How A Smart Scale Can Help You Lose More Weight

Have you ever wondered how a smart scale can help you lose more weight or reach your fitness goals? There are many more interactive features to help you lose and maintain weight than you might think.

How A Smart Scale Can Help You Lose More Weight

Have you ever wondered how a smart scale can help you lose more weight or reach your fitness goals?  There are many more interactive features to help you lose and maintain weight than you might think.

Weight loss scales have been around for many years, but some recent technological advances with smart scales have led to major advantages in the world of fitness and weight loss.  If you ever thought about trying a smart scale but weren’t sure if it was right for you, this information can help show you the reasons why you might want to take the plunge and get one as soon as possible.  Whether you are looking to lose weight, maintain weight loss or even gain weight, a body composition (smart) scale can help you reach those goals.  There are many different components to a body composition scale that can benefit your weight loss or gain goals.  Here are just a few of the benefits you can reap almost immediately from getting a smart scale.

Knowledge is Power

People who weigh themselves regularly are more likely to lose weight and keep it off for good.  You might wonder why this is the case, but having an awareness of where you’re at in your goals each day can help you make better decisions throughout the day. Knowing your weight can help you push harder in your daily exercise, resist tempting foods and make better overall health choices.   According to USA Today, weighing yourself every day can help aid in weight loss and decision making with little to none negative side effects.  “In a two year study of 162 overweight and obese gym members, those asked to weigh themselves daily and chart the results were more likely to lose significant weight and then keep it off.  Another study of 92 overweight adults found increased weight loss among those assigned to daily use of a digital scale that sent results to a website.  The numbers were accessible to both users and counselors—who followed up with tips and encouragement.  The daily weighers saw no increases in depression, binge eating or other signs of disordered eating”.   When it comes to goal setting and awareness, knowledge truly means power to succeed in weight loss for good.  

How A Smart Scale Can Help You Lose More Weight

What is Body Composition and Why Does it Matter?

There are many different body composition statistics that smart scales measure other than just weight.  The main information that the SureFiz smart scale measures are: body fat, water, protein, BMI, weight, muscle, bone density, basal metabolic rate.   As you can see, these components are so much more than body weight.  They provide a holistic experience to help you in not only general weight loss goals but also learning more about how everything within your body is a connective experience.  Your protein counts and water levels (and other facets) all work together in weight loss and in overall weight management.  Once you are able to analyze all of this information in one place, you can apply it to your weight loss plan and help reach your goals faster.

Connectivity to an App

One major benefit to body composition smart scales is the ability to sync all of your body composition information to one place in an easy to use app.  In order to do this your scale will need either Bluetooth or wifi capability.  With Bluetooth capability you need your phone near the scale anytime you weigh so that the phone can easily connect to the scale.  It can become complicated if you forget and have your phone somewhere else in the house when you step on to weigh yourself.  SureFiz scales are intuitively designed with wifi connectivity so that you can keep your phone anywhere in your home without worrying about a connection.  With this benefit, users simply just have to “step up” on the scale and all the connectivity is done for them.

How A Smart Scale Can Help You Lose More Weight

Interactivity to Keep You on Track

The benefits don’t just stop with an interactive wifi scale.  Using the connected app can open up a whole new world of information all at your fingertips.  The addition of goal setting, weight management tracking, accountability circles to connect you with friends plus the addition of free workout plans, diet tips, recipes, advice from fitness and weight loss professionals, makes the smart scale a WHOLE lot smarter.  With so much information all over the Internet and social media, it can be incredibly refreshing to find it all in one place, in one simple app that connects to your scale.  It’s no wonder that psychologists and doctors are finding that the use of a body composition smart scale increases the chances of lasting weight loss and maintenance as opposed to those who don’t regularly use a scale.  One SureFiz user said that the only thing keeping her on track during the COVID-19 pandemic was stepping on the scale regularly. “All my friends were complaining of their weight gain but I said that stepping on the scale was the only thing keeping me from going off the rails and eating all the comfort food I could find.  Even when I wanted to give up I could see my progress on the app and it kept me going on the hardest days”. 

Results That Speak Volumes

It doesn’t take long for the results to show.  When it comes to losing and maintaining weight loss, accountability is key.  Whether you have a trainer to do regular weigh-ins and body measurements, a friend or spouse, or an interactive smart scale to help you on your journey.  Your results will multiply quickly and last longer when you have the ability to track your composition, see your results laid out before you and see the goal in reach.  On those tough days in your weight loss journey (because we all have them and it’s part of the process), you can simply access your data and see just how far you’ve come.  This tool can help keep you motivated to stay on course and keep at it!  Stay strong and continue to put the work in—the results will surely come!  If you haven’t seized the opportunity to get one of these amazing weight loss tools, click here and get yours now! You too can begin to see your weight loss results happen right before your eyes! 

Vitamin D and Its Effects on Coronavirus Severity

As COVID-19 rises around the nation, many continue to seek ways to build immunity. Can vitamin D help decrease severity of symptoms?

Vitamin D and Its Effects on Coronavirus Severity

As COVID-19 rises around the nation, many continue to seek ways to build immunity.  Can vitamin D help decrease severity of symptoms?

The virus known as COVID-19, or the coronavirus, has ripped through the world in just one year and many places are currently seeing the largest rates of infection since the beginning of the pandemic.  As doctors and researchers learn more about the disease and its effects, there are also many studies being conducted and under review regarding immunity boosting nutrients or vitamins.  Limited studies have been produced but some are linking benefits of vitamin D to coronavirus severity.  

Benefits of Vitamin D 

Vitamin D is an important nutrient the human body needs to function in a healthy way.  According to Medical News Today, “Vitamin D is essential for several reasons, including maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It may also protect against a range of diseases and conditions, such as type 1 diabetes. Despite its name, vitamin D is not a vitamin, but a prohormone, or precursor of a hormone. Vitamins are nutrients that the body cannot create, and so a person must consume them in the diet. However, the body can produce vitamin D”.  Vitamin D can also help boost immunity and help in fighting disease.  Vitamin D can be absorbed through the skin when a person gets adequate sunlight, approximately 10-15 minutes a day.  Many people, especially those in colder climates and long winters, are at risk for vitamin D deficiency as they do not get out in the sunlight enough in the cold months.  Likewise, those who work indoors or work night shifts are also at risk for having too little vitamin D in their body.  General recommendations for vitamin D dosage for children and adults is 600 IU, or 15 mcg.  Those who do not get enough or close to recommended doses are at a greater risk in general for infection or disease.  (retrieved from Medical News Today).  

Vitamin D and Coronavirus

Several studies have been conducted over the past year regarding the supplementation of vitamin D and it’s correlation to coronavirus severity.  According to Healthline, recent scientific research has concluded that vitamin D supplementation might protect against respiratory infections, especially in people who were already deficient in vitamin D to begin with.  Keeping sufficient vitamin D levels in the body has been shown to potentially help aid in preventing serious complications or fatalities.  Furthermore, Medical News reports that studies showed a reduction in effects of the cytokine storm, which is the escalated inflammatory response that occurs in some individuals with the coronavirus. “Additional data suggests that vitamin D may reduce some of the unfavorable downstream immunological responses to COVID-19 that are associated with severe manifestations through the disease. Some of these downstream pathways that vitamin D may be involved in include preventing the rise of interleukin 6 (IL-6) levels and delaying the interferon-gamma response”. (retrieved from Medical News).  The Mayo Clinic also reports similar findings, showing that of those who had serious complications, vitamin D showed to help.  In a small, randomized study of 50 participants given a high dose of a type of vitamin D (calcifediol), only one needed to be treated in the ICU.  They had 26 patients who were not given the vitamin D, and 13 of the 26 participants needed to be treated in the ICU (retrieved from The Mayo Clinic).


Although supplementation with vitamin D is not proven to either prevent or treat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), there have been a number of positive findings that support vitamin D as a helpful immune boosting nutrient.  These findings are in line with what has been supportive evidence in favor of vitamin D and its immune support against other viruses and infections.  Most people can benefit from vitamin D supplementation and from eating immune boosting foods. To see our blog on best foods to boost immunity, click here.  The best ways to prevent contracting the novel coronavirus remain social distancing, avoiding indoor gatherings, wearing a mask when in public and washing hands regularly.  Eating a healthy diet and making sure that the body is getting the daily recommendations of nutrients can help boost immunity and keep the body strong no matter what type of illness or infection.  

How to Deal With Work From Home Burnout

Do you struggle with burnout while working from home during the pandemic? Here are a few strategies to get through the work week without feeling completely exhausted.

Do you struggle with burnout while working from home during the pandemic? Here are a few strategies to get through the work week without feeling completely exhausted.

Work From Home Burnout

How to Deal With Work From Home Burnout

The past year has seen many changes.  Many Americans have moved from working in an office space to working from home, and with this change comes many new challenges.  As the months roll on, people are feeling a sense of burnout and exhaustion, not only from COVID-19 fatigue but from working from home and the pressures that go along with it. According to Muse, “Work-from-home burnout happens when people can’t separate their work life and their home life, says Andrew Schwehm, a licensed clinical psychologist with Alma, a network of mental health providers, who also works at Bellevue Hospital in New York City and teaches at NYU School of Medicine. People are having an especially hard time separating the two during the pandemic when they’re working and living in one space”.  With many shelter in place or stay home recommendations being extended around the world, getting out is hard to do and many people feel very stuck.  So what can we do about this burnout?  With some simple strategies and tips, you can help avoid major exhaustion and complete burnout.

Symptoms of Burnout

How to Deal With Work From Home Burnout

Webmd describes symptoms of work from home burnout as any of the following:

  • Lack of enthusiasm
  • Irritability and impatience
  • Changes in attitude-becoming cynical especially
  • Lack of interest in anything
  • Being easily distracted
  • Lack of productivity
  • Using alcohol or other substances to cope

Work from home burnout can also lead to feelings of depression and apathy, especially as the pandemic wears on.  The feelings of hopelessness are real and many who work from home can feel a sense of no end to their feelings.  Signs and symptoms can vary depending on a person’s living arrangement-whether they live in the city or suburbs, have a family and children or live alone, or have pets.  But regardless of a variance in these feelings they are very real and extremely important to recognize so that you can address them and make improvements for the sake of your health.  According to SureFiz trainer Jenn Ryan, there are some steps you can take for your health and wellness to prevent or improve your feelings of work from home burnout.

  • Set Boundaries: It can feel like you never have a break from the workday when you work from home.  There is no separation of the office and the sanctity of home.  One client stated that she felt like she worked from 8AM to 9PM and she only works an average of 5-6 hours a day.  With the many obligations of life-from spouse to kids to pets to laundry and housework, the juggling of all things leads to feeling like there can never be a break.  If you work on setting some boundaries between work and home, working within a certain part of the day and enjoying home life during other hours, you can create a sense of separation between the job and home life.
  • Prioritize Your Health: Many times when we reach burnout, health and fitness is the first thing that goes.  Right now, making our health a priority is more important than ever.  Working out and focusing on fitness doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment or even a trip to the gym.  Working out from home is simple and easy to squeeze in when you have some time.  A 30 minute workout is better than no workout and whenever you can fit it into your day is beneficial to general health.  Your mind and body will thank you.  Many people also report that they feel rejuvenated, more ready to tackle daily tasks and accomplish goals after a workout. 
  • Get More Sleep: It may feel easier to work late into the night hours to finish a task but it’s important to remember that the tasks will be there for you when you wake up.  Regularly “burning the midnight oil” will lead to further exhaustion in the coming days and create a cycle that can be hard to get out of.  Getting adequate sleep is incredibly important for body and mind recovery, for minimizing anxiety and helping with energy reserves.  Getting to bed at a decent hour will help you wake up more energized, which will lead to better productivity during your work day.
  • Take Breaks and Get Out: When you feel yourself lagging or lacking motivation, it’s okay to take a break to clear your mind.  Take a walk, get outside for some fresh air, or even take a short drive if the weather isn’t accommodating in the winter months.  A change of scenery can refresh your mind and spirit so that when you return to the home office you can be ready to get back to your daily work tasks. 
  • Do Something You Enjoy: If you had a hobby before the pandemic and you stopped doing it, pick it back up.  You might find that it fills your spirit and soul in the ways you need!  Not sure about what you would enjoy?  Playing an instrument, singing, dancing, even coloring, drawing or journaling can all be done at home and can be relaxing activities that give you a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment in these hard times.  
  • Talk to Someone: Working from home during this pandemic can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, and with many socialization activities out in public closed or limited, it can be much harder to connect with those you care about.  Be sure to make the effort to reach out to friends and family to talk out your feelings.  Sharing with others will help take away the burden and you may find that you aren’t the only one suffering from burnout at home and that others are in the same place.  Even if you can’t be in person, calling on the phone or setting up a video chat to connect with loved ones can help refill your tank and is good for the soul. 

How to Deal With Work From Home Burnout

The job may not get easier, the pandemic may not be over quickly and we all may be working from home for a while longer-if not permanently.  But we can all get through this together and work to avoid the inevitable burnout that can occur from at home working.  Even if you already feel some or all of these symptoms of burnout, you can reverse the effects by setting up some of these strategies to protect yourself from long term effects and damage on your body and mind.  You need to take care of yourself to remain healthy and strong, in order for you to be productive at home and work for many years to come.  

Tips to Help You Beat Winter Depression

As the days get shorter, colder and darker, many Americans suffer from seasonal depression. Here are some tips to help you get through hard winter months.

As the days get shorter, colder and darker, many Americans suffer from seasonal depression.  Here are some tips to help you get through hard winter months.

How to Beat Winter Depression

Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you feel like the winter months and darker days make you feel sad, anxious or fatigued, you are not alone.  Many people explain feelings of sadness that increase in winter months.  Healthline describes this as follows; “If the changing seasons leave you feeling sad, anxious, empty, or experiencing other negative emotions for most of the day, nearly every day, you may have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — a condition now officially termed major depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern.  ‘Symptoms of this recurrent form of depression most often emerge during the darker winter months, then disappear as days grow longer and brighter come spring’, says Ken Duckworth, MD, medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and assistant clinical professor at Harvard University Medical School in Boston.  

It is very common as the days get shorter and darker for the feelings of sadness to increase, and many areas also experience harsher weather changes with winter, forcing them to stay indoors.  With the coronavirus pandemic affecting everyone more now than ever, feelings of hopelessness and depression are incredibly commonplace no matter which climate you live in.  If you’re wondering how to beat the winter blues, there is hope.  Here are some natural, cost effective remedies that can help you weather the winter and see some light on the other side.

Get Moving

How to Beat Winter Depression

One of the easiest, cheapest ways to cure the winter blues (or any blues) is to get some exercise.  “Exercise is incredibly beneficial for mental health”, states SureFiz trainer and health coach Jenn Ryan, “Beyond the feelings of accomplishment after a good workout, exercise also boosts endorphins, serotonin and the feel-good hormones in the body.  Regular exercise also clears the mind and reduces stress, making you feel like you have the strength to tackle any hard things in life.  In addition, exercise can help you sleep better and get the rest you need to feel better”.  She suggests trying a simple 30 minute walk, jog or bike ride to get outside.  If you have access to a set of stairs, try our simple stair workout ideas to get sweaty and move the body out of depression. 

Supplement with Vitamin D

Vitamin D has many health benefits. It’s main job in our bodies is to promote calcium absorption and strengthen bones but it can also help with the following functions; muscle strength, immune boosting, fight inflammation, strengthen oral health and even aid in weight loss.  One of the benefits found in recent years has been the benefit of fighting depression.  Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin, as we can get vitamin D from sunlight.  Researchers in the journalNeuropsychiatry  found “a significant relationship between depression and vitamin D deficiency.”  Many people who supplement with vitamin D notice a difference in mood and feelings of wellness, as well as the ability to stay healthy.  

Eat Right

How to Beat Winter Depression

Getting a healthy diet is another highly recommended way to combat seasonal depression.  “The body needs vital nutrients, and the best way to prevent deficiencies is to get them through real food”, says Jenn Ryan.  When you fill up on comfort foods filled with fat, sugar and processed chemicals, they may taste good and initially fill a void, but eventually can lead to worse feelings of indigestion and sluggishness.  Instead, she recommends that you fill your plates with plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grain, fiber filled grains, healthy proteins and fats such as avocado.  By eating healthier more balanced foods, you will not only feel satiated when needed but will avoid the after feelings of guilt and fatigue.  With healthy fuel, you will be able to have energy to get out of bed and face the day.

Light Boxes

UV light boxes can also be a great way to help fight against seasonal depression.  When the winter months bring cold, darker days, many people don’t get the daylight or vitamin D that they need each day, as we mentioned above.  Light therapy boxes can help with this by emitting a light mimicking outdoor sunlight.  According to Better Health, “Light therapy, also known as bright light therapy or phototherapy, is a therapeutic method that can be used to treat seasonal affective disorder. It can also treat other conditions as well, including other types of depression, sleep disorders, and other conditions. It can even be used for other issues that may mess with your internal clock, such as jet lag or adjusting to a nighttime work schedule…light therapy uses a light therapy box that gives off a bright light. The light is meant to mimic natural outdoor light”.  By sitting next to the light each day, many people feel a lift in their mood and reduction in symptoms of seasonal depression.


How to Beat Winter Depression

Writing in a journal can be a cost-effective, simple way to fight depression.  The ability to focus your thoughts and bring pen to paper is extremely effective in clearing the mind, helping with focus and feeling better.  It is a common practice that has been around for many years, and getting your thoughts out can often help you sort through them and find a solution.  Finding a nice, quiet place to write out your thoughts and feelings can help make it a routine in your weekly life.  Once your feelings are sorted out on paper, the mind has clarity and can often help boost emotions, with feelings of being able to tackle the hard things in life.  

Benefits of CBD in a Weight Loss Program

What is CBD and can it be a helpful tool in a weight loss program? Here is a look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits in your diet plan.

What is CBD and can it be a helpful tool in a weight loss program? Here is a look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits in your diet plan. 

What is CBD and can it help aid in a weight loss program? A look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits.

CBD has become a popular supplement in recent years.  CBD is cannabidiol, and is one of many components of the cannabis plant.  Many people who use CBD tout a variety of positive benefits, but minimal studies have been done on humans to determine its effectiveness.  Medical News Today reports, “While research suggests that CBD may be a promising treatment for some health problems — including relieving chronic pain, improving sleep, and reducing inflammation — there is not enough evidence to prove that it is effective for any of these issues. Researchers are also looking at the possibility that CBD can help people lose weight and reduce their risk of issues associated with being overweight, such as diabetes and metabolic disorder”.   With more research on its benefits, we could see more evidence linking benefits to CBD use in regards to weight loss and other effects.  

What is CBD and can it help aid in a weight loss program? A look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits.


One common question many people ask is whether or not CBD is the same as marijuana.  CBD is one component of the cannabis plant, and THC (otherwise known as tetrahydrocannabinol) is another component.  THC is the component of cannabis that has psychoactive properties, which gives users the feeling of being “high”.  CBD does not have the same psychoactive effects, therefore using CBD offers similar benefits as THC without the effect of feeling “high” or altered.  CBD, if derived from hemp, is considered legal for use in all 50 states.  THC is not legal in all states for consumption, although some states have recently made it legal for medical and/or recreational use.  


CBD offers a range of potential health benefits, including: pain relief, reducing anxiety, helping with sleeplessness and improved brain and heart health.  Some preliminary results show it can help with weight loss, although further studies on humans are needed to determine effectiveness.  According to Healthline, “recent animal studies indicate that CBD affects weight by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors in lymphoid tissue and the brain. These receptors are thought to play important roles in metabolism and food intake.  In a two-week study, rats were injected with CBD daily at doses of 1.1 and 2.3 mg per pound of body weight (2.5 and 5 mg per kg). Both doses produced significant reductions in body weight, with the higher dose having the most pronounced effect. It’s important to note that CBD was injected, not given orally.  In another rat study, CBD led to a significant reduction in food intake compared to other cannabinoids, including cannabigerol and cannabinol”.  


Even though some studies showed that CBD was related to weight loss and reduced food intake with rats, some other studies showed that it could potentially lead to an increase in appetite, not a decrease.  “One 3-month study gave 23 children with Dravet syndrome — a type of epilepsy — up to 11.4 mg of CBD per pound of body weight (25 mg per kg). Some children experienced increases in appetite, but others experienced decreases. Additionally, a recent review in 2,409 people who use CBD found that 6.35% experienced increased hunger as a side effect” (Healthline).  With mixed results it can be hard to reach any conclusive evidence supporting either argument.  Further studies over longer periods of time will need to be conducted to reach some conclusions in support of whether CBD aids in weight loss or not.

What is CBD and can it help aid in a weight loss program? A look at the popular supplement and its potential benefits.

The Bottom Line 

Should you try CBD in your weight loss program?  With such mixed results and very little evidence pointing towards weight loss benefits, you are not likely to see measurable results.  However, you may find that there are a number of other benefits to trying CBD oil for pain, anxiety or sleeplessness.  When looking for success in your weight loss program, be sure to stick to methods that have been proven over time to offer real results-eating healthy, getting regular exercise and moving more in your daily life.  Be sure to weigh yourself regularly on your SureFiz smart scale to monitor your progress and see your results.  SureFiz is here for you on every step of your journey with the Secret Sauce to Weight Loss.

Personal Trainer Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

Curious about what to buy for the fitness enthusiast on your list this holiday season? Our SureFiz trainer shares her favorite gifts for 2020.

Curious about what to buy for the fitness enthusiast on your list this holiday season? Our SureFiz trainer shares her favorite gifts for 2020.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

Jenn Ryan, one of SureFiz’s trainers, shared with us her top picks for Holiday gift ideas.  There is sure to be something on this list that would be perfect for the fitness enthusiast on your list!  With a wide variety of price ranges, any budget level can find something that would work for a great price.

1.     Fabletics Oasis High Waisted Pocket Legging $54.95

Fabletics is Kate Hudson’s fitness inspired athletic apparel line and has been gaining a lot of momentum in the past few years. These leggings are by far the best leggings for running and activity.  The high waist will keep them in place for your entire workout, no matter how long.  The side pockets make it super convenient to keep your phone by your side and easily accessible.  With many options for style and color, the choices are endless-you could buy a few to mix and match outfits.  While you’re on the site, look around for some ideas for yourself-you can’t go wrong with anything at Fabletics!

2.     Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37 $120

The lightweight and breathable quality in these running shoes make them a perfect gift for any runner on your list.  Nike Air Zoom is a well rounded running shoe with react cushioning for the ultimate in running comfort. With adorable colors and attractive styling (my favorite is the champagne pink), even non-runners would love seeing these under the tree.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

3.     Lululemon Reversible 5mm Yoga Mat $78

If you have a yoga enthusiast on your list, the Lululemon yoga mat is a classic.  You can’t go wrong with the reversible mat and the array of options for style and color.   The natural rubber base gives cushioning and a textured grip, while the antimicrobial additive helps prevent mold and mildew on the mat.  These yoga mats are highly durable and will last a long time, while also being easy to clean and wipe down for a low maintenance yoga experience.

4.     Apple Watch series 6 $259

Every fitness enthusiast needs an Apple Watch.  Seriously.  The Apple watch is versatile in so many ways-tracking movement, workouts, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels.  With the added features of email, text messaging, phone capabilities and playlists for music, the watch is a crowd pleaser for sure.  As a trainer, even the simple ability to set a timer, check weather, and create reminders is worth the price.

5.     Lifeproof Lifeactiv Armband with quickmount $30.50

The Lifeproof brand is well known for its standard in phone cases-guaranteeing to protect the life of your phone no matter what happens.  The fitness armband is extremely durable, and its quick-mount feature is great for a runner or fitness enthusiast, allowing the phone to stay readily available and easy to reach when needed.  The mount works in both landscape and portrait positions and mounting is super simple-phone comes on or off with a simple twist.

6.     Powerbeats high performance wireless headphones $149.95

Beats headphones are unmatched all around, no matter which ones you choose.  If you’re looking for amazing sound quality, look no further.  These headphones are also sweat resistant and boast 15 hours of listening time, which the average fitness enthusiast will only need to charge them approximately every 2 weeks.

7.     Under Armour UA Sports Mask $30

This face mask is all an athlete could ask for.  High quality materials and strategic structure make this mask breathable and easy to wear for hours.  Bonus features include antimicrobial treatment on the inside to keep the mask fresh and a water-resistant outer shell for maximum comfort.  I would wear this all day if I had to.  And that says a lot for a mask!

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

8.     Tangram Smart Jump Rope $39.95 

Jumping rope is one of the simplest, easy to accomplish yet effective workouts that most anyone can do.  The coolest thing about this jump rope is its ability to connect to the smartrope mobile app via Bluetooth and track your workout data.  The app tracks jump count, calories burned, and time spent jumping.   Users can stay motivated by unlocking awards, doing interval training, and connecting with other smart rope users to challenge each other.

9. BeautyCounter Sheer Genius Conditioning Lipstick $32

Beautycounter is a revolutionary skincare company that is working to change the beauty market for good.  They only use clean, sustainable sources for their makeup and skincare, making it a great choice for skin of all ages and types.  The Sheer Genius is a lipstick that wears like a balm, which makes it the perfect gift for that runner who logs long miles in the cold and ends up with chapped lips.  With a lightly sweet natural vanilla scent, this lipstick will brighten any workout.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

10.     SureFiz scale $99.89

This is more than a smart scale.  SureFiz offers users a multi-faceted fully interactive experience driven with AI to track weight loss, body measurements and set goals.  With the SureFiz app, users have access to immediate feedback from trainers and health experts, a forum for quick answers to the biggest questions in health and fitness and accountability circles to connect with other users for greater chances of success.  This system is not just for those who need to lose weight, but is very effective for any fitness enthusiast who loves to track their fitness statistics. It’s also available on Amazon.

11. LARQ Self Cleaning Water bottle $95  

The LARQ water bottle is the first of its kind.  It is truly an all-in-one bottle, with self cleaning capabilities so that you don’t have to waste time trying to get your water bottle clean.  The bottle “uses patented UV-C technology to purify your water and bottle at the touch of a button.  The bottle intelligently turns on every two hours to purify both the water you put inside as well as the inside of the bottle.  The UV-C light eradicates biological contaminants by destroying their DNA”.

12. Living Proof Perfect Hair Day dry shampoo $25.00  

Every fitness enthusiast and avid gym goer knows that a dry shampoo is necessary in a gym bag.  Sometimes there just isn’t enough time after a workout for washing, drying and styling hair.  But not all shampoos are created equally.    The Perfect Hair Day dry shampoo by Living Proof is cruelty-free, paraben-free, silicone-free and safe for all chemically treated hair.  It truly absorbs the oil and sweat after a workout and hair will look amazing for days!  

13. All in Motion kettlebell, 15 lb $39.99   

The kettlebell is an incredibly versatile workout partner, and makes a great gift for the workout-at-home enthusiast.  This kettlebell is coated along the bottom with vinyl, which helps protect your floor and surfaces from scratches like a traditional steel framed kettlebell. The bright coloring makes for a cheery addition to a piece of workout equipment.   A 15 pound kettlebell is a great medium weight size, but Target also offers others if lighter or heavier is preferred.  

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

14. Ciele Athletics GoCap Century Running Hat $39.95

The Ciele Athletics running hat is super lightweight, comfortable and moisture wicking.  With a pliable brim and soft machine washable fabric, the hat can be easily stored and packed away.  My favorite feature is the reflective detailing on the front and back, which really helps for those early morning or late night runs in the winter.  

15. Trigger Point Grid Foam Roller $59.99

This Trigger Point foam roller is hands down the best foam roller!  It has a hard, hollow core then wrapped in foam for a sturdy yet comfortable roll.  With strategically placed grooves along the entire roller, you are sure to reach even the hardest to reach pressure points, making it seem closer to the feel of a massage.  One bonus: if you want to travel with a foam roller, this hollow core makes it great for storing clothes in so that you can maximize space efficiently!

Simple Ways to Get More Protein in Your Diet

Do you struggle to get enough protein? Here are simple ways to boost protein in your diet to maximize your weight loss program

Do you struggle to get enough protein?  Here are simple ways to boost protein in your diet to maximize your weight loss program

Simple Ways to Get More Protein in Your Diet for Maximum Weight Loss

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

There are three major macronutrients that compose our daily diets: carbohydrates, protein and fat.  Each of them plays a vital role to the nutrition of our bodies.  But very commonly in a weight loss journey, people find their daily protein count too low.  Protein is vital to building and maintaining muscle, keeping the body lean, and helping to satiate us, among other benefits.  The recommended daily amount of protein varies per person and is dependent on personal goals, but in general it should compose around 25%-35% of your daily diet.  This means that in a 1500 calorie diet, someone should be aiming to consume anywhere from 300-420 of their daily calories from protein, or approximately 75-105 grams of protein.  Without some strategic planning, it can feel impossible to hit these goals.  After all, carbs and fat are so much easier to eat and sometimes more fun!  Here are some simple ways to try and help you get closer to reaching those goals.  

Start Your Day with Protein

Simple Ways to Get More Protein in Your Diet for Maximum Weight Loss

It might seem easier to reach for that box of cereal or throw in a piece of toast, but starting your day with protein sets you off on the right foot, supports your muscles first thing and helps you feel more satisfied for longer.  There are studies that have shown better brain performance from eating protein first thing in the day, too.  Here are some breakfast suggestions for you:

  1. Eggs-there are so many ways to eat an egg.  Fried, poached, simple scramble with veggies, or if you’re tight on time in the morning have some previously hard boiled and peeled eggs ready in the fridge to grab on your way out.  Try this simple recipe-egg “muffins”.  Scramble 12 eggs with whatever veggies you like, pour the mixture into a muffin tin and bake 12-15 mins til done.  Pop the “muffins” out, put them in a container and refrigerate for the week or freeze for long term.  
  2. Fruit with greek yogurt-not an egg fan?  Chop up some of your favorite fruit, and pour over 1 cup of greek yogurt for a simple, filling breakfast packed with protein, and sure to fill you up for hours.
  3. Chicken sausage-Another simple way to get protein in the morning, yet lower in fat than traditional sausage.  You can also cook these up ahead of time and store in the fridge for those busy mornings.

Supplement with Bars or Shakes

Protein bars and shakes are a great way to supplement additional protein.  Many have at least 20 grams per serving and there are many options on the market today-whey protein, vegan protein, paleo-style protein made with egg or beef, and more.  The shakes and bars have come a long way in recent years-many are very flavorful and less chalky tasting than they used to be.  One thing to watch for with protein bars and shakes is the ingredients.  Try to find a product that is as natural as possible, without a list of 50 chemical based ingredients that you can’t pronounce.  In this case, less is more-the smaller the ingredient list, the more natural/better it is for you.  Try a few different kinds until you find some you really like! Keep some protein bars stashed in your purse, car or gym bag in case you are out running around and find yourself starving.  This will prevent you from grabbing something at a convenience store or fast food drive-thru on the go.  

Add Collagen to Your Coffee

Collagen powders have become quite popular in recent years and for good reason.  Collagen is a great source of protein, can strengthen your bones, improve brain and heart health and even help with keeping your skin glowing.  There are many options for collagen powders that are flavorless, which makes it super easy to add a scoop to your morning coffee, or to your soup or even to baked goods.  The options are endless with this easily dissolving flavorless source of protein.  If you have kids who need a protein boost, add it to their water or juice, or even their macaroni and cheese-they’ll never know! 

Sneak it on the Side

Simple Ways to Get More Protein in Your Diet for Maximum Weight Loss

Many people don’t think of side dishes or accompaniments as being good sources of protein, but they really can help increase overall daily protein consumption when you add them strategically.  For example, one cup of cooked green peas contains a whopping 9 grams of protein per cup-that’s more than a glass of milk!  Other vegetables with higher protein content are broccoli, spinach, asparagus, potatoes, sweet potatoes and brussels sprouts, containing an average 4-5 grams of protein per cooked cup.  Other helpful sources of protein are nuts, quinoa, nut butters, hummus, lentils and other beans.  These can also be great sources of protein for vegetarian and vegan dieters as well.  Adding any of these items to your meals or snacks can help boost that overall protein intake as well.

As with any diet plan or fitness program, tracking can help you stay on track and reach your weight loss goals.  This is the same when it comes to protein.  Tracking your daily protein intake can help keep you aware of how much you are eating per day and how much you need to add to get to your own personal goal.  SureFiz is with you along your weight loss journey and can help you break down your larger goals into manageable sub-goals.  If you haven’t checked out our amazing program yet, be sure to click here and sign up today!  

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving During a Pandemic

Thanksgiving in 2020 may look and feel different, but it’s still possible to stay safe and healthy while enjoying the holiday.

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving and Stay Healthy in the Coronavirus 

Thanksgiving in 2020 may look and feel different, but it’s still possible to stay safe and healthy while enjoying the holiday.

Many people can agree that this past year has been unprecedented, a year like no other that we have experienced in this generation.  The entire world has been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, no region untouched.  As we near the holiday season, it is clear that Thanksgiving and even Christmas will likely be celebrated differently.  Just because our holiday traditions may not be the same in 2020 doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the fellowship of family and friends while staying safe, healthy and protecting others. 

Keep Gatherings Small-or Virtual

Many Thanksgiving traditions involve gathering with family and friends.  Thanksgiving has historically been one of the biggest travel times every year but with the novel Coronavirus pandemic, many travel plans have halted and people have opted to stay home with their immediate families to stay healthy.  Others may just keep their circles smaller with close family.  No matter what you decide, staying safe and healthy this year doesn’t mean you have to feel completely disconnected.  Earlier this year when many states were on a stay at home requirement, families and friends gathered over Zoom calls, FaceTime, or other  video apps to share meals, a happy hour, weddings, birthdays and other joyous occasions.  The holidays can be a time of celebration from afar, but still together.  So raise a glass to your computer screen and smile at the faces on the other side, knowing that we won’t be apart forever.  

Don’t Let a Thanksgiving Cheat Meal Become a Cheat Week

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving and Stay Healthy in the Coronavirus Pandemic

Many health experts, trainers, health coaches and nutritionists will tell you-one cheat meal won’t ruin your diet or weight loss success.  But an entire long weekend of eating Thanksgiving leftovers could certainly put a damper on your goals and leave you working hard to gain back momentum.  Make sure that you enjoy smaller amounts of some of the most unhealthy items-stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, pie, sweets–and fill the plate with turkey, salad, vegetables and other less calorie laden foods.  It’s ok to enjoy the day without guilt and try small amounts of festive foods, while keeping in mind that you have a goal and you want to stick to your plan to reach it.  Let the others in your household enjoy leftovers the following days, while you get back on track and on your diet and fitness plan.  It can be hard to resist all the leftovers but remember you CAN do it!

Take Care of Yourself

In many different ways, the holidays can be stressful and anxiety-inducing.  This year may have its unique challenges and stressors.  It is important to remember overall wellness.  Get lots of adequate rest, stay on your regular exercise routine and take time to decompress from the stressors of life and the holidays.  Finding a good book, taking a relaxing bath or even some light yoga can all help give you the time you need to refresh and feel ready for anything that happens.

Give Thanks

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving and Stay Healthy in the Coronavirus Pandemic

Remembering the reason for the Thanksgiving holiday is of utmost importance-maybe more so this year than ever before.  Taking some time for remembrance, gratefulness and thankfulness is good for the soul and the body.  This year has been challenging and at times it can be easier to focus on all the things we have lost instead of all that we have.  Go around the table with your immediate family or whoever you share dinner with and take turns talking about what you are thankful for this year.  You may find that you gained more than you thought you had lost.  Finding the silver lining in every cloud is a huge component of staying healthy and whole.  The feeling of thankfulness and gratitude can carry you through this entire holiday season and into next year.  

We can and will get through this together, and look forward to future holidays when we can all gather together and keep each other safe too.  From all of us at SureFiz, we wish you the best and most fulfilling Thanksgiving holiday.  May you enjoy every moment and maximize the moments of happiness in the day.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Healthy Foods For A Strong Immune System this Winter

A strong immune system has many components, including a healthy daily diet. Here are some foods to try to help you stay healthy through the winter.

A strong immune system has many components, including a healthy daily diet.  Here are some everyday foods you can eat to help you stay healthy through the winter.

Healthy Foods to Keep your Immune System Strong this Winter

The body’s immune system is it’s first defense against illness.  When it comes to preventing colds, flus or even the coronavirus, keeping the body strong and healthy is of utmost importance.  You don’t need to reach for expensive vitamins and supplements to keep your body strong.  There are many healthy foods that you’ll find easy to incorporate into your daily diet and weight loss program.  

What makes an immune system strong?

Healthy Foods to Keep your Immune System Strong this Winter

When it comes to keeping your immune system strong and thriving, several components are important to keep in mind.  The immune system isn’t single faceted, but a complete system in the body that depends on a lot of factors to function well.  Some of the main ways you can help your immune system stay strong are:

  • Get enough sleep
  • Quit smoking cigarettes (or don’t start)
  • Exercise regularly
  • Try to minimize stress
  • Practice good hygiene-washing hands, etc.
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation
  • Eat a variety of natural, healthy foods-especially fruits and vegetables
  • Keep sugar intake low, avoid unnatural sources

Working on all of the above areas can help keep your immune system strong and ready to fight off any illness or infection, but when it comes to eating healthy some foods are definitely superior in their immune-boosting qualities.  Focus on foods that are high in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc.  The key is getting a good variety of these foods to keep each of these nutrients strong in your body.


“Antioxidant” is a word used a lot in the health and fitness world.  But what does it really mean? Broken down,  according to, the anti means against and oxidant refers to something that will chemically combine with oxygen. This means that antioxidants prevent oxidation against free radicals.  When there are free radicals within the body they can cause a chain reaction that causes damage to the cells.  Antioxidants can help keep your cells strong against this free radical damage.  Some popular foods that are high in antioxidants are:

  • Raspberries, cherries, apricots, cranberries and watermelon
  • Broccoli, spinach, artichokes,
  • Rosemary, oregano, thyme
  • Kidney beans
  • Turmeric
  • Acai powder
  • Allspice, cinnamon, cocoa powder

By combining many of these fresh fruits, vegetables and spices together, there are many easy and creative ways to get more antioxidant rich foods into your diet.  

Vitamin C

Healthy Foods to Keep your Immune System Strong this Winter

Vitamin C might be the most common vitamin known to fight illness and aid in recovery well.  Because the body cannot produce or store vitamin c, it has to be sourced through the diet, and finding daily sources in a variety of foods can help ensure you are getting enough.    When you think of vitamin c you might immediately think of oranges or other citrus, but many other foods are high in vitamin c that may not have come to your mind. Here are some great healthy food options that give a boost of vitamin c:

  • Red pepper, green pepper, green chile pepper
  • Oranges, strawberries, papaya, guava
  • Broccoli, potato, brussels sprouts, cauliflower
  • Lemon, grapefruit, kiwifruit, mango

Vitamin D

Healthy Foods to Keep your Immune System Strong this Winter

Vitamin D has been known for many years to promote bone growth and absorb calcium.  Recent studies have also shown a link between vitamin D and other important body functions, including a healthy immune system response.  “Vitamin D deficiency has now been linked to breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, depression, weight gain, and other maladies. These studies show that people with higher levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of disease” (webmd).  The body can produce vitamin D, but only after skin exposure to sunlight for an extended period of time.  Unfortunately, those who live in less sunny climates can be at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.  Even those who live in sunny areas may still have vitamin D deficiency if they spend a majority of their time indoors.  Recent studies have been conducted on the potential role vitamin D may have in the immune response to COVID-19.  Although more research needs to be done, studies show positive results that link vitamin D to the immune system strength needed to fight the coronavirus and other diseases.  If you are not able to get enough sunlight daily, these foods can help to supplement vitamin D in your body:

  • Salmon
  • Herring, sardines, cod liver oil
  • Egg yolks
  • Mushrooms
  • Fortified foods with vitamin D, such as cow’s milk, soy milk, orange juice, cereals and oatmeal.

Getting vitamin D from all natural sources such as the sun and natural healthy foods is always the best way to give the body what it needs on a daily basis.


Zinc is an essential trace mineral that plays an important role in the body, including slowing the aging process and providing an antioxidant barrier against free radicals.  The body doesn’t need large amounts of this mineral for healthy function, so it is an easy nutrient to supplement with a healthy diet.  Keep in mind that animal foods are the best sources of zinc compared to plant foods, like vegetables, because zinc bioavailability (the fraction of zinc that’s retained and used by the body) is high in foods like animal meat and seafood (  That doesn’t mean animal foods are the only source, but combining animal and plant sources can help guarantee you’re getting all you need in your daily diet.  Some of the foods highest in zinc are:

  • Grass-fed beef, lamb, chicken
  • Pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, cashews
  • Chickpeas, lentils, almonds
  • Kefir, yogurt, ricotta cheese
  • Mushrooms, spinach, avocado

By working at maintaining a healthy immune system through the winter months, you can do your best to stay strong and able to fight any viruses that come your way.  Choosing a variety of foods from all of these categories will help you feel better, stay stronger and promote healthy weight loss as part of your overall diet plan.  Holistic health is not just about weight loss or physical appearance, but about the functions of the entire body.  By keeping all of your systems strong you can feel better from the inside out.  

Positive News in the Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine

Pharmaceutical Companies show positive findings in the race for a coronavirus vaccine. A look into what this mean for the American people.

Pharmaceutical Companies show positive findings in the race for a coronavirus vaccine. A look into what this mean for the American people.

Coronavirus Vaccine Update

Positive News in the Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine

Ever since the coronavirus (COVID-19) entered the world last December, lives have been changed.  At this point no country is untouched by this pandemic and although there have been better and worse months, we are currently in a surge worldwide.  Many have been watching the news and looking for answers in the form of a vaccine.  Up until last week there have been mixed results from many pharmaceutical companies.  Every time a vaccine looked promising something would happen in the trials to pause further review.  But last week we received some positive news that leads us to some cautious optimism.  

The United States pharmaceutical company Pfizer partnered with German Biotech company BioNTech to create a vaccine, and they have been working fervently for months.  According to a press release from BioNTech on November 18, results of the trial showed 95% efficacy for their vaccine candidate, which was composed of a 43,000 person study. The even better news is that efficacy only drops to 94% in people older than 65, showing that those who tend to be most vulnerable will be able to benefit from this vaccine.  The trial resulted in 8 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the control group, versus 162 confirmed cases in the placebo group.  Overall they are not noticing any serious side effects emerging, only 3.7% of participants noticed minor fatigue after injections.  

Similarly to Pfizer/BioNTech results, Moderna released data on November 16 stating that their vaccine candidate was 94.5% effective against the coronavirus.  Moderna’s trial consisted of 30,000 participants, half of whom received the vaccine and the other half a placebo.  90 participants in the placebo group contracted COVID-19 and 11 ended up with serious infections.  Among the vaccine group, only 5 contracted COVID-19 and none of the 5 ended up with serious infection.  Moderna also reported that there were no serious side effects from the vaccine, with only a small number of participants reporting minor symptoms like headaches or body aches. (source: CNN)

Why the Vaccine is so Promising

Positive News in the Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine

Both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines offer a new technology that has not been previously used in vaccines.   “The vaccines deliver messenger RNA, or mRNA, which is a genetic recipe for making the spikes that sit atop the coronavirus. Once injected, the body’s immune system makes antibodies to the spikes. If a vaccinated person is later exposed to the coronavirus, those antibodies should stand at the ready to attack the virus”(CNN).  With both vaccine trials showing such positive data from their results, we can see that the mRNA technology can be very effective in virus protection. 

What Does This Mean For Most of America?

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated there is a chance that the vaccine will be ready for dispersal in late December.  The CDC is still set to meet to determine how to allocate vaccines to those who need it most first.  Healthcare and front line workers, as well as the most vulnerable and immunocompromised individuals will likely be the first to receive either vaccine, once it has FDA approval for distribution.  There are also some differences with the two vaccines that could pose some challenges with making it readily available throughout the entire country.  When Pfizer/BioNTech announced their findings earlier in the week they also explained that the vaccine needs to be stored at below 75 degrees celsius, which is colder than any other vaccine.  Most drug stores and hospitals/doctors offices don’t have freezers with the capacity to get this cold.  Although some larger cities and larger organizations may be able to obtain new freezers by the time the vaccine is available, it is likely that not every suburban or rural area will have the capacity to store this vaccine.  On the other hand, Moderna’s vaccine only needs to be stored at below 20 degrees celsius and other vaccines are the same, making this version of the vaccine more accessible to a wider market.  

There is no confirmed word yet for when a vaccine from either manufacturer will be available to the widespread population in the United States, but some sources have said it could be this coming Spring.  In the meantime, continue practicing safe protocols- like social distancing, wearing masks in public, minimizing group gatherings, washing hands regularly and keeping your body healthy from the inside out.  Patience is important in these trying times of pandemic fatigue and with the holidays upon us.  As always, we remember how strong and capable we are to get through hard times together.  

A Breakdown of the Body Positive Movement

A look into to Body Positive Movement and why it’s become so popular, and how it fits into your weight loss program.

A look into the Body Positive Movement, why it’s become so popular, and how it fits into your weight loss program

A Breakdown of the Body Positive Movement

Body Positive Movement is a trend that’s gained a lot of momentum lately, but where did it come from? Is it a new concept?  According to Wikipedia, “Body positivity is a social movement initially created to empower and shed light on plus size women and men, while challenging the ways in which society presents and views the physical body. The movement advocates the acceptance of all bodies regardless of physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance”(  The concept of body acceptance isn’t brand new, it has roots as far back as the 1850s-1890s in the Victorian Dress Reform Movement.  The concept behind that movement was attempting to put an end to women having to modify their waistlines through corsets.  In more recent history, the Fat Acceptance Movement began gaining momentum in the 1960s, and The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance was first established in 1969 and continues to work to change how people talk about weight.  This movement is designed to put an end to the idea of “fat-shaming” and making overweight or obese people feel guilty for their weight.  

Currently, Body Positive is a term used all over social media, in ad campaigns such as Dove, Aerie and Victoria’s Secret, and even in the featuring of more overweight models in magazines.  The popularity of the movement has led many clothing companies such as Lululemon and Fabletics to use a variety of sizes in the models wearing their clothing.  But there is some controversy involving the movement.  Some health experts, trainers and others in the health and fitness industry claim that this encourages people to continue living an unhealthy life with long term consequences.  Some fear that those who are overweight or obese could use it as an “excuse” to not attempt a weight loss program or try to get healthy.  Although the main concept behind Body Positivity is an affirming message of acceptance, self love and respecting others no matter how they look, like most things it can be taken too far.

So what does that mean to you and me? According to Jenn Ryan, SureFiz Trainer and Health Coach, you should take the positives out of the movement but not take it too far.  “The Body Positive movement has so many good qualities.  The message of self-care, self-acceptance and respect for others at all sizes should be universally practiced in our culture.  But if someone is going to use it as an excuse to stay sedentary, eat whatever unhealthy foods they want and generally ignore diet advice, then I would say they are taking it too far”.   Many people already struggle with adhering to a diet and exercise plan for weight loss, so adding in a movement encouraging people to stay unhealthy could be taking away from people reaching their health goals.  

In general, she suggests that to maintain a healthy lifestyle and reach your fitness goals, you should set a goal for yourself, work at eating healthy, whole foods with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.  Cutting back on processed foods, sugars, tobacco, alcohol and soda will not only lend itself to a healthy weight but will also help other functions of the body-heart health, lung health and overall longevity of life.   At SureFiz, we offer a comprehensive program that will not only track your weight, body fat, muscle progress and more, but also give you the tips and help you need to reach your goals and live a complete, healthy life at any size that is healthy for you! 

All About Intermittent Fasting and How to do it

Intermittent fasting has become one of the most popular lifestyle trends for weight loss and improving overall health

Intermittent fasting has become one of the most popular lifestyle trends for weight loss and improving overall health

All About Intermittent Fasting

What is intermittent fasting?

Is it the same as starvation? According to DietDoctor, fasting differs from starvation in one crucial way: control. Starvation is the involuntary absence of food for a long time. This can lead to severe suffering or even death. On the other hand, fasting is the voluntary avoidance of food for spiritual, health, or other reasons. It’s done by someone who is not underweight and has enough stored body fat to live off. When done correctly, fasting should not cause suffering, and certainly never death.

According to Healthline, intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It does not specify which foods you should eat but rather when you should eat them. It is not a diet in the conventional sense but more accurately described as an eating pattern. Common intermittent fasting methods involve daily 16-hour fasts or fasting for 24 hours, twice per week.

Fasting itself has been practiced from thousands of years ago by different cultures and religions. People who still fast for cultural or religious reasons claim that fasting improves their focus, concentration and clarity. There’s also a ton of promising intermittent fasting studies done on rats. They are all reporting positive results-such as weight loss, improved blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars. However, according to Harvard Health Publishing, the studies in humans almost across the board have shown that intermittent fasting is safe and incredibly effective, but really no more effective than any other diet. Aside from that, many people find it difficult to fast and keep it as a lifestyle.

How does intermittent fasting work in weight loss?

When we fast, there are several things in our body on the cellular and molecular level. One of the things is that our body will adjust hormone levels to make our stored body fat more accessible. The food we eat is broken down by enzymes in our gut and eventually ends up as molecules in our bloodstream. Carbohydrates, particularly sugars and refined grains, are quickly broken down into sugar that our cells use for energy.

If our cells do not use the sugars, we will store it in our fat cells. Sugar can only enter our cells with insulin, which brings sugar into the fat cells and keeps it there. When we stop eating, our insulin levels go down and our fat cells can then release the stored sugar, to be used as energy. The entire idea of intermittent fasting is to allow the insulin levels to go down far enough and long enough that we burn off our fat. Not only that, when we fast, our human growth hormone levels go up and our body’s cells also change the expression of genes and initiate important cellular repair processes. So scientifically, there are major health benefits in fasting aside from weight loss.

A 2014 study found that this eating pattern can cause 3–8% weight loss over 3–24 weeks, which is a significant amount, compared to most weight loss studies (1).

How to do intermittent fasting correctly

How to do intermittent fasting correctly

According to, there are few different ways of doing intermittent fasting. The main idea is splitting the day or week into eating and fasting periods. During these fasting periods, you eat either very little or nothing at all.

These are the most popular methods:

  • The 16/8 method: it involves skipping one of your meals in a day (typically breakfast or dinner) and restricting your daily eating period to 8 hours only. Then you fast for 16 hours in between.
  • Eat-Stop-Eat: it involves fasting for 24 hours, once or twice a week.
  • The 5:2 diet: you consume only 500–600 calories on two non-consecutive days of the week, but eat normally on the other 5 days.
  • Alternate-day fasting: you fast every other day.
  • The warrior diet: you eat small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables during the day and eat one huge meal at night.
  • Spontaneous meal skipping: simply skip meals from time to time when you feel like it (spontaneously).

By reducing your calorie intake, all of these methods should cause weight loss as long as you do not compensate by binge eating during the eating periods. The 16/8 method is the most popular intermittent fasting method. People find it to be the simplest, most sustainable, and easiest to stick to. If you have ever eaten dinner, then slept late, skipped breakfast and gone straight to lunch on the next day, then you have probably already fasted for 16+ hours.

During fasting, you still can drink zero calorie liquids such as black coffee, tea, water, and other non-caloric beverages. You may also have supplements which are best taken with meals.

What are the side effects of intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is certainly not for everyone. According to DietDoctor there are certain people who should not try intermittent fasting, such as:

  • People who are underweight (BMI < 18.5) or have an eating disorder like anorexia.
  • People who are pregnant
  • Breastfeeding mothers
  • A child under 18 years old

There are some people with the following conditions who can probably fast, but may need medical supervision:

  • People with diabetes mellitus type 1 or type 2.
  • People who take prescription medication.
  • People who have gout or high uric acid.
  • People who have any serious medical conditions, such as liver disease, kidney disease, or heart disease.

For normal and healthy people, hunger is the main side effect of intermittent fasting. In the beginning, they may also feel a little weaker and their brain may not perform as well as they are used to. But this is just temporary. After some time, your body will adapt to the new eating routine.

According to Healthline, there is some evidence that intermittent fasting may not be as beneficial for women as it is for men. Some studies in rats have found that intermittent fasting can make female rats emaciated, masculinized, infertile and cause them to miss cycles. There is no human study on this topic yet. However, there are a number of anecdotal reports of women who experienced absence of menstrual period when they started doing intermittent fasting and went back to normal when they resumed their previous eating pattern. For these reasons, women should be careful with intermittent fasting. Especially if you have issues with fertility and/or are trying to conceive, consider holding off on intermittent fasting for now.

Intermittent fasting is not something that anyone needs to or should do. Some people do not like the adjustment of lifestyle and it can be difficult to maintain, especially in their social life. Intermittent fasting is great for some people, not others. The only way to find out which group you belong to is to give it a try. If you enjoy doing it and find it a sustainable option of dieting, it may be a good idea to keep it.

If you need another option than dieting to lose weight, you could tune in the SureFiz app because we are going to launch meal plan features that are personalized and adjusted based on your body composition data. Subscribe to our newsletter to get yourself updated.

Source: Healthline, DietDoctor, Harvard Health Publishing

Pros and Cons of Fasted Cardio in Weight Loss

What is fasted cardio and is it better for success in a weight loss program?

What is fasted cardio and is it better for success in a weight loss program?

Pros and Cons of Fasted Cardio in Weight Loss

Fasted Cardio has become a buzzword in recent years in the fitness world, but what is it really? And can it be part of an effective weight loss routine?  Overall, a simple definition of fasted cardio is a cardiovascular exercise that increases your heart rate sufficiently after depriving the body of food for longer than 8-12 hours. Most often this involves a first thing in the morning workout, as that is commonly when people skip meals for this length of time.  Many athletes and avid gym-goers use this technique to increase their potential fat burning capacity.  

What Does Science Say About Fasted Cardio?

The concept behind fasted cardio has to do with fuel storage.  When a person has fasted overnight, the body doesn’t have fast energy (food) or quick reserves ready to go.  Because of this, the metabolic system has to tap into fat storage in the body, and supporters believe that this leads to higher fat burn and overall weight loss.  But what does science say?  According to Women’s Health, “a meta-analysis from 2018 found that eating before a workout helps people perform aerobic work for longer than in a fasted state, though skipping a snack pre-workout could potentially have some metabolic advantages”.  Other studies have found similar results and led to some inconclusive answers for those seeking fasted cardio in their weight loss.  Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, C.S.C.S, a graduate program director of human performance and fitness at Lehman College states that an “important note to consider is how your body uses fat.  First, there’s fat oxidation,which means actually burning fat.  And then there’s fat breakdown, where fatty acids get released from fat cells and then move throughout the body.  It’s questionable whether fasted cardio actually works to burn more fat, even if it does break it down.  And those fatty acids are just returned back to fat cells for storage”. 

What Does This Mean for a Workout?

One thing to keep in mind is the variability of workouts.  A short, 30 minute elliptical session needs a lot less fuel than a 20 mile marathon training run.  Trying to fast before cardio with a long training session ahead could lead to low performance, lack of energy and endurance or even digestive disturbances if too much depletion happens too fast.  And many people find it to be very exhausting.  It can be hard to put full effort forward in any routine when the fuel tank is running on fumes.  

There are people on both sides of the fence when it comes to fasted cardio.  Some love it, some hate it.  With inconclusive evidence proving that it actually aids in overall fat loss, the bottom line is to go with what works for you.  There are people who simply cannot have food in their stomach before a workout due to stomach sensitivity, so in those cases trainers recommend eating at least 1-2 hours before a workout.  This gives the body adequate time to process and breakdown the foods eaten without causing gastrointestinal distress.  The calorie amount depends on the length and intensity of the workout, but in general a small meal or snack consisting of 1-200 calories will suffice.  Some good pre-workout snacks could be a banana, a small piece of wheat toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 cup of grapes, a small handful of almonds, etc.  These foods all fill the body with necessary nutrients and give the body enough fuel to power through a tough workout session.  

Weight loss programs, trends and diets can be challenging to understand, especially with how much information is available.  SureFiz can help!  Our intuitive weight loss program can help you with goal setting, redirect your path with our “GPS of weight management”, and give you advice along the way! Be sure to check us out  and join our SureFiz team to see your results grow and weight loss success happen!

Election Stress: Is It Affecting Your Health?

The US Election has caused many debates for much of 2020. With extreme opinions on both sides, Americans feel higher stress levels than ever.

The US Election has been the cause of many debates for much of 2020. With extreme opinions on both sides, many Americans feel higher stress levels than ever. 

Election Stress: Is It Affecting Your Health?

Americans are going through an unprecedented election season.  Not only are we electing a new president and many other officials with close, important races, and agendas, but we are living in the midst of a pandemic, heated immigration debates, Black Lives Matter issues, and other social issues.  These are all important topics affecting humanity and our future.  It’s no wonder that many people are reporting elevated stress levels and social media is reporting a wide range of emotions from citizens on all political sides.  

According to Health Magazine, the term “election stress disorder” was first talked about in the 2016 election by Steven Stosny, PhD.  He stated that constant news about the election was stressing out his patients and interfering with their personal lives.  Although this is not an official medical disorder, the term has been widely used recently leading up to another very stressful (if not more so) election year.  With heated debates, polarizing opinions with supporters of Joe Biden or President Trump, many personal attacks and the wide use of social media to discuss opinions, many people are increasingly stressed and feeling overwhelmed.

If you are finding yourself affected by the range of issues this year, including the election, here are some ways you can calm your nerves:

  1. Get Enough Sleep-sleep is so important for well-being.  It is also important for muscle recovery and repair.  Waking up refreshed will also help you manage any stressful situation or conversations that happen surrounding the election.  Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
  2. Eat Healthy-Many people already know this, but it can be hard to put it into action.  Especially during times of high stress.  With the many stressful situations of 2020, reaching for processed food, baking more and consuming more alcohol can be ways of seeking comfort and easing anxiety.  But these have harmful long-term effects on overall health and well being.  Make sure to get plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean protein in your daily diet, as well as drinking half your body weight in ounces of water (or more) each day.
  3. Exercise-During stressful times many people push daily exercise to the back burner.  Make exercise a top priority.  If you are too overwhelmed emotionally to get to the gym or do some higher intensity work, a 30-60 minute walk is sufficient for boosting endorphins.  Getting out in nature has been proven to lower stress levels and increase feelings of well-being.   
  4. Self Care-Find something each day that makes you happy.  It doesn’t have to be a major event or costly item.  Simple things like playing with your pets or kids, taking a bath, reading an enjoyable book or finding a new comedy on TV can be ways to unplug and take your mind off stressful situations.  
  5. Unplug-This may be the most important of all.  With social media and news being more accessible than ever, it can be hard to escape the extremes of all sides in this election.  It’s easy to get sucked in, overwhelmed and not know what is real news or speculation.  With so many differing opinions and polarizing views, you can spend hours scrolling while your stress levels rise.  Staying off social media and turning off the news when you feel stressed is an important way you can take care of yourself and remain calm.

We will get through this challenging time together.  With some of these tips to increase your sense of well-being and reduce stress, you should be able to maintain your health and your weight management program.  Be sure you are continuing to monitor your progress with the SureFiz system, awareness is also an important factor to long term success and adherence.

Source: Health Magazine