Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

Do you need help finding some new exercises in the New Year? SureFiz trainer shares her favorite exercises to help you succeed in your weight loss journey

Do you need help finding some new exercises in the New Year? SureFiz trainer shares her favorite exercises to help you succeed in your weight loss journey

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

The New Year is upon us and as we welcome in 2021, many people are also looking for ways to achieve their New Year’s Resolutions or accomplish their weight loss goals.  If you ever wondered what trainers think are the best exercises, our very own SureFiz trainer has compiled eight of her favorite exercises that she incorporates in her fitness routine for you to try as you sweat your way to weight loss.  Try incorporating them into your weekly workout routine to see how well they work for you.


Any exercise is a good exercise to help with healthy weight loss and staying fit.  But many trainers have favorites—exercises that they feel are better for the whole body.  The exercises we list here are what we call “more bang for your buck” exercises, allowing for integration of core work and multi-muscle group activation.  When doing them correctly you can see your fitness level and your overall strength increase.  These are certainly not all-inclusive; there are many exercises that help with full body strength and endurance.  But these exercises are a good start to helping you reach your strength and fitness potential, as well as lose more weight for good.

1.     Burpees

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

Burpees are a great full body bodyweight workout that can blast calories and fat, while getting the heart rate pumping.  You will work your lower body during a squat position, upper body and shoulders as you drop down into a plank and the core for the entire exercise.  Although they may sound intimidating, burpees can be modified so that almost anyone can do them.  There are many variations of a burpee that can be done to make it more or less challenging, such as adding a pushup or dumbbells, adding exercises to make it more complex, or doing it on an elevated surface to make it easier.  Here’s how to do a burpee:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, glutes engaged, core tight and knees slightly bent-not locked.
  • Bend your knees more and reach forward as you bend over to place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
  • Kick your legs straight out behind you into a plank position and immediately lower the entire body down to the ground, bending at the elbows, so that your chest touches the floor.
  • Use your arms to quickly push your body back up while hopping your legs back under your body towards your arms and finish by exploding into a squat jump, hands overhead as you rise up. 
  • Repeat 10-15 times to complete a full set. 
  • To modify: You can use a chair or other elevated surface, or even a wall to do a burpee on and make the exercise less intense.  Just follow the steps above placing your hands on a chair or the wall instead of the floor.

2.     Squat Press

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

A squat press is another great full body exercise with more of a focus on strength than explosive cardio.  But don’t let it fool you—a squat press can get your heart pumping and the sweat flowing almost as good as any cardio based exercise!  In a squat press you will use legs to squat, arms to lift the weights overhead and the core to stabilize while you work.  You will need a set of dumbbells or soup cans, or another weighted object to perform this exercise.  Here’s how to perform a squat press:

  • Start with your feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent and dumbbells near your shoulders. 
  • Slowly squat back and down as if you are sitting in a chair behind you, keeping the weights at shoulder height during your descent. 
  • As you rise back up, begin to lift the weights straight up above your shoulders until your arms are almost fully straight but not completely locked.  Keep a slight bend in the knees as you come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10-15 times to complete a full set.

3.     Push-ups

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

Push-ups are a great strength building bodyweight workout that engages multiple muscle groups for maximum calorie burn and weight loss.  You don’t need anything except your body and a mat or the floor to perform them, and there are many modifications you can do to make this exercise effective for anyone at any fitness level.  Here is how to do a push-up:

  • Start in a high plank position and place your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider with shoulders stacked directly over wrists.  Make sure your body is straight, knees are not locked, and your core and glutes are engaged.
  • Begin to bend your elbows and lower the body to the ground, keeping it straight and angling your elbows at about a 45 degree angle behind you. Continue engaging the core and glutes to keep your back in neutral alignment and your whole body straight.
  •  Push back to the starting position at a high plank
  • Repeat 10-15 times until you have reached full fatigue in the arm muscles.  
  • To modify: You can modify the exercise by doing the push-ups on your knees, or using an elevated surface like a chair or bench, or even by using the wall to do the push-up.  Try each of the variations to see what works best for you.

4.     Plank 

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

The plank is an excellent endurance and strength building exercise and is a favorite of many trainers.  Because the abdominals are intended as stabilizers and not movers, the plank helps to strengthen them in a more effective way than other popular core exercises, such as a crunch.  There are many ways to modify the plank to make it more or less challenging and to build intensity as you can increase the time a plank is held.  Here is how to hold a plank:

  • Place your hands directly under your shoulders, keeping your arms straight but elbows not locked
  • Straighten your legs out and hold the body up by pushing onto your toes while continuing to stabilize with your arms.  Keep a straight line with the body and look slightly in front of you to keep neutral alignment in the spine.  Make sure you focus on keeping the core tight and engaged, as well as tightening the glutes to prevent sinking or bowing of the lower spine.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds to start, for 3-4 sets.  As you build strength and endurance, you will be able to hold for longer and can work up to a full minute plank.
  • To modify, you can do this exercise on your knees, on an elevated surface such as a chair or even on the wall until you are strong enough to hold a plank on the ground.

5.     Bulgarian Split Squat

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

The Bulgarian split squat is an amazing strength building exercise using a step or bench that engages the quadriceps as a primary mover and also works the glutes, calves and hip flexors.  You will also engage your core as the body works to balance with one foot elevated on a step.  Here’s how to do a Bulgarian split squat:

  • Stand in front of a box, chair or large step; facing away from the step.  You can hold dumbbells, a barbell or just use body weight.
  • Place one foot on the step behind you, making sure you are stepping far enough in front of the step to allow for a 90 degree angle on your knees was you descend.  Make sure your front knee does not extend past the toes of your front foot.
  • Perform 10-15 squats on your first leg, and then repeat on the second leg to complete your set. 

6.     Sumo Squat

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

The sumo squat (also known as a plié squat) is a variation of the traditional squat where you step your legs out wider and the toes are pointed outward to opposite corners of the room.  This exercise is perfect to implement into a leg routine, as it activates the leg muscles differently than a traditional squat.  As you do the exercise, engaging the core and glutes will also help to promote a larger grouping of muscles and feel more like a full body exercise, gaining the “more bang for your bucks” benefit in your weight loss program.  Here’s how to do a sumo squat:

  • Stand with legs in a wide stance-wider than a traditional squat with toes pointed outward, knees slightly bent.  You can use one dumbbell held in both hands, or a dumbbell in each hand.  This can also be done fully bodyweight.
  • Slowly lower the body until your legs are close to a 90-degree angle, and thighs are parallel to the floor.  Hold for one second, and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-15 reps or until legs are too fatigued to continue.

7.     Kettlebell or Dumbbell swings

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

Swings are a dynamic exercise that works your full body in one movement while scorching calories and blasting fat.  The swing will strengthen your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, shoulders, core and more.  With so much muscle activation in one movement, you can see why they are a popular move for many trainers.  If you don’t have a kettlebell you can also use a single dumbbell or even double up with two dumbbells for a more challenging routine.  Here’s how to do a kettlebell swing:

  • Start in a standing position holding the kettlebell (or dumbbell) with both hands in between your legs.  Legs should be a bit wider than hip width apart and toes pointed slightly outward.  
  • Gently lean forward while bringing the kettlebell behind your glutes as if you are performing a deadlift or modified squat.  Legs should be slightly bent as you hinge at the hips but not so deep as in a squat.  
  • Next, swing up and forward with the hips while swinging the kettlebell up and out in front of you.  Keep your abs and glutes engaged to make sure you are not putting pressure on your lower back during the movement.  Stop shortly above shoulder height.
  • Repeat this move for 10-15 reps until you reach fatigue.  The kettlebell swing will offer benefits of both strength resistance and cardio, which will burn calories faster allowing for greater fat loss and overall weight loss. 

8.     Jumping Jacks

Trainers Favorite Exercises to Get You Fit in 2021

You might be one of many who overlook jumping jacks in adulthood and think they are meant for middle school PE class.  But in all honesty, jumping jacks are an amazing way to burn calories quickly, and work your entire body at the same time!  If you do them correctly they can be a valuable piece of any weight loss workout routine.  Here’s how to do jumping jacks correctly:

  • Stand up straight with arms at your side and knees slightly bent, not locked.
  • Jump your legs out laterally at the same time, while bringing the arms out and up overhead, so that your hands almost meet above your head.
  •  Jump in again while bringing your arms back down to the starting position at your sides.  
  • Repeat for 30 seconds or a 10-15 count, whichever leads to full fatigue and cardio/heart rate increase.

Many people think that there needs to be a complicated routine or fancy gym equipment to reach their weight loss and fitness potential, but in reality many of these classic simple moves can be done on a regular basis to help you reach your goals.  By implementing these moves into your weekly routine, you will see lasting weight loss results while you get stronger and faster.  Remember to eat a healthy, balanced diet and fuel yourself correctly before each workout.  If you need tips for a healthy breakfast, click here for some easy, tasty ideas.  Don’t forget to step on your SureFiz scale each day to track your progress and receive personalized guidance along your weight loss journey.  SureFiz scale truly offers the secret sauce to weight loss, and we can help you reach your diet and weight loss goals.

Simple Ways to Stick to Your New Years Resolution

As the 2021 New Year approaches, Americans will set a resolution to eat healthier or lose weight. Here are some tips to help the resolution last all year long.

As the 2021 New Year approaches, Americans will set a resolution to eat healthier or lose weight.  Here are some tips to help the resolution last all year long.

Simple Ways to Stick to Your Weight Loss New Year’s Resolution

With every New Year comes a fresh start, and an opportunity to reflect on areas of growth.  According to a recent poll on, an estimated 188.9 million American adults (approximately 74% of the population) have admitted they will set a 2021 New Year’s resolution.  Approximately 45% of those claim to be setting a health related resolution, such as weight loss or diet changes.  But sadly, according to Psychology Today, an estimated 40% of resolutions fail by March and only 10% of people on average keep their resolutions until the following December. 

How to Make a Strong Resolution

Simple Ways to Stick to Your Weight Loss New Year’s Resolution

Luckily there are some tips and tricks to help you keep your New Year’s Resolution.  The first thing to do is make sure you are setting a resolution that is actually destined for success.  Instead of setting lofty, unattainable goals that would set you up for failure (like trying to lose too much weight in too short of a time), sitting down and analyzing why a goal is being set and writing out steps to succeed can help minimize chances that the goal will fail shortly into the New Year. In goal setting, the acronym S.M.A.R.T. can be extremely helpful:

Specific: Is the goal specific, well defined, clear and unambiguous?

Measurable: Set criteria to help measure progress towards the accomplishment of the goal

Achievable: Make sure the goal is attainable and not impossible to achieve

Realistic: The goal is within reach, realistic and relevant 

Timely: The goal needs to have a clearly defined timeline, including a start date and target end date.  [Retrieved from]

If your New Year’s resolution in 2021 is to “lose more weight”,  breaking it into a S.M.A.R.T goal would be to break it down into smaller subgoals, such as 1 to 2 pounds per week.  If you need to lose 20 pounds, your time limit on the goal needs to fit within healthy guidelines for weight loss.  So your goal should be to lose 20 pounds by April-May if you begin the first week of January.  The SureFiz scale and program helps to break down weight loss goals into smaller subgoals that help you attain the overall weight loss goal more efficiently.  It takes the guesswork out of weight loss for you!  Be sure you are using the app to help aid you as you set your New Year’s resolutions.  

Tips for Long-term success

Simple Ways to Stick to Your Weight Loss New Year’s Resolution

Another way to ensure you can achieve long-term success with your weight loss resolution is to look at possible obstacles you will face.  If your goal is to eat less sugar, but you have a weekly meeting where donuts are offered, you want to find ways to overcome this obstacle before it is facing you.  An example of how to handle this could be to either make sure you have eaten before the weekly meeting and aren’t hungry, or sit as far away from the donuts as possible, or even bring a healthy snack option for yourself if you feel the need to eat something.  Substituting a healthier habit for your current habit is a strong, proven method to successful behavior modification, according to Psychology Today.  

A common obstacle in behavior change and goal setting is what we do when we fail.  A few missteps are to be expected on a weight loss journey, such as eating the donut or a piece of pizza.  Studies of behavior modification show that our self-talk and self-stories can be extremely powerful motivators in whether we see long-term success (Source: nbcwashington).  If you eat the donut or the pizza and then tell yourself you are a failure and can’t stick to the diet plan, then you are much more likely to fail.  SureFiz trainer Jenn Ryan recommends preparing ahead of time for small failures and having a positive self-talk response ready to combat any negative feelings.  If you are more likely to think you cannot accomplish a goal, then you will most definitely quit at the first sign of challenge.  Be ready for these moments with positive reinforcement.  An example would be, “One donut won’t ruin my diet. I can start fresh with my healthy lunch and get right back on track.  I can do this!”  Preparing a positive response before you are faced with your challenging situation will ensure that you actually respond positively and can pivot quickly to get back on course.

New Years resolutions may be tough to keep, but they are not impossible.  When it comes to weight loss and diet help, SureFiz is the best tool to help you not only lose the weight but keep it off for good.  We can help you be one of the 10-20% of the population who keeps their resolution by the end of 2021.  Be sure to check out our website for more diet tips, healthy recipes and weight loss inspiration to keep you motivated throughout the entire year.  

The Science Behind Failed New Year Resolutions

With the New Year approaching, many people will evaluate their goals for 2021, only to have those resolutions fail within a few months. Why?

With the New Year approaching, many people will evaluate their goals for 2021, only to have those resolutions fail within a few months.   There may be more science behind the reasons of failure than just a lack of willpower. 

The Science Behind Failed New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Another New Year is fast approaching, and with the New Year comes many New Year’s resolutions, most of which have to do with healthier living and weight loss. But a few months into the year, most of the resolutions fail.  In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, nearly 88% of all New Year’s resolutions fail to be kept by the end of the year.  Many who set lofty New Year’s resolutions feel like a failure when they don’t stick to their resolutions and they just give up any attempt to improve their lives.  Instead of letting a failed resolution ruin a healthy weight loss plan, it can be helpful to look into the science behind why many resolutions fail.

The Science Behind Resolutions

According to, the field of Applied Behavior Analysis can lend some insight into what happens in the brain when a resolution is set.  “In behavior analysis, ‘temporal discounting’ is how we respond to consequences due to delay. For example, if we had a choice between $100 today or $100 in a month – the choice would be clear. We’d all take the cash today. But adjust the delay or the amount – the  ‘reinforcer’ – and our choice might look different. What if we had a choice between $100 today or $1,000 in a month? Likely, many would wait for the larger payout. Research shows animals are generally impulsive, while humans are better able to achieve long-term greater gain (such as that thousand bucks). This same research can explain failed New Year’s promises, too.  Many resolutions involve delayed gratification – selecting between a late-night ice cream habit now or a lower number on the scale in a month”.  

With the delayed gratification of weight loss or health benefits related to better choices in the New Year, it is easy to see how there could be roadblocks towards the long-term goal.  When faced with a temptation such as the late night ice cream, if a person gives in and eats the ice cream, there is a feeling of failure.  With that comes a defense mechanism response in the brain, in an attempt to explain the reason for the slip. These hypothetical constructs are generally what lead people to give up completely on their resolution instead of simply waking up the next morning and trying again.  An example of a hypothetical construct when it comes to dieting would be telling oneself, “I guess I’m just not the type of person who can be on a diet”.  [Retrieved from]

Psychology Today explains that a person’s self talk will direct their actions.  When setting goals it can be especially beneficial to change any negative self-talk about failure into positive affirmations.  For example, instead of thinking, “I’m not the type of person who can be on a diet”, having a practiced script of positive messages ready can help turn the brain around.  It can be helpful to think of each goal and prepare any obstacles ahead of time, being ready with positive sentences to speak to oneself.  [Retrieved from].

How to set a New Year’s Resolution

Instead of setting lofty, unattainable health or weight loss goals that would set someone up for failure, sitting down and analyzing why a goal is being set and writing out steps to succeed can help minimize chances that the goal will fail shortly into the New Year. In goal setting, the acronym S.M.A.R.T. can be extremely helpful:

Specific: Is the goal specific, well defined, clear and unambiguous?

Measurable: Set criteria to help measure progress towards the accomplishment of the goal

Achievable: Make sure the goal is attainable and not impossible to achieve

Realistic: The goal is within reach, realistic and relevant 

Timely: The goal needs to have a clearly defined timeline, including a start date and target end date.  [Retrieved from]


New Year’s Resolutions, like any goals, should be thought out ahead of time and with clear, concise steps to achieve them.  An understanding of the science behind potential failure can not only help overcome obstacles during the process but can also help people from becoming one of the 88% who fail to accomplish the goals they set.  It is also valuable to know that it’s not personal failure, there is a science to the brain and why it works the way it does. Resetting pathways and habits in weight loss can be hard but not impossible.  SureFiz technology is a valuable tool and program that can help in all areas of diet and weight loss goal setting.  The program takes a lot of guesswork out of weight loss and helps users set specific goals.  It truly is the secret sauce to weight loss!