Uncovering the Best Diets For Lasting Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, not all diets are created equal. Here are some of the pros and cons of the most common diet trends to help you decide if one is right for you.

Uncovering the Best Diets For Lasting Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, not all diets are created equal.  Here are some of the pros and cons of the most common diet trends to help you decide if one is right for you.

If you have ever looked at all the diet trends and been confused, you aren’t alone.  There are many different types of diets on the market and they all advertise maximum weight loss and health benefits.  But with so many options how does someone know which ones truly work at minimizing fat and helping drop the pounds for lasting weight loss?  Our SureFiz trainer and health coach helps to give a brief analysis of the pros and cons for some of the most popular diets currently trending to help you decide if any of them are a good fit for your weight loss goals. 

The Keto Diet

Uncovering the Best Diets For Lasting Weight Loss

The ketogenic diet (or keto diet) has been trending for the past few years as a diet to promote weight loss.  But it has been traced back to as early as 1921, and was used to treat epilepsy.  The main concept behind the diet is to eat a daily diet consisting of mostly fats and very low carbs, which puts the body in a state of ketosis, where it burns fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates.  Because almost all of the carbohydrates are removed from the daily diet, there are no longer any reserves available, which leads to burning more body fat for fuel.  Some types of plans have users eating 70% or more of daily fats, with carbs as low as 5%.  Most keto diet followers also maintain a low to moderate protein intake.  

While the keto diet is not necessarily restrictive in food groups (for instance, dairy or meats or gluten), it can be a lot harder to follow than it seems.  In order to stay in ketosis, the low carb balance must be maintained at all times, which doesn’t allow for any breaks, days off or cheat days to balance out a diet.  Over time, the diet becomes extremely hard to maintain and many people cannot stay on it for extended periods of time.  Some doctors also have concerns about long term effects of eating such large amounts of fats on other systems in the body, such as the heart, liver, pancreas, etc.  For a more in depth look at the keto diet, click here.  

Paleo Diet 

Uncovering the Best Diets For Lasting Weight Loss

The Paleo diet is another recent trending diet for weight loss, although it also didn’t originate as a weight loss diet alone.  The purpose behind the Paleo diet is that current farming and manufacturing trends have created more processed foods than our bodies can handle and that by eating like our ancestors with whole foods and foods from the earth, we can greatly lower our disease risk and our bodies will be overall healthier.  For most people who follow the Paleo diet, weight loss is a side effect of eating less sugar, less processed foods and focusing on more nutrient dense food groups to supply daily fuel for the body.  

The Paleo diet can be restrictive, as it doesn’t allow many grains/gluten, no dairy and no added sugars (some natural options like dates can be an exception).  The overall focus of the diet is a healthy one, with many people benefitting from eliminating fast food, processed junk food and sugars from their daily diet.  This diet can become challenging over time as well, with major food groups being eliminated.  The sustainability long term is questionable.  If you need to go on vacation or out to dinner, your choices are slim as many restaurants use ingredients that are not considered ok by the Paleo diet standards.  For a more in depth look at the Paleo diet, click here.

Whole 30 Diet

Uncovering the Best Diets For Lasting Weight Loss

The Whole 30 diet is extremely similar in concept to the Paleo diet, with a few more restrictions.  Like the other diets mentioned above, the Whole 30 diet was not originally intended as a weight loss diet but was created by Nutritionists Dallas and Melissa Hartwig as an elimination diet to help pinpoint food allergies or food intolerances.  The Whole 30 eliminates many high allergen food groups, such as gluten, grains, dairy, beans and legumes, sugar and any processed foods.  The main staple of the diet is Meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables, and users are intended to stay on the diet for 30 days, then slowly integrate food groups back in to see if there is a negative response in the body.  

The Whole 30 is considered in some ways to be a more extreme version of the Paleo diet, as the Paleo diet will allow some sugars and more grains than the Whole 30.  But the Whole 30 concept is also not intended to be utilized for more than 30 days, making it a bit more achievable as a short term weight loss diet plan.  For maximum weight loss success on the Whole 30 diet, it is recommended that people transition from the Whole 30 to another healthy eating plan to reduce the chances of gaining all their weight back if they return to how they ate before they began the Whole 30 program.  

Intermittent Fasting 

Uncovering the Best Diets For Lasting Weight Loss

There are many different ways to follow an intermittent fasting diet approach, but the basic concept focuses on eating within a certain window of time and “fasting” from food during the other hours of the day.  One of the most popular ways to follow intermittent fasting is the 16:8 plan, where users will only eat in an 8-hour window of time, allowing the body to fast for 16 hours of the day.  During the fasting hours you can drink water, coffee and tea but no caloric drinks or food.  The benefits to intermittent fasting go beyond simple weight loss. According to Healthline, “All sorts of processes in the body change when we don’t eat for a while, in order to allow our bodies to thrive during a period of famine. It has to do with hormones, genes and important cellular repair processes.  When fasted, we get significant reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as a drastic increase in human growth hormone.  Many people do intermittent fasting in order to lose weight, as it is a very simple and effective way to restrict calories and burn fat. Others do it for the metabolic health benefits, as it can improve various different risk factors and health markers”.  

Intermittent fasting does not necessarily restrict any food groups, but simply requires eating within a window of time and abstaining from foods in another window.  Some users combine intermittent fasting with the keto diet to increase fat loss in an accelerated time.  For more information on intermittent fasting and whether it will work for you, click here

Intuitive Eating 

Uncovering the Best Diets For Lasting Weight Loss

The approach to Intuitive Eating is a blend of healthy eating concepts and psychology.  It was created with an intention of teaching people to listen more to their bodies and to break the good/bad or on/off pattern that extreme diets can create in people’s mindsets.  If followed correctly and intentionally, users can create healthy patterns that will allow long-term success without guilt and shame.  The diet does not restrict any food group or promote calorie counting; rather it allows any food as long as you can create awareness in how it makes you feel and to eat only when truly hungry.   The basic principles of intuitive eating are: reject the diet mentality, honor your hunger, make peace with food, challenge the food police (in your mind), respect your fullness, discover the satisfaction factor, honor your feelings without using food, respect your body, exercise to move your body and honor your health with gentle nutrition (Health Magazine).  

Intuitive eating can help with those overcoming eating disorders or similar challenges with food and weight struggles.  As a weight loss plan it may or may not work, depending on individual users and how much they follow the concept of eating for health and eating to make the body feel good.  It can be easy for someone to take it too far and eat sweets every day, claiming it “feels good” to eat them.  Those who want to use the intuitive eating approach to lose weight may want to combine it with either another eating plan geared towards weight loss or work to educate themselves on healthy eating plans for weight loss to ensure they aren’t continually eating foods that keep the weight on or put them over a caloric level. 

Mediterranean Diet

Uncovering the Best Diets For Lasting Weight Loss

According to U.S. News and World Report Health, the Mediterranean Diet has been named the top overall diet in 2021 for it’s well rounded health benefits.  The basic concept behind this eating plan came from the population groups who lived surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and their health statistics.  It is not so much a structured diet or restrictive eating plan, rather a guideline to base your general diet around.  Many people who follow the Mediterranean diet plan do end up losing weight because the basic premise is around healthy foods for the whole body and all it’s systems.  It does not track macros, eliminate entire food groups or require eating in a window of time during the day.  The idea is an emphasis on the following foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, olive oil, flavorful herbs and spices, fish/seafood a couple times a week and poultry, eggs, cheese and yogurt are eaten in moderation.  The diet is low in red meats, although it does not eliminate them as an option for special occasions.  Red wine is also ok to drink in moderation, as it offers heart benefits. 

Overall the Mediterranean Diet can be considered a healthy diet to follow, even for the long-term, as it does not have too many strict rules or eliminations.  This diet may not lead to the fastest weight loss, but may help users keep the weight off the longest and live in maintenance with a lot of flexibility.  With a large focus on fish and seafood, it does require that those who follow the way of eating do enjoy seafood and/or don’t have an allergy.  Otherwise it can be a safe, healthy diet concept to look into for sustainable weight loss and overall health.

The Bottom Line

While there are many diets on the market today, all of them come with a set of pros and cons.  There is no “one size fits all approach” when it comes to dieting—many people could find weight loss success on any of these diet plans.  The biggest component to weight loss has to do with creating a caloric deficit on most days: fewer calories ingested than calories burned.  If you follow this basic approach, you will lose weight.  We recommend that you do your research before starting any kind of diet plan, and make sure that the pros outweigh the cons.  Always ask your doctor or nutritionist before starting a restrictive diet to make sure you don’t have any underlying conditions that would create a health problem.  No matter which diet you choose, we recommend tracking your calories and weighing yourself on your SureFiz smart scale daily so that you can observe your progress and make sure it is truly working for you.  Continue to follow our blogs and social media accounts for more advice, diet tips, recipes and workout ideas to help you find the best success in your weight loss journey.  

Are Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

As you work through your New Year’s Resolutions and weight loss goals, you might be looking for an extra boost in supplements. But will they really help?

As you work through your New Year’s Resolutions and weight loss goals, you might be looking for an extra boost in supplements.  But will they really help?

Are Pre Workout Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

Pre-Workout Supplementation

If you’ve been anywhere near a gym lately or searched fitness topics on instagram, you have likely heard of or seen promotions for pre or post workout supplements to boost your workout and weight loss results.  Many of these supplements claim to help you lose more weight, burn more fat or grow more muscle as a result of taking them.  You can pretty much find a different type of supplement for any goal you may have-”slim down”, “bulk up”, “run faster”, “lose weight”, “burn fat” and others are claims on supplement labels.  Personal trainers and health coaches are often asked by their clients, “are supplements necessary?” or “Will they help?”  We are going to dive into some basic information about supplements to help you break down whether they are a good option or could even help you with your workout and weight loss performance.  

What are Pre-Workout Supplements?

In general, pre-workout (or any workout type) supplements can be defined as any supplement that boosts workout performance.  They can be taken in the form of a powder, pill or liquid form and most companies claim that they will help enhance your workout performance in the gym.  There is a huge variance in ingredients based on company and from supplement to supplement, making it confusing for consumers who are trying to find a supplement to fit their personal workout or weight loss goals. 

Common Ingredients in Pre-Workout Supplements

Are Pre Workout Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

While the list of ingredients is too exhaustive to cover here, we can give you some of the main pre-workout ingredients used in common pre-workout supplements.  The goal is generally to boost energy, focus, muscle gain, or even burn more calories to help you reach a weight loss goal sooner.  Here are some of the main ingredients you might find in a pre-workout supplement:

  1. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant and often included in that morning cup of coffee. But some studies have shown that caffeine use can boost performance in the gym as well.  In a 2012 study done by the Journal of Strength Conditioning and Resistance, men who took a caffeine drink containing 179 mg of caffeine as a pre-workout supplement 60 minutes before exercise could lift more weights at a higher resistance than those who took a placebo.  However, according to Live Science, “too much caffeine can pose a health risk, and supplements can contain much more than is found in food or drinks. A person could guzzle gallons of coffee and not suffer from a true caffeine overdose. But even at much lower levels, caffeine can worsen underlying conditions such as a heart arrhythmia, leading to cardiac arrest”.  In fact, some studies have shown that supplements containing caffeine sometimes contained more than 4 times the amount of caffeine contained in a normal cup of coffee. 

  1. Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Monohydrate (also known as just creatine) is a common pre-workout supplement used to increase muscle performance and energy production.  It has been a supplement that shows some positive reviews based on limited studies.  According to Live Science, some studies have shown that college football players taking creatine had fewer injuries and reported less cramping, achieved peak power performance and even increased some of their body mass.  But they also report that creatine needs to be taken regularly to build up in a person’s system and actually be effective.  It also only works well when someone REALLY pushes themselves in the gym and many people generally don’t push themselves to the peak level of performance for the creatine benefits to truly be seen.  And since some side effects of creatine involve the “bulking up”, most people who are trying to accomplish weight loss and slimming their bodies down will not want the building or bulking effects of the creatine supplement.  Healthline reports that weight gain, bloating, water retention and digestive issues can all be side effects of creatine supplementation, which definitely poses a challenge to those who have weight loss as their primary goal in working out. 

  1. Guarana

Guarana is a plant from the Amazon that has been harvested by Brazilians for decades, but has also entered the American market and is generally used as an energy booster.  According to Very Well Health, guarana is used to “fight fatigue, boost mental alertness, and promote weight loss.  The fruit contains caffeine-rich seeds that have up to three times the amount of caffeine as coffee beans. The seeds are also rich in tannins and the stimulants theophylline and theobromine”.  Since guarana contains caffeine, it is important to check any pre-workout supplement labels for the amounts of each ingredient included to make sure that the overall amount of caffeine you consume is not over the recommended usage.  Some side effects noted from guarana usage can be agitation, stomach upset, headaches and other miscellaneous effects.  

  1. BCAAs

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) consist of three different molecules-leucine, isoleucine and valine.  These amino acids are also contained in many foods, mostly protein rich animal products.  BCAAs are known for their aid in the muscle building process and many bodybuilding supplement programs include them as a component.  However, they are more well absorbed when eaten in their whole food form.  According to Healthline, use of BCAAs is generally safe, especially considering they are naturally occurring in many foods we already eat.  But the benefit of supplementing them is currently mixed, it may be better to eat them in their natural form than buy an additional supplement to add to your weight loss routine.  

  1. Other Ingredients

Many supplement companies list a “proprietary blend” in part of their ingredient lists, which can be hard to understand.  According to Self Magazine, “It’s important to realize that virtually every supplement and exercise nutrition brand out there has its own pre-workout formula, meaning that no two tubs contain the same—or even similar—ingredients. In fact, according to a 2019 study of the top 100 commercially available pre-workout supplements, nearly half of all ingredients were part of a ‘proprietary blend,’ meaning the amounts of each ingredient were not disclosed”.  Each company can put together blends of their choosing without necessarily disclosing to consumers what those blends contain. 

Are Pre-Workout Supplements Regulated and Safe for Use?

Are Pre Workout Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Federal law does not require dietary supplements to be proven safe to FDA’s satisfaction before they are marketed.  For most claims made in the labeling of dietary supplements, the law does not require the manufacturer or seller to prove to FDA’s satisfaction that the claim is accurate or truthful before it appears on the product”.  The FDA does require companies to report any side effects or results after market of their supplements as reported by consumers or in a lab.  If enough reports or claims are made then a supplement can be taken off the market.  But without clear guidelines or a ton of requirements placed on companies who make supplements regarding specific ingredients, it is definitely the job of the consumer to do the research and decide if the ingredients will be safe and beneficial for use in a diet or weight loss program.  Although many times historically ingredients used in a product are generally safe for use, they may not be able to provide the results someone is looking for in a weight loss program.  

Are Pre Workout Supplements Necessary in a Weight Loss Program?

You can find many other supplements used in pre- and post-workout supplement formulas, and we recommend doing your research before choosing to purchase them for your weight loss and training routine.  Some can be beneficial for promoting energy and focus which can help you push through a hard workout.  But a good old cup of coffee and a piece of fruit can also supply the energy and fuel to get you through, for a lot less money each month.  Many times you will find the best weight loss results from sticking to the tried and true methods of eating a well balanced, healthy diet composed of many whole foods–lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy whole grains and fiber rich foods.  When incorporating these foods into your diet and weight loss regimen, you will start to see the results you want and your pocketbook will be thicker with all the money you saved from not purchasing every supplement advertised on your Instagram feed.  

If you do find the desire or need to try supplementation, we recommend doing your research from third parties before buying and making sure that you follow dosage instructions and always take them safely under the company’s guidelines.  Check us out on our website, or any of our social media pages for more advice on nutrition, weight loss, diet plans and healthy recipes.  

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

Does it seem like you’re doing everything right in your weight loss plan but you can’t lose weight? Here are some possible reasons the scale isn’t moving

Does it seem like you’re doing everything right in your weight loss plan but you can’t lose weight? Here are some possible reasons the scale isn’t moving

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

Weight loss is not always easy and sometimes it can feel like you’re doing everything right but the scale still won’t budge.  This can be very frustrating and often leads people to just give up and quit their weight loss plan altogether.  But sometimes there can be underlying causes to why you aren’t losing weight and they aren’t always as clear as you might think.  The list below is only some possibilities in a vast list of underlying causes.  If you still aren’t sure why your body is holding onto excess weight, we recommend seeking the help of a dietitian or nutritionist who can help you pinpoint exactly what is happening and offer a concise plan.  

1.     You Aren’t Tracking Your Foods

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

Food journaling is a majorly important component to a successful diet plan.  Many people forget what they eat and the quantity, making it easy to overeat even the healthiest of foods.  By adding all your foods to a food journal, you have the awareness of your nutrients as well as what the overall calorie count is.  SureFiz trainers also recommend entering the calories before eating them so that you can make any necessary changes before the foods enter your mouth.  Over time, this process gets easier and quicker as you learn more about common foods eaten in your daily diet.  

2.     You Aren’t Eating Enough Protein

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

It may be surprising, but most people don’t get enough protein in their daily diet and over time this can affect your weight loss goals.  Protein is a vital macronutrient in your diet and weight loss program and helps to build strong bones, muscles and joints.  It also helps with satiation, making you feel fuller for longer than carbohydrates.  Daily recommendations for protein can vary, but in general a range of 25-25% of daily calories is a healthy recommended range. Click here to check out our blog on healthy protein sources if you need some more ideas on increasing protein in your daily diet. 

3.     You Need to Drink More Water

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

Water is an important component of a healthy weight loss plan, and vital to daily survival.  But still many people don’t drink enough daily water.  According to Healthline, “In one 12 week study, people who drank half a liter of water 30 minutes before meals lost 44% more weight than those who did not.  Drinking water has also been shown to boost the number of calories burned by 24-30% over a period of 1.5 hours”.  It is also important to note that feelings of hunger and thirst can be confused.  You may feel hungry when you are in fact dehydrated.  If you find yourself feeling hungry during the day, but not sure if you should eat or drink, first try a glass of water and wait 20 minutes to see if your cravings are curbed.  If you are truly hungry then you can have a small, healthy snack.  

4.     You’re Eating Too Fast

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

It takes time for the brain to realize that the stomach is full.  A study by webmd revealed that it can take up to 12 minutes for the satiety signals to travel from the stomach to the brain, and potentially up to 20 minutes in an obese individual.  If this is the case, when you eat too fast you can potentially ingest too many calories in one sitting before your brain realizes that you are actually full, and by that time it may be too late.  With the fast-paced, on-the-go culture in our current world, sitting down to a slow relaxed meal can be a challenge.  Setting aside the time to complete a meal can be one key to increasing success in your weight loss program, and it can also be helpful for your mindfulness in eating.  Focusing on our meals instead of mindless eating can prevent overeating and making the wrong choices with our foods.  Click here to learn more about overeating and how it may be affecting your weight loss success. 

5.     You’re Drinking Your Calories

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

It is easy to focus on the food you eat, but many people get a blind spot when it comes to drinks.  Sugary coffee drinks, sodas, juices and alcoholic drinks can add the calories quickly.  For instance, an average mocha coffee drink can pack up to 360 calories, and a margarita up to 500!!  Drinking your calories almost always leads to eating more daily calories, as the drinks are often empty calories, which will not lead to adequate satiation.  It doesn’t mean you need to completely give up your favorite drink, but in a weight loss program you need to view them more as occasional treats, not as daily staples.  And make sure you log every drink in your food journal so you are aware of how it contributes to your overall daily intake.

6.     You’re in a Plateau

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

This may come as a surprise, but weight loss is not linear.  Many people expect that once they are in a weight loss plan, they will lose the average 1-2 pounds per week and it will not vary.  In reality, your body will undergo many changes as you progress on your weight loss journey and not all will be the same.  Many people lose weight more quickly at first and the weight loss slows over time.  This can be due to many factors including water weight loss, initial fat loss, etc.  It is important to keep these things in mind and continue to use your SureFiz scale daily, as it will help you to track your overall progress and see the results over the long-term instead of only seeing what is happening in the current day or week.  Discouragement often leads to giving up so you want to stay positive and know that even though it might not be a big weight loss week, you will see results if you stick with your diet plan.  

7.     You Have Underlying Health Conditions

Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Not be Losing Weight

There are many underlying factors and causes that can contribute to a lack of weight loss.  If you find that you have been working hard, tracking calories, staying true to your workout program and you are not losing weight for a long period of time, you may have hormonal imbalances or some other health conditions that are playing a part.  If you suspect you are experiencing some underlying health conditions that are contributing to your struggle to lose weight, you may find it helpful to make an appointment with your doctor, a dietitian, or even hormone specialist to help identify the potential underlying causes.  There are many specialists who can guide you on your weight loss journey and with the proper diagnosis you can be back on track quickly to lose the weight for good and gain optimal health. 

No matter what stage of your health and weight loss journey, you can expect some obstacles.  It is not always easy and not always perfect, but it is truly rewarding once you reach that weight loss or fitness goal.  Stay on course, continue to work hard and you will see results.  Remember to check out surefiz.com and our social media accounts regularly for more diet and weight loss tips, recipes and workout plans.  We are here with you for every step of your journey and we celebrate with you as you reach your weight loss goals!

A Breakdown of the Body Positive Movement

A look into to Body Positive Movement and why it’s become so popular, and how it fits into your weight loss program.

A look into the Body Positive Movement, why it’s become so popular, and how it fits into your weight loss program

A Breakdown of the Body Positive Movement

Body Positive Movement is a trend that’s gained a lot of momentum lately, but where did it come from? Is it a new concept?  According to Wikipedia, “Body positivity is a social movement initially created to empower and shed light on plus size women and men, while challenging the ways in which society presents and views the physical body. The movement advocates the acceptance of all bodies regardless of physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance”(Wikipedia.com).  The concept of body acceptance isn’t brand new, it has roots as far back as the 1850s-1890s in the Victorian Dress Reform Movement.  The concept behind that movement was attempting to put an end to women having to modify their waistlines through corsets.  In more recent history, the Fat Acceptance Movement began gaining momentum in the 1960s, and The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance was first established in 1969 and continues to work to change how people talk about weight.  This movement is designed to put an end to the idea of “fat-shaming” and making overweight or obese people feel guilty for their weight.  

Currently, Body Positive is a term used all over social media, in ad campaigns such as Dove, Aerie and Victoria’s Secret, and even in the featuring of more overweight models in magazines.  The popularity of the movement has led many clothing companies such as Lululemon and Fabletics to use a variety of sizes in the models wearing their clothing.  But there is some controversy involving the movement.  Some health experts, trainers and others in the health and fitness industry claim that this encourages people to continue living an unhealthy life with long term consequences.  Some fear that those who are overweight or obese could use it as an “excuse” to not attempt a weight loss program or try to get healthy.  Although the main concept behind Body Positivity is an affirming message of acceptance, self love and respecting others no matter how they look, like most things it can be taken too far.

So what does that mean to you and me? According to Jenn Ryan, SureFiz Trainer and Health Coach, you should take the positives out of the movement but not take it too far.  “The Body Positive movement has so many good qualities.  The message of self-care, self-acceptance and respect for others at all sizes should be universally practiced in our culture.  But if someone is going to use it as an excuse to stay sedentary, eat whatever unhealthy foods they want and generally ignore diet advice, then I would say they are taking it too far”.   Many people already struggle with adhering to a diet and exercise plan for weight loss, so adding in a movement encouraging people to stay unhealthy could be taking away from people reaching their health goals.  

In general, she suggests that to maintain a healthy lifestyle and reach your fitness goals, you should set a goal for yourself, work at eating healthy, whole foods with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.  Cutting back on processed foods, sugars, tobacco, alcohol and soda will not only lend itself to a healthy weight but will also help other functions of the body-heart health, lung health and overall longevity of life.   At SureFiz, we offer a comprehensive program that will not only track your weight, body fat, muscle progress and more, but also give you the tips and help you need to reach your goals and live a complete, healthy life at any size that is healthy for you!