer full compression while running and others are bothered by tightly fitted clothing.  Regardless, you should find a nice dri-fit fabric that wicks away sweat and water to keep you cool.  In colder, winter months a full length legging for men or women will help keep body heat warm when the outdoors is frigid, windy and rainy.  For women, finding a legging that has pockets can come in handy for extra storage.  For men, there are many styles of lightweight leggings that can be worn under running shorts to help keep the legs warm.

  • Socks–A lightweight, comfortable pair of socks is best.  Many athletic companies such as NIke, Puma and Adidas have great options designed to support the foot and stay in place during exercise.  If you struggle with foot pain during any of your workout or fitness programs, you’ll want to invest in compression socks to help support the foot when running.  

Top Running Gear for Your Best Run Ever

  • Shoes–A good pair of running shoes is extremely important in supporting your foot.  Jenn Ryan states, “It’s more expensive to pay for physical therapy for your injuries than to invest in a good pair of shoes”.  No name brand is the “best” brand for running, Jenn says.  The best recommendation she gives is to find a running store near you where you can try a few different pairs, test them and choose the best fit for your foot, gait and arch type.  If you can’t make it to a store, many stores have online tools to help you determine your best shoe type.  

Top Running Gear for Your Best Run Ever

  • Fitness Tracker–This is a must have! Fitness trackers are  not only helpful for running but for many aspects of your weight loss program.  Fitness trackers in smart watches have become incredibly popular and there are many brands on the market, including Apple, Garmin, or Fitbit.  They can also track steps, monitor heart rate and send you alerts and notifications should you choose-which are all helpful along your weight loss journey.  Some of these items also contain GPS for running, so definitely do some research to find the best fit for your needs. 

  • Other accessories–There are some accessories that you might find helpful through your running weight loss journey, especially if you tend to be a bit more injury-prone.  Calf sleeves or compression socks can help with a range of issues, such as ankle injuries, knee pain, shin splints or calf strain.  Another item that can be extremely versatile in helping with soreness or injury is kinesiology tape.  The tape can help anywhere and be used in a multitude of ways to help.  You can check out YouTube for tips on how to use the tape for your specific injury or need. 

These items and accessories are all great for running, but not ALL items are necessary for running and weight loss.  It may take some time of hitting the pavement to test things for yourself and find what works best for you.  No matter what you use, be proud of yourself and this weight loss journey.  You are amazing and can reach your goals!  Be sure to visit our website at regularly for more diet tips, workout plans and helpful resources.    

The Runners Guide to Running More Miles

Have you always wanted to run longer miles, but didn’t know where to start? Here is some simple, helpful advice to run farther, stronger and longer miles in no time.

Have you always wanted to run longer miles, but didn’t know where to start?  Here is some simple, helpful advice to run farther, stronger and longer miles in no time.

The Runner’s Ultimate Guide to Running More Miles

Running has long been a favorite sport around the world, as well as a great way to burn fat and get fit.  It is free, accessible to anyone and easy to do for anyone who doesn’t have pre-existing health conditions preventing them from high impact exercise.  But even if you don’t run or haven’t had much experience with adding miles, you can reach those goals with some simple tips.  SureFiz trainer and health coach Jenn Ryan has run over 40 races in her career, spanning from the 5k to the full marathon, and she offers some advice to any runner who wants to expand their mileage and get stronger at running long distances.  

Benefits of Running

Benefits of Running

Running offers many benefits to the body and your overall feelings of wellness.  Here are a few of the main benefits you can see as you begin to run and increase those miles:

  • Increase health-running can help boost your immune system and can help boost lung function, raises levels of good cholesterol and improve cell function
  • Strengthen your knees-Although many people believe running is bad for your knees, running has actually been shown to improve strength in the knees and the joints.  Along with a strong cross-training program, you can see great improvement in knee strength by adding some running.
  • Improves feelings of confidence-Running is a great way to boost your overall confidence. Especially if you train for a race.  The feelings of crossing that finish line are unmatched-you will feel like you can conquer the world!
  • Fight Depression-If you’ve ever heard the term “runner’s high”, this is where it comes from.  Running increases endorphins and can help fight feelings of sadness and depression.  It is felt more after the first few miles though, so make sure you get past the first mile or two where it feels challenging, and the reward will be very sweet.

How to Start Running

The Runner’s Ultimate Guide to Running More Miles

If you are a beginning runner, don’t be afraid to start.  It can be as simple as lacing up your shoes and getting out the door. Here are a few tips I have for anyone wanting to start running, no matter your current fitness level:

  • Make a playlist: Have some good music that pumps YOU up, no matter what it is.  I have clients who listen to a range of music from heavy metal to Disney soundtracks-no one else hears it but you, so find what you like and make a list!
  • Have good shoes: They might seem expensive but it’s much cheaper to invest in a pair of good running shoes than to pay for physical therapy when you have a running injury.  
  • Start small: Begin with a low mile run/walk.  Plan on jogging or running at a comfortable pace for you, and go for a minute.  Then walk for 30 seconds. Repeat for one to two miles.
  • Relax: Keep your shoulders pulled down and back, make sure you aren’t holding any tension in your neck, relax your body.  This will also help cut down on injury possibilities.  

How to Increase Mileage

The Runner’s Ultimate Guide to Running More Miles

If you are a seasoned runner but haven’t ever tried to push your distance, or a novice runner who wants to increase mileage, these tips are for you.  With a little planning and attention, anyone can run farther, stronger and without risking injury. 

  • Run at least 2-3 times per week-Practice makes perfect in anything, including running.  If you have a regular schedule you will get better and stronger.  
  • Vary the lengths of each run-you don’t need to run the same distance every day.  Varying the lengths of each run will help with speed and endurance. Choose one day a week for a longer run and use the others for shorter distances.
  • Increase by one mile for your long run-The best way to get more efficient at longer distances is to gradually add.  Each week, add one mile to your long run until you reach your distance goal.  If you are adding too quickly, you can add a half mile a week or one mile every two weeks. 
  • Cross Train-Cross training will keep you from overtraining and risking a running injury.  The best way to cross train is to incorporate full body strength/resistance training, and other forms of cardio such as biking, swimming, walking and HIIT interval training.
  • Speed train-To become faster and more efficient in your running, one of your shorter runs during the week should be focused on more speed work.  If you’re using a treadmill this is very easy to do, as you can adjust the speed easily.  If you are running outside, a fitness tracker or running app can help you know your speed so you can adjust it accordingly.  Try to aim for intervals of 30 seconds to a minute where you push your threshold and run faster, then slow down for a jog or walk and repeat.
  • Take time to stretch-Many runners and fitness enthusiasts fail to stretch enough or any at all.  Make sure you carve out 10-15 minutes after each run to stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, calves and hip flexors.  These muscle groups get a lot of work during your run.
  • Choose a rest day-Don’t forget to rest!  The body recovers and repairs on rest days, so allowing 1-2 days a week will ensure that your muscles can adequately heal before you hit the road again.  I usually recommend that runners take their rest day the day after a long run, as the longer miles will tire out your legs more than shorter runs.  

Running offers many benefits, physically and emotionally. Anyone who wants to run more can do so fairly easily. No matter who you are or how much you are running right now, adding mileage can be done safely and consistently if you follow these steps.  And remember to fuel properly, hydrate before and after, and always listen to your body.  If you are adding miles too quickly, you can risk overtraining and injury.  Take care of your body through the miles and you’ll reach your goal no matter what it is.  Happy running!

Benefits of CBD in a Weight Loss Program

What is CBD and can it be a helpful tool in a weight loss program? Here is a look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits in your diet plan.

What is CBD and can it be a helpful tool in a weight loss program? Here is a look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits in your diet plan. 

What is CBD and can it help aid in a weight loss program? A look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits.

CBD has become a popular supplement in recent years.  CBD is cannabidiol, and is one of many components of the cannabis plant.  Many people who use CBD tout a variety of positive benefits, but minimal studies have been done on humans to determine its effectiveness.  Medical News Today reports, “While research suggests that CBD may be a promising treatment for some health problems — including relieving chronic pain, improving sleep, and reducing inflammation — there is not enough evidence to prove that it is effective for any of these issues. Researchers are also looking at the possibility that CBD can help people lose weight and reduce their risk of issues associated with being overweight, such as diabetes and metabolic disorder”.   With more research on its benefits, we could see more evidence linking benefits to CBD use in regards to weight loss and other effects.  

What is CBD and can it help aid in a weight loss program? A look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits.


One common question many people ask is whether or not CBD is the same as marijuana.  CBD is one component of the cannabis plant, and THC (otherwise known as tetrahydrocannabinol) is another component.  THC is the component of cannabis that has psychoactive properties, which gives users the feeling of being “high”.  CBD does not have the same psychoactive effects, therefore using CBD offers similar benefits as THC without the effect of feeling “high” or altered.  CBD, if derived from hemp, is considered legal for use in all 50 states.  THC is not legal in all states for consumption, although some states have recently made it legal for medical and/or recreational use.  


CBD offers a range of potential health benefits, including: pain relief, reducing anxiety, helping with sleeplessness and improved brain and heart health.  Some preliminary results show it can help with weight loss, although further studies on humans are needed to determine effectiveness.  According to Healthline, “recent animal studies indicate that CBD affects weight by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors in lymphoid tissue and the brain. These receptors are thought to play important roles in metabolism and food intake.  In a two-week study, rats were injected with CBD daily at doses of 1.1 and 2.3 mg per pound of body weight (2.5 and 5 mg per kg). Both doses produced significant reductions in body weight, with the higher dose having the most pronounced effect. It’s important to note that CBD was injected, not given orally.  In another rat study, CBD led to a significant reduction in food intake compared to other cannabinoids, including cannabigerol and cannabinol”.  


Even though some studies showed that CBD was related to weight loss and reduced food intake with rats, some other studies showed that it could potentially lead to an increase in appetite, not a decrease.  “One 3-month study gave 23 children with Dravet syndrome — a type of epilepsy — up to 11.4 mg of CBD per pound of body weight (25 mg per kg). Some children experienced increases in appetite, but others experienced decreases. Additionally, a recent review in 2,409 people who use CBD found that 6.35% experienced increased hunger as a side effect” (Healthline).  With mixed results it can be hard to reach any conclusive evidence supporting either argument.  Further studies over longer periods of time will need to be conducted to reach some conclusions in support of whether CBD aids in weight loss or not.

What is CBD and can it help aid in a weight loss program? A look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits.

The Bottom Line 

Should you try CBD in your weight loss program?  With such mixed results and very little evidence pointing towards weight loss benefits, you are not likely to see measurable results.  However, you may find that there are a number of other benefits to trying CBD oil for pain, anxiety or sleeplessness.  When looking for success in your weight loss program, be sure to stick to methods that have been proven over time to offer real results-eating healthy, getting regular exercise and moving more in your daily life.  Be sure to weigh yourself regularly on your SureFiz smart scale to monitor your progress and see your results.  SureFiz is here for you on every step of your journey with the Secret Sauce to Weight Loss.

Personal Trainer Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

Curious about what to buy for the fitness enthusiast on your list this holiday season? Our SureFiz trainer shares her favorite gifts for 2020.

Curious about what to buy for the fitness enthusiast on your list this holiday season? Our SureFiz trainer shares her favorite gifts for 2020.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

Jenn Ryan, one of SureFiz’s trainers, shared with us her top picks for Holiday gift ideas.  There is sure to be something on this list that would be perfect for the fitness enthusiast on your list!  With a wide variety of price ranges, any budget level can find something that would work for a great price.

1.     Fabletics Oasis High Waisted Pocket Legging $54.95

Fabletics is Kate Hudson’s fitness inspired athletic apparel line and has been gaining a lot of momentum in the past few years. These leggings are by far the best leggings for running and activity.  The high waist will keep them in place for your entire workout, no matter how long.  The side pockets make it super convenient to keep your phone by your side and easily accessible.  With many options for style and color, the choices are endless-you could buy a few to mix and match outfits.  While you’re on the site, look around for some ideas for yourself-you can’t go wrong with anything at Fabletics!

2.     Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37 $120

The lightweight and breathable quality in these running shoes make them a perfect gift for any runner on your list.  Nike Air Zoom is a well rounded running shoe with react cushioning for the ultimate in running comfort. With adorable colors and attractive styling (my favorite is the champagne pink), even non-runners would love seeing these under the tree.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

3.     Lululemon Reversible 5mm Yoga Mat $78

If you have a yoga enthusiast on your list, the Lululemon yoga mat is a classic.  You can’t go wrong with the reversible mat and the array of options for style and color.   The natural rubber base gives cushioning and a textured grip, while the antimicrobial additive helps prevent mold and mildew on the mat.  These yoga mats are highly durable and will last a long time, while also being easy to clean and wipe down for a low maintenance yoga experience.

4.     Apple Watch series 6 $259

Every fitness enthusiast needs an Apple Watch.  Seriously.  The Apple watch is versatile in so many ways-tracking movement, workouts, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels.  With the added features of email, text messaging, phone capabilities and playlists for music, the watch is a crowd pleaser for sure.  As a trainer, even the simple ability to set a timer, check weather, and create reminders is worth the price.

5.     Lifeproof Lifeactiv Armband with quickmount $30.50

The Lifeproof brand is well known for its standard in phone cases-guaranteeing to protect the life of your phone no matter what happens.  The fitness armband is extremely durable, and its quick-mount feature is great for a runner or fitness enthusiast, allowing the phone to stay readily available and easy to reach when needed.  The mount works in both landscape and portrait positions and mounting is super simple-phone comes on or off with a simple twist.

6.     Powerbeats high performance wireless headphones $149.95

Beats headphones are unmatched all around, no matter which ones you choose.  If you’re looking for amazing sound quality, look no further.  These headphones are also sweat resistant and boast 15 hours of listening time, which the average fitness enthusiast will only need to charge them approximately every 2 weeks.

7.     Under Armour UA Sports Mask $30

This face mask is all an athlete could ask for.  High quality materials and strategic structure make this mask breathable and easy to wear for hours.  Bonus features include antimicrobial treatment on the inside to keep the mask fresh and a water-resistant outer shell for maximum comfort.  I would wear this all day if I had to.  And that says a lot for a mask!

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

8.     Tangram Smart Jump Rope $39.95 

Jumping rope is one of the simplest, easy to accomplish yet effective workouts that most anyone can do.  The coolest thing about this jump rope is its ability to connect to the smartrope mobile app via Bluetooth and track your workout data.  The app tracks jump count, calories burned, and time spent jumping.   Users can stay motivated by unlocking awards, doing interval training, and connecting with other smart rope users to challenge each other.

9. BeautyCounter Sheer Genius Conditioning Lipstick $32

Beautycounter is a revolutionary skincare company that is working to change the beauty market for good.  They only use clean, sustainable sources for their makeup and skincare, making it a great choice for skin of all ages and types.  The Sheer Genius is a lipstick that wears like a balm, which makes it the perfect gift for that runner who logs long miles in the cold and ends up with chapped lips.  With a lightly sweet natural vanilla scent, this lipstick will brighten any workout.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

10.     SureFiz scale $99.89

This is more than a smart scale.  SureFiz offers users a multi-faceted fully interactive experience driven with AI to track weight loss, body measurements and set goals.  With the SureFiz app, users have access to immediate feedback from trainers and health experts, a forum for quick answers to the biggest questions in health and fitness and accountability circles to connect with other users for greater chances of success.  This system is not just for those who need to lose weight, but is very effective for any fitness enthusiast who loves to track their fitness statistics. It’s also available on Amazon.

11. LARQ Self Cleaning Water bottle $95  

The LARQ water bottle is the first of its kind.  It is truly an all-in-one bottle, with self cleaning capabilities so that you don’t have to waste time trying to get your water bottle clean.  The bottle “uses patented UV-C technology to purify your water and bottle at the touch of a button.  The bottle intelligently turns on every two hours to purify both the water you put inside as well as the inside of the bottle.  The UV-C light eradicates biological contaminants by destroying their DNA”.

12. Living Proof Perfect Hair Day dry shampoo $25.00  

Every fitness enthusiast and avid gym goer knows that a dry shampoo is necessary in a gym bag.  Sometimes there just isn’t enough time after a workout for washing, drying and styling hair.  But not all shampoos are created equally.    The Perfect Hair Day dry shampoo by Living Proof is cruelty-free, paraben-free, silicone-free and safe for all chemically treated hair.  It truly absorbs the oil and sweat after a workout and hair will look amazing for days!  

13. All in Motion kettlebell, 15 lb $39.99   

The kettlebell is an incredibly versatile workout partner, and makes a great gift for the workout-at-home enthusiast.  This kettlebell is coated along the bottom with vinyl, which helps protect your floor and surfaces from scratches like a traditional steel framed kettlebell. The bright coloring makes for a cheery addition to a piece of workout equipment.   A 15 pound kettlebell is a great medium weight size, but Target also offers others if lighter or heavier is preferred.  

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

14. Ciele Athletics GoCap Century Running Hat $39.95

The Ciele Athletics running hat is super lightweight, comfortable and moisture wicking.  With a pliable brim and soft machine washable fabric, the hat can be easily stored and packed away.  My favorite feature is the reflective detailing on the front and back, which really helps for those early morning or late night runs in the winter.  

15. Trigger Point Grid Foam Roller $59.99

This Trigger Point foam roller is hands down the best foam roller!  It has a hard, hollow core then wrapped in foam for a sturdy yet comfortable roll.  With strategically placed grooves along the entire roller, you are sure to reach even the hardest to reach pressure points, making it seem closer to the feel of a massage.  One bonus: if you want to travel with a foam roller, this hollow core makes it great for storing clothes in so that you can maximize space efficiently!

Benefits of Working Out First Thing in the Morning

Any workout is better than no workout when it comes to weight loss success. However, there are some benefits to getting in your sweat sesh first thing.

Any workout is better than no workout when it comes to weight loss success.  However, there are some benefits to getting in your sweat sesh first thing.

Benefits of Working Out First Thing in the Morning

Working out is a vital part to success in any weight loss or weight management program.  In our current society, life is busy-job or school, family, kids, sports, church and hobbies can consume daily life and make it hard to fit in a workout session.  So whatever time of day it is, fitting in a workout is a good thing.  If you are trying to figure out the best time of day and have some flexibility, working out in the morning can offer some benefits. Here are a few reasons working out in the morning can benefit you:

Better mood

Benefits of Working Out First Thing in the Morning

Regular exercise has been shown to increase endorphins in the body.  Endorphins are otherwise known as “feel good” hormones.  By working out in the morning and releasing these endorphins first thing, you set the day off on the right track.  The feeling of accomplishing a great workout will carry you through the whole day. 

Less “life” distractions 

Benefits of Working Out First Thing in the Morning

As we mentioned before, life is busy.  Often, as the day progresses, so does our “to-do” list and sometimes even unexpected things arise causing a later workout to be tougher to fit in.  By working out first thing in the morning before the work emails or phone calls start flooding in, you will ensure that you can not only fit in a workout but that it will be an adequate length of time needed for your health and weight loss goals.

More energy through the day

Exercise is not only great for a calorie burn during your workout, but exercising at a high enough intensity during your morning workout creates a “post workout” elevation in heart rate and overall energy.  This can also lead to more daily activity, as increased energy and awareness will help you want to move more throughout your daily activities.

Better sleep

Benefits of Working Out First Thing in the Morning

Exercise at any time helps improve sleep quality, but those who exercise in the evenings risk the possibility of that increased energy we mentioned in #3 affecting their ability to fall asleep.  People who workout in the evenings report that they feel increased energy after their workouts and have a harder time falling asleep at an early enough hour. 

Better focus

Benefits of Working Out First Thing in the Morning

Exercise has been proven to improve mental focus and clarity-any time of the day you do it.  But by getting your sweat on early in the morning, you could help with some of that clarity throughout your work day.  If you find yourself having trouble with focus and concentrating, try an early morning workout to help boost your brain.  You might find that it’s just what you need for a mental start!

When considering early morning or first thing in the morning workouts, another thing to consider is whether or not to eat before your workout.  The topic of fasted cardio is one that is highly debated and experts have differing thoughts on the concept.  Our article Pros and Cons of Fasted Cardio in Weight Loss gives a look into more about what fasted cardio is and whether it will work for you.  

Even though getting any workout at all is better than no workout, there can definitely be some benefits to getting up before sunrise and starting your day off on the right foot.  If you’re finding it difficult to get up in the morning or you hit the snooze button too much, try and set your alarm for the same time each morning.  Consistency in your sleep patterns will make it much easier for you to get up for that workout.  And who couldn’t benefit from a little more time in the morning to get extra things accomplished on those non-workout days?  No matter when you choose to work out, be sure you are using your SureFiz scale and app to help you track your goals and stay on track with your weight loss program. 

The Importance of Warming Up and Stretching

Getting in a good workout is not the only important part of a fitness routine. Warming up and stretching are just as important as the workout itself.

Getting in a good workout is not the only important part of a fitness routine. Warming up and stretching are actually just as important as the main body of your workout, and are incredibly important in preparing your muscles for hard work as well as preventing injury.

Warming up and stretching are usually the forgotten part of a workout routine. Some people don’t do them because of lack of time or are just too lazy and don’t understand their overall importance. According to the Mayo Clinic, doing regular warming up and stretching before and after every workout is very important to keep your body functioning well. It’s associated with significant health benefits like the increase of flexibility and range of motion of your joints; which helps keep you mobile, improves circulation and posture, helps to relieve stress by relaxing tense muscles, and prevents injury-especially if your muscles or joints are tight.

The Importance of Warming Up and Stretching

Considering the benefits of it, you should try to fit a warm up and stretch into your workout routine. Even if you don’t workout regularly, it’s suggested that you should do stretching at least three times a week to maintain flexibility. If you have a problem area, such as tightness in the back of your leg, you may want to stretch once or twice every day. The easiest way to do regular stretching is before getting out of bed every morning. If you know some simple yoga poses, that would be preferable. But you can easily do a few gentle head-to-toe stretches by reaching your arms above your head and pointing your toes.

If you plan to include both warming up and stretching into your workout routine, keep these points in mind:

  • Dynamic movements for warm up are much better than static movements. The goal of a warmup is to increase your blood flow and heart rate, prepping your muscles and joints before the main workout. Start with slow and controlled movements to bring both the lower and upper body through a safe range of motion. After a handful of repetitions, move a little faster, and do more upbeat tempo movements like high knees, jumping jacks, or squat jumps. Studies show that doing dynamic movements for warm up can increase power, explosiveness and overall performance as opposed to static warm up movements.

  • When you are stretching after a workout, focus on major muscle groups and muscles and joints you routinely use such as thighs, hips, lower back, calves, neck and shoulders. Hold each stretch for around 30 seconds. You might feel tension while you’re stretching, but if you stretch to the point of pain, you’ve gone too far. Stop and back off to the point where you don’t feel any pain, then hold the stretch. Relax and breathe slowly. Try not to hold your breath while stretching and don’t bounce in and out of the stretches.

3 Recommended Free Youtube Workout Channels

Check out these 3 free Youtube workout channels! You will definitely enjoy the benefits of these channels to your weight loss and fitness journey.

Check out these 3 free Youtube workout channels! You will definitely enjoy the benefits of these channels to your weight loss and fitness journey.

If you are really determined, losing weight and maintaining your fitness is not that difficult or expensive. There are tons of free workout videos on Youtube. You can pick from so many different styles and instructors-all free of cost!  But with all that is online these days, it can also be overwhelming. How would you select one out of so many? You might select one based on the number of views, the number of likes, etc or you might try to see if the video provides a workout list.  Maybe you even take a sneak peek at the content of the video to see if the workouts are doable, fun, or matching your current mood. You might read through the comments first to check out the reviews. But how do you really know what is a good option with so much to choose from?

To help you narrow it down, we found 3 recommended free workout channels on Youtube for you. You can follow their workouts with little to no equipment at all. Check them out!

Fitness Blender

3 Recommended Free Youtube Workout Channels
Image source: Fitness Blender

Fitness Blender has more than 600 free workout videos on Youtube! You can find bodyweight HIIT cardio workouts, kickboxing cardio, strength training workouts, yoga and pilates workouts, lower body focus or upper body focus, low impact or high impact, and many more. One added benefit-they post the average calories being burned per workout video. All of the instructions and easier workout modifications are discussed very clearly and are easy to follow. They do not use any music in their videos so you can listen to your favorite playlist while doing their workouts. If you are looking for an added challenge, try their 1000 calories workout. It’s insanity!


3 Recommended Free Youtube Workout Channels
Image source: Coda

Blogilates has great bodyweight pilates-like workouts that are really easy to follow, but beware-they burn so badly! Casey Ho, the instructor, will chat with you throughout the workout. She talks about the moves, about her day, about you, about anything, and it feels like you are working out with a friend. Sometimes she adds dance cardio which adds some fun if you are into dancing. If you visit her website, every month she posts a new workout calendar to follow by just using the free workout videos and challenges found on her channel.

POPsugar Fitness

3 Recommended Free Youtube Workout Channels
Image source: POPsugar

POPsugar Fitness is exactly like workouts you can find on TV. It’s designed as a group exercise with the instructor in the front chatting and giving instructions. The people behind him/her follow all the movements, sometimes showing the easier variation of the movement for a lower impact option. They also have variations of workouts for different levels, including pregnancy workouts. Our recommended favorite workouts are kickboxing cardio and dance workouts. They are really fun to do!

Give them a try and let us know what you think of them.

After doing these workouts consistently for a week, don’t forget to check your progress with your SureFiz smart scale and see where you are. It will help you plan the next week’s workout schedule as well as your intensity and your diet. Chat with our dietitians, nutritionists, or fitness experts in the forum if you need any extra guidance. Make your weight loss journey enjoyable and fun every step of the way!

4 Workout Moves You Can Do Using Stairs

There’s no excuse for not moving! Keep your weight loss and fitness going by using only stairs

There’s no excuse for not moving! Keep your weight loss and fitness going by using only stairs

The holiday season is coming, you might be planning to go back home to see your parents. Or maybe you are already stuck at home with family because of lockdown. During these times, trying to lose weight and maintain your fitness is not an easy job. Especially when there’s no access to a gym or workout center. But it’s not the end game-don’t give up! It doesn’t mean you can’t do anything at all. Something as simple as a set of stairs can give you a good workout. We put together the following 4 great workout moves you can do simply by using stairs.

Squat-To-Stair Jumps

Stand on the floor and jump to the first step on the stairs and make sure you land in a squat position. To help you get the idea, here is an illustration by Women’sHealthMag:

4 Workout Moves You Can Do Using Stairs

Make sure you do this for 2 minutes per set and then repeat 4x.

Step Up Runs

Start with the toe of one of your feet (say left foot) on the first step of the stairs and the right foot on the floor. Then, you jump while switching the foot (like running), so the left foot is back on the floor while the right foot is on the first step, and so on. Remember you just tap the toe of your foot on the step and switch it as fast as possible. To help you get the idea, follow this video by Joanna Soh:

4 Workout Moves You Can Do Using Stairs

Make sure you do these as fast as possible for 2 minutes per set, and then repeat 4x.

Elevated Push Ups

Elevated push-ups are a great way to modify a traditional push-up.  For beginners, place both of your hands on the first steps of the stairs. For the difficult version, do pushups with both of your feet on the first or second steps of the stairs. In both versions, make sure your hands are at chest height and slightly wider than your shoulders. See below for the easy version:

4 Workout Moves You Can Do Using Stairs

And below for the harder version:

4 Workout Moves You Can Do Using Stairs

Here’s an advanced option if you really want to challenge those arms!

4 Workout Moves You Can Do Using Stairs

Make sure you do 20 repetitions per set, then repeat 4x.

Bulgarian Split Squats

Start this exercise at the bottom of your stairs.  Facing away, place one leg back, resting your foot on the second or third stair. Then squat down, only using your front leg. Make sure you press your weight down into the heel of your front foot (not the toes), to help protect your knees.  Do 20 repetitions on each leg, then repeat 4x. Check out the below illustration to help you get the idea:

4 Workout Moves You Can Do Using Stairs

Add some weights if you want to add challenge.  If you don’t have any weights, grab a couple water bottles, fill them with water, dirt or sand for a simple DIY set of weights!

Tricep Dips

Sitting facing away from the stairs, place your hands at your sides, with palms on the stair to support your body. Then lift your body, keeping your back straight, trying to dip as low as possible then lift your body up again. That is 1 repetition. Try to do it for 20 repetition per set, and repeat 4x. You can also do this workout with a chair. Check out the below illustration to help you get the idea:

4 Workout Moves You Can Do Using Stairs

There you have it-a stair workout for you to complete at home!  This whole workout routine will take only around 30 to 45 minutes to finish, depending on your rest time between sets. You can do it in your pajamas, without any shoes, while watching a movie or having a chat with a family member. Very simple and easy-give it a try today!

5 Easy Tips to Stay Active During Lockdown

Staying active during lockdown is not as hard as it sounds. You just need a little creativity and compromise.

Staying active during lockdown is not as hard as it sounds. You just need a little creativity and compromise.

Starting and maintaining a weight loss journey during a pandemic is not easy, especially when your favorite gym is closed because of lockdown regulations. Some people are fortunate enough to get weight sets or workout machines and make a home gym. But if you don’t have the resources or availability to purchase weights, don’t worry! We have put together some simple activities you can still do to keep yourself moving and active. Trust us, you will certainly make progress in your weight loss and fitness journey just by doing these easy activities. But always remember, the key is consistency!

1.) Walking

weight loss exercise - walking

Nothing is easier than this. So simple, yet so beneficial and good for your body. If you are just starting your weight loss and fitness journey, ease yourself in by taking a short 30 minute walk at first. Make it fun by bringing your dog with you, or listen to your favorite playlist or audiobook. You will not even realize how fast 30 minutes goes by! Try to walk everyday and increase it slowly to 45 minutes, then 60 minutes, and so on. If it becomes boring, try a different route or increase the intensity by hiking to a nearby hill or mountain.

2.) Running

weight loss exercise - running

When you find walking and hiking too easy and want to challenge your cardio fitness, go running. Don’t think too much-just get out of the house and run for 30 minutes. It’s ok if you struggle to maintain a run pace for the full 30 minutes. Run as far as you can, then walk. Think of it as a challenge. Next time you run, try to shorten the walking or resting time and try to continue running for the full 30 minutes. When you find running fun and you want to keep doing it, you can keep it interesting by challenging your pace or your distance. You can try beating your time by running faster, or run for more distance, or a mix of both! Using a running app can help you keep track of your progress and routes. Set up running goals, and reward yourself with better quality running gear after you achieve certain goals.

3.) Cycling

weight loss exercise - cycling

Cycling can be a great option if you like to move faster with less pressure on your joints. Although cycling requires an initial investment of a bike and equipment, it is a worthy investment for your weight loss and fitness journey! Before you go out for your first ride, research some local routes with great scenery and try them first. Take a short 5 minute rest after you arrive, enjoy the scenery with a little snack before cycling back. It is such a great activity in the summer and beginning of autumn! It feels so nice to feel the sun and wind on your skin when you’re cycling. You won’t even feel like you are working out. Try to keep track of your cycling routes and progress by using an app. It’s always rewarding when you look back and see how far you’ve cycled.

4.) Youtube Workout

weight loss exercise - youtube workout

When it’s rainy and cold outside and you don’t feel like going outside, you still can have a great workout from home. It can be as simple as going to Youtube and browsing! Look for any 30/45/60 minute workout you feel like doing. On Youtube, you can find variations of HIIT cardio workouts, kickboxing, yoga, pilates, dance cardio, and many other kinds of workouts. Most of these free workouts can be done without any equipment, so anybody can do it. Play the video along with your favorite music playlist to help with the mood. Then just start moving and enjoy it-you will feel a great sense of accomplishment when you’re done!

5.) Running Up and Down the Stairs

5 Tips to Stay Active During Lockdown Without Spending Money

This might be the simplest workout you can do at home. Doubt it? Go running up and down the stairs for 20 minutes without stopping. We guarantee you will be out of breath and sweating! It is a great cardio option, but one downside is that it can get boring very quickly. There are other cardio variations you can do only with stairs that we will share in the next blog article.

There you have it-very simple yet effective workout activities to help you stay active during lockdown! The weight loss journey is never easy and everybody experiences different challenges and obstacles. No matter what you’re facing in these unprecedented times, you can always find a way to keep on going when you have the commitment.