How A Smart Scale Can Help You Lose More Weight

Have you ever wondered how a smart scale can help you lose more weight or reach your fitness goals? There are many more interactive features to help you lose and maintain weight than you might think.

How A Smart Scale Can Help You Lose More Weight

Have you ever wondered how a smart scale can help you lose more weight or reach your fitness goals?  There are many more interactive features to help you lose and maintain weight than you might think.

Weight loss scales have been around for many years, but some recent technological advances with smart scales have led to major advantages in the world of fitness and weight loss.  If you ever thought about trying a smart scale but weren’t sure if it was right for you, this information can help show you the reasons why you might want to take the plunge and get one as soon as possible.  Whether you are looking to lose weight, maintain weight loss or even gain weight, a body composition (smart) scale can help you reach those goals.  There are many different components to a body composition scale that can benefit your weight loss or gain goals.  Here are just a few of the benefits you can reap almost immediately from getting a smart scale.

Knowledge is Power

People who weigh themselves regularly are more likely to lose weight and keep it off for good.  You might wonder why this is the case, but having an awareness of where you’re at in your goals each day can help you make better decisions throughout the day. Knowing your weight can help you push harder in your daily exercise, resist tempting foods and make better overall health choices.   According to USA Today, weighing yourself every day can help aid in weight loss and decision making with little to none negative side effects.  “In a two year study of 162 overweight and obese gym members, those asked to weigh themselves daily and chart the results were more likely to lose significant weight and then keep it off.  Another study of 92 overweight adults found increased weight loss among those assigned to daily use of a digital scale that sent results to a website.  The numbers were accessible to both users and counselors—who followed up with tips and encouragement.  The daily weighers saw no increases in depression, binge eating or other signs of disordered eating”.   When it comes to goal setting and awareness, knowledge truly means power to succeed in weight loss for good.  

How A Smart Scale Can Help You Lose More Weight

What is Body Composition and Why Does it Matter?

There are many different body composition statistics that smart scales measure other than just weight.  The main information that the SureFiz smart scale measures are: body fat, water, protein, BMI, weight, muscle, bone density, basal metabolic rate.   As you can see, these components are so much more than body weight.  They provide a holistic experience to help you in not only general weight loss goals but also learning more about how everything within your body is a connective experience.  Your protein counts and water levels (and other facets) all work together in weight loss and in overall weight management.  Once you are able to analyze all of this information in one place, you can apply it to your weight loss plan and help reach your goals faster.

Connectivity to an App

One major benefit to body composition smart scales is the ability to sync all of your body composition information to one place in an easy to use app.  In order to do this your scale will need either Bluetooth or wifi capability.  With Bluetooth capability you need your phone near the scale anytime you weigh so that the phone can easily connect to the scale.  It can become complicated if you forget and have your phone somewhere else in the house when you step on to weigh yourself.  SureFiz scales are intuitively designed with wifi connectivity so that you can keep your phone anywhere in your home without worrying about a connection.  With this benefit, users simply just have to “step up” on the scale and all the connectivity is done for them.

How A Smart Scale Can Help You Lose More Weight

Interactivity to Keep You on Track

The benefits don’t just stop with an interactive wifi scale.  Using the connected app can open up a whole new world of information all at your fingertips.  The addition of goal setting, weight management tracking, accountability circles to connect you with friends plus the addition of free workout plans, diet tips, recipes, advice from fitness and weight loss professionals, makes the smart scale a WHOLE lot smarter.  With so much information all over the Internet and social media, it can be incredibly refreshing to find it all in one place, in one simple app that connects to your scale.  It’s no wonder that psychologists and doctors are finding that the use of a body composition smart scale increases the chances of lasting weight loss and maintenance as opposed to those who don’t regularly use a scale.  One SureFiz user said that the only thing keeping her on track during the COVID-19 pandemic was stepping on the scale regularly. “All my friends were complaining of their weight gain but I said that stepping on the scale was the only thing keeping me from going off the rails and eating all the comfort food I could find.  Even when I wanted to give up I could see my progress on the app and it kept me going on the hardest days”. 

Results That Speak Volumes

It doesn’t take long for the results to show.  When it comes to losing and maintaining weight loss, accountability is key.  Whether you have a trainer to do regular weigh-ins and body measurements, a friend or spouse, or an interactive smart scale to help you on your journey.  Your results will multiply quickly and last longer when you have the ability to track your composition, see your results laid out before you and see the goal in reach.  On those tough days in your weight loss journey (because we all have them and it’s part of the process), you can simply access your data and see just how far you’ve come.  This tool can help keep you motivated to stay on course and keep at it!  Stay strong and continue to put the work in—the results will surely come!  If you haven’t seized the opportunity to get one of these amazing weight loss tools, click here and get yours now! You too can begin to see your weight loss results happen right before your eyes! 

Healthy Tips to Get Your Best Night Sleep

Do you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep? Here are some tips to help you sleep better and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your weight loss program

Do you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep? Here are some tips to help you sleep better and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your weight loss program

Healthy Tips to Get Your Best Night's Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is imperative to success during weight loss.  But many people struggle with sleep issues.  They can range from troubles falling asleep, staying asleep or even just restless sleep during the night.  And some sleep health issues such as sleep apnea, snoring and insomnia can have dangerous long term side effects for those who suffer.  Many people in the past year have also attributed Coronavirus pandemic stress and anxiety to causing sleep disturbances.  If you have suffered for years or only recently begun to feel the strain from sleep issues, there are some healthy, natural options to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Why is Sleep so Important?

Sleep is vital to well being, especially when working towards healthy weight loss goals.  According to the National Institute of Health, “getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety.  The way you feel while you’re awake depends in part on what happens while you’re sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development”.  

During sleep, many functions in the body heal and repair, including muscles.  This can aid in injury prevention, as well as giving you energy to tackle your next workout.  The brain also rejuvenates during sleep which is vital to daily function–not just at work or school but also in making healthy choices in a daily diet plan.  If you are not getting enough sleep, you are more likely to turn to unhealthy sugary food options to help energize and fuel your day.  This will backfire though, as the initial boost from sugar will lead to an energy crash later, not to mention added sugar will impede any success in your goal to achieving weight loss.  Experts recommend a range of sleep based on age.  According to the CDC, adults need a range of 7-9 hours of sleep per night.  Children between the ages of 1 and 5 need anywhere from 10-14 hours of sleep, between daily naps and nightly sleep.  Older children and teens need a range of 8-12 hours per night.  Regrettably, many people don’t accomplish these hourly sleep goals for a range of reasons, but they are so vital to keeping your body strong, refreshed and ready to tackle everything in your day-from work to your fitness program to your healthy diet plan.  If you are one of many who struggle with a good night’s sleep, try some of these tips to help you fall asleep and stay asleep:

Keep a consistent sleep pattern

Our bodies function in circadian rhythms.  Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes. One of the most important and well-known circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle. [source:]  Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day will help keep your body in a consistent sleep pattern, making it easier to fall asleep at the same time each night and keeping your body’s rhythm in sync allowing you to also easily wake up in the morning.  

Limit Napping

A short 15-20 minute power nap can help rejuvenate and energize you, but long drawn out afternoon naps can actually disturb your sleep-wake cycle and make it harder to fall asleep at night.  If you feel the need to lay down and rest, be sure to set an alarm or timer so that you don’t fall into too deep of a sleep and remain napping for too long.  It can also be helpful to keep naps earlier in the afternoon, versus later in the evening or close to your intended bedtime. 

Don’t Drink Caffeine Late in the Day

While caffeine may be the go-to drink first thing in the morning for many, it can be hindering your ability to fall asleep at night if you consume it too close to bedtime.  According to Healthline, “consuming caffeine up to 6 hours before bed significantly worsened sleep quality. Caffeine can stay elevated in your blood for 6–8 hours. Therefore, drinking large amounts of coffee after 3–4 p.m. is not recommended, especially if you’re sensitive to caffeine or have trouble sleeping”.  If you’re looking for something to drink in the afternoon, decaffeinated coffee or tea can be an option.  This will give you the comforting effects of an afternoon drink without the potential of disrupting your sleep patterns.

Try Supplements

There are many supplements on the market that can relax the body and help you fall asleep at night.  One main supplement found to be helpful in many studies is melatonin.  Melatonin is a hormone in the body that helps tell the brain it is time to go to sleep at night.  Using a natural melatonin supplement in the ranges of 1-5 mg per night to help you sleep has been shown in many studies to aid in falling asleep and staying asleep.  [source: Healthline].  Other supplements that have had positive results in some studies are lavender, magnesium, CBD, and gingko biloba. These supplements work to relax and calm the body, helping you feel ready to fall asleep when it’s time.

Cut the Midnight Snacking

Reaching for a late at night snack or late meal can hinder your sleep process.  The body secretes hormones to help break down food and these processes can keep you more awake and unable to fall asleep.  If you end up starving late at night, be sure to reach for smart choices.  High sugar foods are a bad choice (not just for your diet plan, but also for sleep) but maybe a small glass of milk or a slice of turkey can be enough to fill you up without giving too much of a burst of energy late at night. 

Set an Ideal Bedroom Environment

There are many aspects to a bedroom that can help you sleep at night.  First and foremost is the comfort of your bed.  It may be time to upgrade your mattress if you find that you are waking up with a sore back or neck every morning and it can certainly affect the quality of sleep you get at night.  It is also important to keep a bedroom dark to help with circadian rhythm.  Room temperature can be overlooked but is extremely important, as many people find it hard to sleep in too hot of an environment.  The ideal room temperature may vary from person to person, but a general range to try is anywhere from 65-69 degrees fahrenheit.  

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise has many health benefits, beyond weight loss and building strength.  It can also help you fall asleep and stay asleep.  It is important to do your best to try and workout around the same time each day, and not to workout too close to bedtime.  If you workout too late at night, your body is stimulated and energized and it can take some time to calm the body back down.  SureFiz trainer Jenn Ryan recommends finishing your workout no less than 2-3 hours before your bedtime to allow time for heart rate to recover and allow for adequate protein and fuel intake for muscle recovery.  If an evening workout doesn’t fit your schedule, try an early morning workout, which has many health benefits for your weight loss journey. 

Reduce Liquids Close to Bed

Drinking a lot of water right before bed is a sure fire way to interrupt your sleep patterns.  Increased liquid intake will increase urine output and lead to waking up multiple times a night. Having this sleep disruption on a regular basis will lead to problems in your sleep-wake cycle and lead you to feeling more lethargic during the day. To prevent this from happening, make sure you are drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day, beginning right when you wake up.  Keeping your body properly hydrated all day will help combat late night thirst and needing to drink large amounts of water at night.  Try to stop drinking water 1-2 hours before bedtime to reduce the need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.  

Healthy Tips to Get Your Best Night's Sleep

Turn off Electronics

There are many reasons to turn off those cell phones and televisions before bed, but a few important reasons that you should consider in regards to your health and wellness program.  First of all, electronics emit a blue light that tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime and can keep you awake.   But another issue that can prevent a relaxing bedtime is social media, the news or anything that keeps your brain going at night.  If you find that you need something to unplug at night, a nice magazine or book can help relax you without the addition of a blue light to keep you energized.  

Sleep is so important for overall health and wellness, but especially when trying to lose weight and stick to a workout plan.  While not all of these tips may be necessary for each individual, give some of these a try and see if they can help you with achieving restful sleep and waking feeling refreshed, ready to tackle your day.  Visit for more weight loss and health advice to help you reach those fitness goals. 

Do Vitamins Cause Bloating in a Weight Loss Plan?

Many vitamins and supplements contain nutrients that are beneficial for overall health and weight loss, but can they lead to side effects such as bloating?

Many vitamins and supplements contain nutrients that are beneficial for overall health and weight loss, but can they lead to side effects such as bloating?

Can Vitamins or Supplements Cause Bloating in Your Weight Loss Plan?

Supplementing with vitamins can help you with your diet, especially if you are lacking in some nutrients from your daily foods in your weight loss journey.  But sometimes the same vitamins that are supposed to help increase overall health can also have some unpleasant side effects.  Let’s take a look at some vitamins that can cause bloating, some that can relieve it and considerations you should take if you are supplementing with vitamins or minerals.

What are Vitamins?

Vitamins are organic compounds, or micronutrients, needed in small amounts in the human body, not just for weight loss but many other functions as well.  Many vitamins can come from food but some come from other sources.  For example, vitamin D can and generally needs to be absorbed from sunlight because there is not enough of a quantity in food we eat.  Likewise, you may need to supplement if you find that you are deficient in a vitamin and the food you eat isn’t supplying enough.  The best way to figure out if you are deficient in a specific vitamin is to see your doctor and have some testing done to determine.  There are 13 known vitamins and they are classified as either water soluble or fat soluble.  Fat soluble vitamins are more easily stored in the body than water soluble vitamins. (Source: Medical News Today).

Can Vitamins or Supplements Cause Bloating in Your Weight Loss Plan?

Can Vitamins Cause Bloating?

Many vitamins do not tend to cause bloating but there are some instances where bloating can occur, which can be incredibly frustrating and uncomfortable during a weight loss journey. Multivitamins, especially those containing iron can cause mild discomfort and gas or bloating.  Supplements containing fiber can create excess gas, as the body may not be accustomed to the level of fiber being ingested.  Another reason you may be experiencing gas or a bloated feeling could be due to constipation, as some studies have shown links to vitamins and GI discomfort or constipation.  (Source:

Vitamin D

Recent studies have shown a link between vitamin D and bloating.  Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is found in fatty fishes such as salmon and tuna or fortified foods such as cereals. But since it is not prevalent enough in foods we eat, supplementation is often necessary.  Even those who live in sunnier climates tend to be deficient in vitamin D and can find it helpful to supplement.  But in some cases, vitamin D can lead to bloating and gas or uncomfortable side effects.  Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, which means it is stored in fat cells in the body.  Ingesting too much vitamin D over a long period of time leads to gastrointestinal side effects and can also lead to frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, weakness, damage to the kidneys, heart or blood vessels.  (Source:  You should definitely check with your doctor if you feel you are ingesting too much vitamin D or experiencing some of these uncomfortable symptoms.  Visit our blog for more information on the benefits of vitamin D and other nutrients on the immune system.

Can Vitamins or Supplements Cause Bloating in Your Weight Loss Plan?

Are There any Vitamins that can Help with Bloating?

There are some vitamins shown to help with bloating.  Vitamin B-6 can help as a diuretic to help reduce bloating from water retention.  Calcium may also help with bloating but you may want to take with magnesium in order to reduce the chances of constipation.  In any case, increasing your water consumption can always help with reducing bloating and water retention in the body, as well as aid in weight loss and your diet plan.  Aim to get half your body weight in ounces at the minimum.  Water can help with many other functions in the body, so drink up!  

Making sure that you are getting the proper levels of nutrients (not too much or too little) is very important in overall health and wellness, as well as your diet plan and fitness program.  If you notice regular symptoms that could be caused by vitamin deficiency or uncomfortable gastrointestinal side effects from vitamins, be sure and check with your doctor.  And if you have any questions along your journey, the SureFiz website can be a valuable tool.  We have workout plans, diet plans, recipes and more! 

Body Image: Unpacking the Terminology and its Effects

A person’s body image can either be positive or negative, or a mix of both. The importance of body image can affect many aspects of life.

A person’s body image can either be positive or negative, or a mix of both.  The importance of body image can affect many aspects of life.

Body Image: Unpacking the Terminology and its Effects

What is Body Image?

Everyone has a body image, whether positive or negative.  But what exactly is body image and how does it affect our daily lives?  According to Psychology Today, “body image is the mental representation an individual creates of themselves, but it may or may not bear any relation to how one actually appears. Body image is subject to all kinds of distortions from the attitudes of one’s parents, other early experiences, internal elements like emotions or moods, and other factors” (Retrieved from  The concept of body image has been a large part of humanity all throughout history, with outside factors and trends shaping how an individual sees him or herself in relation to others.  

Positive Body Image

Body image can be positive or negative.  A positive body image involves looking at oneself as having value regardless of physical appearance.  Medical News Today breaks it down below.

“Having a positive body image includes: 

  • Accepting and appreciating the whole of one’s body, including how it looks and what it can do
  • Having a broad concept of beauty
  • Having a body image that is stable
  • Having inner positivity” (Retrieved from

The ability to see oneself with acceptance and appreciation is at the forefront of a positive body image and can be foundational in having a strong sense of self worth and success in life that goes far beyond outward appearance.  With a strong sense of self worth, a person can have the confidence to try new things, obtain further education or take a step into the unknown without the fear of failure.

Negative Body Image

A negative body image, on the other hand, can truly affect many aspects of life that go far beyond looks. Medical News Today reports that someone who suffers from body image could experience any of the following:

  • Comparing themselves to others and feeling inadequate when they do  
  • Feelings of shame or embarrassment 
  • Lack of confidence 
  • Feeling uncomfortable or awkward in their body 
  • See parts of their body, such as their nose, in a distorted way (Retrieved from

These negative feelings associated with body image can truly hinder someone in many aspects of their life, and can also lead to more serious conditions or disorders.  Although a negative body image tends to be more prevalent among women, many men also suffer from negative body image.  Since women tend to be more willing to be open and share feelings in general, many men may remain quiet about their feelings of inadequacy and fear sharing these feelings with others or seeking help.

Outside Influences

Social media has also influenced body image in recent years, as images of supermodels or other attractive people are bombarding news feeds and can affect a person’s view of beauty or how they think they should look.  However, this is not a new concept—even before the birth of the internet and social media the influence of community perception of beauty has had an effect on personal self-worth.   Humanity has always had an awareness of beauty and physical looks and what goes along with it.  In past eras, carrying extra weight was associated with wealth, and as such being heavy set, or carrying extra weight was more desirable.  In our current society, having a small frame and being associated as “skinny” is trendy and thus more desirable.  With society and trends directing what is seen as beautiful, it can affect a person’s body image when he or she doesn’t fit that mold.  

Other Disorders

When a negative self-image permeates a person’s thinking, the results can be far reaching.  It can even lead to deeper, more serious disorders.  Healthline explains that, “People who are extremely dissatisfied with the way their bodies look have a greater risk of developing:

  • mood disorders
  • body dysmorphic disorder
  • disordered eating
  • muscle dysmorphia
  • lower self-esteem
  • relationship problems
  • self-harm tendencies

Also, people with social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and major depressive disorder may have a distorted, negative body image” (Retrieved from  With many of the above disorders having potential long term, serious side effects, it is important to recognize areas of negative body image addressing them.

How To Improve Body Image

There are a number of ways to work on improving body image; ranging from small, simple at home tips to therapy or medications.  Here are some options that can help with turning a negative body image into a positive one:

  • Create lists of multiple positive body attributes
  • Redefine beauty in a less superficial way
  • Choose to be surrounded by positive, uplifting people 
  • Writing down negative self thoughts and consciously changing them to positive 
  • Volunteering or performing activities that help others 
  • Taking a break or minimizing time on social media
  • Finding activities that move the body and can help with awareness of what the body can do, not just what it looks like.  (Retrieved from:

If some of the above exercises aren’t working after some time of practicing, it may be necessary to explore other options and seek professional help.  Many psychologists and psychiatrists have techniques that can improve body image, as well as the option to prescribe medication if necessary to work on some underlying causes or roots of negative body image.  It is possible to improve body image and to be able to see the positive attributes that the body offers, much beyond superficial appearance or body size.  

How to Deal With Work From Home Burnout

Do you struggle with burnout while working from home during the pandemic? Here are a few strategies to get through the work week without feeling completely exhausted.

Do you struggle with burnout while working from home during the pandemic? Here are a few strategies to get through the work week without feeling completely exhausted.

Work From Home Burnout

How to Deal With Work From Home Burnout

The past year has seen many changes.  Many Americans have moved from working in an office space to working from home, and with this change comes many new challenges.  As the months roll on, people are feeling a sense of burnout and exhaustion, not only from COVID-19 fatigue but from working from home and the pressures that go along with it. According to Muse, “Work-from-home burnout happens when people can’t separate their work life and their home life, says Andrew Schwehm, a licensed clinical psychologist with Alma, a network of mental health providers, who also works at Bellevue Hospital in New York City and teaches at NYU School of Medicine. People are having an especially hard time separating the two during the pandemic when they’re working and living in one space”.  With many shelter in place or stay home recommendations being extended around the world, getting out is hard to do and many people feel very stuck.  So what can we do about this burnout?  With some simple strategies and tips, you can help avoid major exhaustion and complete burnout.

Symptoms of Burnout

How to Deal With Work From Home Burnout

Webmd describes symptoms of work from home burnout as any of the following:

  • Lack of enthusiasm
  • Irritability and impatience
  • Changes in attitude-becoming cynical especially
  • Lack of interest in anything
  • Being easily distracted
  • Lack of productivity
  • Using alcohol or other substances to cope

Work from home burnout can also lead to feelings of depression and apathy, especially as the pandemic wears on.  The feelings of hopelessness are real and many who work from home can feel a sense of no end to their feelings.  Signs and symptoms can vary depending on a person’s living arrangement-whether they live in the city or suburbs, have a family and children or live alone, or have pets.  But regardless of a variance in these feelings they are very real and extremely important to recognize so that you can address them and make improvements for the sake of your health.  According to SureFiz trainer Jenn Ryan, there are some steps you can take for your health and wellness to prevent or improve your feelings of work from home burnout.

  • Set Boundaries: It can feel like you never have a break from the workday when you work from home.  There is no separation of the office and the sanctity of home.  One client stated that she felt like she worked from 8AM to 9PM and she only works an average of 5-6 hours a day.  With the many obligations of life-from spouse to kids to pets to laundry and housework, the juggling of all things leads to feeling like there can never be a break.  If you work on setting some boundaries between work and home, working within a certain part of the day and enjoying home life during other hours, you can create a sense of separation between the job and home life.
  • Prioritize Your Health: Many times when we reach burnout, health and fitness is the first thing that goes.  Right now, making our health a priority is more important than ever.  Working out and focusing on fitness doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment or even a trip to the gym.  Working out from home is simple and easy to squeeze in when you have some time.  A 30 minute workout is better than no workout and whenever you can fit it into your day is beneficial to general health.  Your mind and body will thank you.  Many people also report that they feel rejuvenated, more ready to tackle daily tasks and accomplish goals after a workout. 
  • Get More Sleep: It may feel easier to work late into the night hours to finish a task but it’s important to remember that the tasks will be there for you when you wake up.  Regularly “burning the midnight oil” will lead to further exhaustion in the coming days and create a cycle that can be hard to get out of.  Getting adequate sleep is incredibly important for body and mind recovery, for minimizing anxiety and helping with energy reserves.  Getting to bed at a decent hour will help you wake up more energized, which will lead to better productivity during your work day.
  • Take Breaks and Get Out: When you feel yourself lagging or lacking motivation, it’s okay to take a break to clear your mind.  Take a walk, get outside for some fresh air, or even take a short drive if the weather isn’t accommodating in the winter months.  A change of scenery can refresh your mind and spirit so that when you return to the home office you can be ready to get back to your daily work tasks. 
  • Do Something You Enjoy: If you had a hobby before the pandemic and you stopped doing it, pick it back up.  You might find that it fills your spirit and soul in the ways you need!  Not sure about what you would enjoy?  Playing an instrument, singing, dancing, even coloring, drawing or journaling can all be done at home and can be relaxing activities that give you a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment in these hard times.  
  • Talk to Someone: Working from home during this pandemic can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, and with many socialization activities out in public closed or limited, it can be much harder to connect with those you care about.  Be sure to make the effort to reach out to friends and family to talk out your feelings.  Sharing with others will help take away the burden and you may find that you aren’t the only one suffering from burnout at home and that others are in the same place.  Even if you can’t be in person, calling on the phone or setting up a video chat to connect with loved ones can help refill your tank and is good for the soul. 

How to Deal With Work From Home Burnout

The job may not get easier, the pandemic may not be over quickly and we all may be working from home for a while longer-if not permanently.  But we can all get through this together and work to avoid the inevitable burnout that can occur from at home working.  Even if you already feel some or all of these symptoms of burnout, you can reverse the effects by setting up some of these strategies to protect yourself from long term effects and damage on your body and mind.  You need to take care of yourself to remain healthy and strong, in order for you to be productive at home and work for many years to come.  

Tips to Help You Beat Winter Depression

As the days get shorter, colder and darker, many Americans suffer from seasonal depression. Here are some tips to help you get through hard winter months.

As the days get shorter, colder and darker, many Americans suffer from seasonal depression.  Here are some tips to help you get through hard winter months.

How to Beat Winter Depression

Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you feel like the winter months and darker days make you feel sad, anxious or fatigued, you are not alone.  Many people explain feelings of sadness that increase in winter months.  Healthline describes this as follows; “If the changing seasons leave you feeling sad, anxious, empty, or experiencing other negative emotions for most of the day, nearly every day, you may have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — a condition now officially termed major depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern.  ‘Symptoms of this recurrent form of depression most often emerge during the darker winter months, then disappear as days grow longer and brighter come spring’, says Ken Duckworth, MD, medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and assistant clinical professor at Harvard University Medical School in Boston.  

It is very common as the days get shorter and darker for the feelings of sadness to increase, and many areas also experience harsher weather changes with winter, forcing them to stay indoors.  With the coronavirus pandemic affecting everyone more now than ever, feelings of hopelessness and depression are incredibly commonplace no matter which climate you live in.  If you’re wondering how to beat the winter blues, there is hope.  Here are some natural, cost effective remedies that can help you weather the winter and see some light on the other side.

Get Moving

How to Beat Winter Depression

One of the easiest, cheapest ways to cure the winter blues (or any blues) is to get some exercise.  “Exercise is incredibly beneficial for mental health”, states SureFiz trainer and health coach Jenn Ryan, “Beyond the feelings of accomplishment after a good workout, exercise also boosts endorphins, serotonin and the feel-good hormones in the body.  Regular exercise also clears the mind and reduces stress, making you feel like you have the strength to tackle any hard things in life.  In addition, exercise can help you sleep better and get the rest you need to feel better”.  She suggests trying a simple 30 minute walk, jog or bike ride to get outside.  If you have access to a set of stairs, try our simple stair workout ideas to get sweaty and move the body out of depression. 

Supplement with Vitamin D

Vitamin D has many health benefits. It’s main job in our bodies is to promote calcium absorption and strengthen bones but it can also help with the following functions; muscle strength, immune boosting, fight inflammation, strengthen oral health and even aid in weight loss.  One of the benefits found in recent years has been the benefit of fighting depression.  Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin, as we can get vitamin D from sunlight.  Researchers in the journalNeuropsychiatry  found “a significant relationship between depression and vitamin D deficiency.”  Many people who supplement with vitamin D notice a difference in mood and feelings of wellness, as well as the ability to stay healthy.  

Eat Right

How to Beat Winter Depression

Getting a healthy diet is another highly recommended way to combat seasonal depression.  “The body needs vital nutrients, and the best way to prevent deficiencies is to get them through real food”, says Jenn Ryan.  When you fill up on comfort foods filled with fat, sugar and processed chemicals, they may taste good and initially fill a void, but eventually can lead to worse feelings of indigestion and sluggishness.  Instead, she recommends that you fill your plates with plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grain, fiber filled grains, healthy proteins and fats such as avocado.  By eating healthier more balanced foods, you will not only feel satiated when needed but will avoid the after feelings of guilt and fatigue.  With healthy fuel, you will be able to have energy to get out of bed and face the day.

Light Boxes

UV light boxes can also be a great way to help fight against seasonal depression.  When the winter months bring cold, darker days, many people don’t get the daylight or vitamin D that they need each day, as we mentioned above.  Light therapy boxes can help with this by emitting a light mimicking outdoor sunlight.  According to Better Health, “Light therapy, also known as bright light therapy or phototherapy, is a therapeutic method that can be used to treat seasonal affective disorder. It can also treat other conditions as well, including other types of depression, sleep disorders, and other conditions. It can even be used for other issues that may mess with your internal clock, such as jet lag or adjusting to a nighttime work schedule…light therapy uses a light therapy box that gives off a bright light. The light is meant to mimic natural outdoor light”.  By sitting next to the light each day, many people feel a lift in their mood and reduction in symptoms of seasonal depression.


How to Beat Winter Depression

Writing in a journal can be a cost-effective, simple way to fight depression.  The ability to focus your thoughts and bring pen to paper is extremely effective in clearing the mind, helping with focus and feeling better.  It is a common practice that has been around for many years, and getting your thoughts out can often help you sort through them and find a solution.  Finding a nice, quiet place to write out your thoughts and feelings can help make it a routine in your weekly life.  Once your feelings are sorted out on paper, the mind has clarity and can often help boost emotions, with feelings of being able to tackle the hard things in life.  

Personal Trainer Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

Curious about what to buy for the fitness enthusiast on your list this holiday season? Our SureFiz trainer shares her favorite gifts for 2020.

Curious about what to buy for the fitness enthusiast on your list this holiday season? Our SureFiz trainer shares her favorite gifts for 2020.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

Jenn Ryan, one of SureFiz’s trainers, shared with us her top picks for Holiday gift ideas.  There is sure to be something on this list that would be perfect for the fitness enthusiast on your list!  With a wide variety of price ranges, any budget level can find something that would work for a great price.

1.     Fabletics Oasis High Waisted Pocket Legging $54.95

Fabletics is Kate Hudson’s fitness inspired athletic apparel line and has been gaining a lot of momentum in the past few years. These leggings are by far the best leggings for running and activity.  The high waist will keep them in place for your entire workout, no matter how long.  The side pockets make it super convenient to keep your phone by your side and easily accessible.  With many options for style and color, the choices are endless-you could buy a few to mix and match outfits.  While you’re on the site, look around for some ideas for yourself-you can’t go wrong with anything at Fabletics!

2.     Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37 $120

The lightweight and breathable quality in these running shoes make them a perfect gift for any runner on your list.  Nike Air Zoom is a well rounded running shoe with react cushioning for the ultimate in running comfort. With adorable colors and attractive styling (my favorite is the champagne pink), even non-runners would love seeing these under the tree.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

3.     Lululemon Reversible 5mm Yoga Mat $78

If you have a yoga enthusiast on your list, the Lululemon yoga mat is a classic.  You can’t go wrong with the reversible mat and the array of options for style and color.   The natural rubber base gives cushioning and a textured grip, while the antimicrobial additive helps prevent mold and mildew on the mat.  These yoga mats are highly durable and will last a long time, while also being easy to clean and wipe down for a low maintenance yoga experience.

4.     Apple Watch series 6 $259

Every fitness enthusiast needs an Apple Watch.  Seriously.  The Apple watch is versatile in so many ways-tracking movement, workouts, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels.  With the added features of email, text messaging, phone capabilities and playlists for music, the watch is a crowd pleaser for sure.  As a trainer, even the simple ability to set a timer, check weather, and create reminders is worth the price.

5.     Lifeproof Lifeactiv Armband with quickmount $30.50

The Lifeproof brand is well known for its standard in phone cases-guaranteeing to protect the life of your phone no matter what happens.  The fitness armband is extremely durable, and its quick-mount feature is great for a runner or fitness enthusiast, allowing the phone to stay readily available and easy to reach when needed.  The mount works in both landscape and portrait positions and mounting is super simple-phone comes on or off with a simple twist.

6.     Powerbeats high performance wireless headphones $149.95

Beats headphones are unmatched all around, no matter which ones you choose.  If you’re looking for amazing sound quality, look no further.  These headphones are also sweat resistant and boast 15 hours of listening time, which the average fitness enthusiast will only need to charge them approximately every 2 weeks.

7.     Under Armour UA Sports Mask $30

This face mask is all an athlete could ask for.  High quality materials and strategic structure make this mask breathable and easy to wear for hours.  Bonus features include antimicrobial treatment on the inside to keep the mask fresh and a water-resistant outer shell for maximum comfort.  I would wear this all day if I had to.  And that says a lot for a mask!

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

8.     Tangram Smart Jump Rope $39.95 

Jumping rope is one of the simplest, easy to accomplish yet effective workouts that most anyone can do.  The coolest thing about this jump rope is its ability to connect to the smartrope mobile app via Bluetooth and track your workout data.  The app tracks jump count, calories burned, and time spent jumping.   Users can stay motivated by unlocking awards, doing interval training, and connecting with other smart rope users to challenge each other.

9. BeautyCounter Sheer Genius Conditioning Lipstick $32

Beautycounter is a revolutionary skincare company that is working to change the beauty market for good.  They only use clean, sustainable sources for their makeup and skincare, making it a great choice for skin of all ages and types.  The Sheer Genius is a lipstick that wears like a balm, which makes it the perfect gift for that runner who logs long miles in the cold and ends up with chapped lips.  With a lightly sweet natural vanilla scent, this lipstick will brighten any workout.

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

10.     SureFiz scale $99.89

This is more than a smart scale.  SureFiz offers users a multi-faceted fully interactive experience driven with AI to track weight loss, body measurements and set goals.  With the SureFiz app, users have access to immediate feedback from trainers and health experts, a forum for quick answers to the biggest questions in health and fitness and accountability circles to connect with other users for greater chances of success.  This system is not just for those who need to lose weight, but is very effective for any fitness enthusiast who loves to track their fitness statistics. It’s also available on Amazon.

11. LARQ Self Cleaning Water bottle $95  

The LARQ water bottle is the first of its kind.  It is truly an all-in-one bottle, with self cleaning capabilities so that you don’t have to waste time trying to get your water bottle clean.  The bottle “uses patented UV-C technology to purify your water and bottle at the touch of a button.  The bottle intelligently turns on every two hours to purify both the water you put inside as well as the inside of the bottle.  The UV-C light eradicates biological contaminants by destroying their DNA”.

12. Living Proof Perfect Hair Day dry shampoo $25.00  

Every fitness enthusiast and avid gym goer knows that a dry shampoo is necessary in a gym bag.  Sometimes there just isn’t enough time after a workout for washing, drying and styling hair.  But not all shampoos are created equally.    The Perfect Hair Day dry shampoo by Living Proof is cruelty-free, paraben-free, silicone-free and safe for all chemically treated hair.  It truly absorbs the oil and sweat after a workout and hair will look amazing for days!  

13. All in Motion kettlebell, 15 lb $39.99   

The kettlebell is an incredibly versatile workout partner, and makes a great gift for the workout-at-home enthusiast.  This kettlebell is coated along the bottom with vinyl, which helps protect your floor and surfaces from scratches like a traditional steel framed kettlebell. The bright coloring makes for a cheery addition to a piece of workout equipment.   A 15 pound kettlebell is a great medium weight size, but Target also offers others if lighter or heavier is preferred.  

Personal Trainers Top Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

14. Ciele Athletics GoCap Century Running Hat $39.95

The Ciele Athletics running hat is super lightweight, comfortable and moisture wicking.  With a pliable brim and soft machine washable fabric, the hat can be easily stored and packed away.  My favorite feature is the reflective detailing on the front and back, which really helps for those early morning or late night runs in the winter.  

15. Trigger Point Grid Foam Roller $59.99

This Trigger Point foam roller is hands down the best foam roller!  It has a hard, hollow core then wrapped in foam for a sturdy yet comfortable roll.  With strategically placed grooves along the entire roller, you are sure to reach even the hardest to reach pressure points, making it seem closer to the feel of a massage.  One bonus: if you want to travel with a foam roller, this hollow core makes it great for storing clothes in so that you can maximize space efficiently!

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving During a Pandemic

Thanksgiving in 2020 may look and feel different, but it’s still possible to stay safe and healthy while enjoying the holiday.

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving and Stay Healthy in the Coronavirus 

Thanksgiving in 2020 may look and feel different, but it’s still possible to stay safe and healthy while enjoying the holiday.

Many people can agree that this past year has been unprecedented, a year like no other that we have experienced in this generation.  The entire world has been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, no region untouched.  As we near the holiday season, it is clear that Thanksgiving and even Christmas will likely be celebrated differently.  Just because our holiday traditions may not be the same in 2020 doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the fellowship of family and friends while staying safe, healthy and protecting others. 

Keep Gatherings Small-or Virtual

Many Thanksgiving traditions involve gathering with family and friends.  Thanksgiving has historically been one of the biggest travel times every year but with the novel Coronavirus pandemic, many travel plans have halted and people have opted to stay home with their immediate families to stay healthy.  Others may just keep their circles smaller with close family.  No matter what you decide, staying safe and healthy this year doesn’t mean you have to feel completely disconnected.  Earlier this year when many states were on a stay at home requirement, families and friends gathered over Zoom calls, FaceTime, or other  video apps to share meals, a happy hour, weddings, birthdays and other joyous occasions.  The holidays can be a time of celebration from afar, but still together.  So raise a glass to your computer screen and smile at the faces on the other side, knowing that we won’t be apart forever.  

Don’t Let a Thanksgiving Cheat Meal Become a Cheat Week

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving and Stay Healthy in the Coronavirus Pandemic

Many health experts, trainers, health coaches and nutritionists will tell you-one cheat meal won’t ruin your diet or weight loss success.  But an entire long weekend of eating Thanksgiving leftovers could certainly put a damper on your goals and leave you working hard to gain back momentum.  Make sure that you enjoy smaller amounts of some of the most unhealthy items-stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, pie, sweets–and fill the plate with turkey, salad, vegetables and other less calorie laden foods.  It’s ok to enjoy the day without guilt and try small amounts of festive foods, while keeping in mind that you have a goal and you want to stick to your plan to reach it.  Let the others in your household enjoy leftovers the following days, while you get back on track and on your diet and fitness plan.  It can be hard to resist all the leftovers but remember you CAN do it!

Take Care of Yourself

In many different ways, the holidays can be stressful and anxiety-inducing.  This year may have its unique challenges and stressors.  It is important to remember overall wellness.  Get lots of adequate rest, stay on your regular exercise routine and take time to decompress from the stressors of life and the holidays.  Finding a good book, taking a relaxing bath or even some light yoga can all help give you the time you need to refresh and feel ready for anything that happens.

Give Thanks

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving and Stay Healthy in the Coronavirus Pandemic

Remembering the reason for the Thanksgiving holiday is of utmost importance-maybe more so this year than ever before.  Taking some time for remembrance, gratefulness and thankfulness is good for the soul and the body.  This year has been challenging and at times it can be easier to focus on all the things we have lost instead of all that we have.  Go around the table with your immediate family or whoever you share dinner with and take turns talking about what you are thankful for this year.  You may find that you gained more than you thought you had lost.  Finding the silver lining in every cloud is a huge component of staying healthy and whole.  The feeling of thankfulness and gratitude can carry you through this entire holiday season and into next year.  

We can and will get through this together, and look forward to future holidays when we can all gather together and keep each other safe too.  From all of us at SureFiz, we wish you the best and most fulfilling Thanksgiving holiday.  May you enjoy every moment and maximize the moments of happiness in the day.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Healthy Foods For A Strong Immune System this Winter

A strong immune system has many components, including a healthy daily diet. Here are some foods to try to help you stay healthy through the winter.

A strong immune system has many components, including a healthy daily diet.  Here are some everyday foods you can eat to help you stay healthy through the winter.

Healthy Foods to Keep your Immune System Strong this Winter

The body’s immune system is it’s first defense against illness.  When it comes to preventing colds, flus or even the coronavirus, keeping the body strong and healthy is of utmost importance.  You don’t need to reach for expensive vitamins and supplements to keep your body strong.  There are many healthy foods that you’ll find easy to incorporate into your daily diet and weight loss program.  

What makes an immune system strong?

Healthy Foods to Keep your Immune System Strong this Winter

When it comes to keeping your immune system strong and thriving, several components are important to keep in mind.  The immune system isn’t single faceted, but a complete system in the body that depends on a lot of factors to function well.  Some of the main ways you can help your immune system stay strong are:

  • Get enough sleep
  • Quit smoking cigarettes (or don’t start)
  • Exercise regularly
  • Try to minimize stress
  • Practice good hygiene-washing hands, etc.
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation
  • Eat a variety of natural, healthy foods-especially fruits and vegetables
  • Keep sugar intake low, avoid unnatural sources

Working on all of the above areas can help keep your immune system strong and ready to fight off any illness or infection, but when it comes to eating healthy some foods are definitely superior in their immune-boosting qualities.  Focus on foods that are high in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc.  The key is getting a good variety of these foods to keep each of these nutrients strong in your body.


“Antioxidant” is a word used a lot in the health and fitness world.  But what does it really mean? Broken down,  according to, the anti means against and oxidant refers to something that will chemically combine with oxygen. This means that antioxidants prevent oxidation against free radicals.  When there are free radicals within the body they can cause a chain reaction that causes damage to the cells.  Antioxidants can help keep your cells strong against this free radical damage.  Some popular foods that are high in antioxidants are:

  • Raspberries, cherries, apricots, cranberries and watermelon
  • Broccoli, spinach, artichokes,
  • Rosemary, oregano, thyme
  • Kidney beans
  • Turmeric
  • Acai powder
  • Allspice, cinnamon, cocoa powder

By combining many of these fresh fruits, vegetables and spices together, there are many easy and creative ways to get more antioxidant rich foods into your diet.  

Vitamin C

Healthy Foods to Keep your Immune System Strong this Winter

Vitamin C might be the most common vitamin known to fight illness and aid in recovery well.  Because the body cannot produce or store vitamin c, it has to be sourced through the diet, and finding daily sources in a variety of foods can help ensure you are getting enough.    When you think of vitamin c you might immediately think of oranges or other citrus, but many other foods are high in vitamin c that may not have come to your mind. Here are some great healthy food options that give a boost of vitamin c:

  • Red pepper, green pepper, green chile pepper
  • Oranges, strawberries, papaya, guava
  • Broccoli, potato, brussels sprouts, cauliflower
  • Lemon, grapefruit, kiwifruit, mango

Vitamin D

Healthy Foods to Keep your Immune System Strong this Winter

Vitamin D has been known for many years to promote bone growth and absorb calcium.  Recent studies have also shown a link between vitamin D and other important body functions, including a healthy immune system response.  “Vitamin D deficiency has now been linked to breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, depression, weight gain, and other maladies. These studies show that people with higher levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of disease” (webmd).  The body can produce vitamin D, but only after skin exposure to sunlight for an extended period of time.  Unfortunately, those who live in less sunny climates can be at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.  Even those who live in sunny areas may still have vitamin D deficiency if they spend a majority of their time indoors.  Recent studies have been conducted on the potential role vitamin D may have in the immune response to COVID-19.  Although more research needs to be done, studies show positive results that link vitamin D to the immune system strength needed to fight the coronavirus and other diseases.  If you are not able to get enough sunlight daily, these foods can help to supplement vitamin D in your body:

  • Salmon
  • Herring, sardines, cod liver oil
  • Egg yolks
  • Mushrooms
  • Fortified foods with vitamin D, such as cow’s milk, soy milk, orange juice, cereals and oatmeal.

Getting vitamin D from all natural sources such as the sun and natural healthy foods is always the best way to give the body what it needs on a daily basis.


Zinc is an essential trace mineral that plays an important role in the body, including slowing the aging process and providing an antioxidant barrier against free radicals.  The body doesn’t need large amounts of this mineral for healthy function, so it is an easy nutrient to supplement with a healthy diet.  Keep in mind that animal foods are the best sources of zinc compared to plant foods, like vegetables, because zinc bioavailability (the fraction of zinc that’s retained and used by the body) is high in foods like animal meat and seafood (  That doesn’t mean animal foods are the only source, but combining animal and plant sources can help guarantee you’re getting all you need in your daily diet.  Some of the foods highest in zinc are:

  • Grass-fed beef, lamb, chicken
  • Pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, cashews
  • Chickpeas, lentils, almonds
  • Kefir, yogurt, ricotta cheese
  • Mushrooms, spinach, avocado

By working at maintaining a healthy immune system through the winter months, you can do your best to stay strong and able to fight any viruses that come your way.  Choosing a variety of foods from all of these categories will help you feel better, stay stronger and promote healthy weight loss as part of your overall diet plan.  Holistic health is not just about weight loss or physical appearance, but about the functions of the entire body.  By keeping all of your systems strong you can feel better from the inside out.