Moderately Active Workout Plans

Moderately Active Workout Plans

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Lower Body/Bodyweight Back

Cardio: Go for a 45-60 minute walk/jog. Try to push yourself and run as far as you can before stopping to walk. Workout Details: Perform each of the 3 workout sets 2-3 times through, doing 15 repetitions of each exercise in the set (unless otherwise noted). Rest for 15-30 seconds in between exercises and 1 minute between sets. This workout should take around 30 minutes.

Set 1


Begin in standing position with feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent. Gently sit back as if onto a chair behind you and stand back up. Focus on keeping your body weight pressed into the heels of your feet, not your toes to protect your knees.

Plie Squats

Stand with your feet wider than hip width apart, toes facing the opposite corners of the room. With your back straight and abdominals engaged, slowly lower the body down into a squat. Focus on keeping your body weight pressed into the heels of your feet, not your toes, to protect your knees.

Calf Raises on a Step

Stand on a step or stair with only your toes and heels in the air, with feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent. Begin to lean slightly forward and raise your body up into your toes, focusing attention on contracting your calves as you rise up. Slowly lower and repeat.

Set 2

30 Seconds of High Knees

Begin by standing with your feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent. Alternate lifting your legs up in front of you, leading with the knees as high as you possibly can. Go as fast as possible to increase heart rate and caloric burn. This exercise can be done as a plyometric (jumping) movement, or a stepping movement for lower impact activity.

Alternating Front Lunges

Begin by standing with feet together. Step one foot forward as far as you can and bend both knees. Press your weight into the front heel and the back toes. Make sure you are maintaining a straight back and looking straight forward, but not leaning forward. Both legs should reach as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. Step back and repeat with the other leg. Modification-if knees are weak, you can shorten your range of motion and just lower about 25% to decrease pressure in the knees.

Lateral Lunge with Knee Raise

Stand with feet wider than hip width apart, toes facing forward. Gently lean over to the right side of the body then back to center, bringing your right knee up as high as you can. Make sure to keep your weight over your heels and not the toes. This will protect the knees from too much pressure. Keep the back straight and abdominals engaged through the exercise.

Set 3

Glute Bridge

Lying on your back, on the ground or a mat, bend the knees and place feet firmly on the ground. Pressing the heels down firmly, slowly lift your glutes (butt) off the ground, as high as is comfortable. Slowly lower, making sure to not let your glutes completely touch the ground.

Side Lying Leg Lifts

Begin by lying on one side, with weight resting on one elbow. Straighten your top leg and flex your foot. Slowly lift your leg up and down, making sure to keep the body straight, abdominals and glutes engaged, and lead with the heel.

Fire Hydrant

Begin in a tabletop position facing the ground (also known as “all fours”). Keeping the knees bent, lift the leg out and up. Focus the attention on your glutes and hips, making sure to put your energy into lifting with these areas to maximize the benefit.

Bodyweight Core Workout

Cardio: Go for a 45-60 minute walk/jog. Try to push yourself and run as far as you can before stopping to walk. Workout Details: Perform each of the 3 workout sets 2-3 times through, doing 15 repetitions of each exercise in the set (unless otherwise noted). Rest for 15-30 seconds in between exercises and 1 minute between sets. This workout should take around 30 minutes.

Set 1

Lateral BirdDog

Begin in a tabletop position on hands and knees. Reach your right arm up and straight in front of you while simultaneously lifting your left leg out and back behind you. Imagine you are reaching to opposite walls with your fingers and toes. Slowly begin to reach your arm and leg out laterally while bracing the core and keeping the spine stable. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm/leg.

30 second Elevated Plank

Hold a modified plank position with arms supporting the body on an elevated surface such as a step, chair, table or couch. Keep back straight, arms straight directly under your shoulders, and abdominals engaged. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

Elevated Alternating Side Plank

Begin on your right side one hand supporting your body on an elevated surface, such as a step, chair, table or couch. Keep your body in a straight side plank position and hold for 1-2 seconds. Be sure to keep your abdominals engaged and your neck in neutral alignment with your spine throughout the exercise to protect your back. Turn the body to a plank with both hands on elevated surface and switch to the other side. This is one rep. Complete all reps with both sides of the body.

Set 2


Lay on a mat face up with back straight, both feet on the ground and hands behind your head. Engage your abdominals and press your lower back into the ground while lifting your upper body off the ground. Keep the chin pointed up and not tucked, and your neck/shoulders relaxed throughout the movement. Slowly lower the body to the starting position and repeat.

Bicycle Twist

Lay on a mat face up with back straight, both feet on ground and hands behind your head. Bring your feet down and out away from you, hovering above the ground. Bring your left knee in towards the right elbow, gently twisting the body while you do so. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.

Single Leg Drops

Lay on a mat face up with back straight, arms down by your sides and palms facing down. Gently bring both legs up straight towards the ceiling to begin the exercise. Slowly lower one leg down to a hover above the ground and then back up. Repeat with the other leg. This is one rep. Complete all reps with both legs.

Set 3


Lay on a mat face up with back straight and arms reaching straight towards the ceiling. Bend the knees with your feet raised so that the lower legs are parallel to the floor. Begin to bring your right arm down towards the floor while simultaneously bringing the left leg towards the floor, keeping both right arm and left leg straight as you lower. Bring them back to the starting position and repeat with other sides. This is one rep. Repeat all reps to finish the set.

30 second Hollow Hold

Begin by lying face up on a mat. Bring your arms and legs out away from you and gently lift them up while engaging the abdominals. Be sure to look straight ahead, keeping your neck and shoulders relaxed to avoid unnecessary tension. Keep arms and legs fully engaged and breathe through the exercise. Hold for 30 seconds.

Plank Opposite Knee to Elbow

Begin in a plank position, holding the body up with hands directly under your shoulders and legs straight. Bring the left knee in towards your chest and reach it to the right elbow. It’s ok if you can’t fully reach to the elbow, just get as far as you can. Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg. This is one rep. Complete all reps on both sides to finish the set.

Upper Body/Bodyweight

Cardio: Go for a walk/jog. Try to push yourself and run as far as you can before stopping to walk. Workout Details: Perform each of the 3 workout sets 2-3 times through, doing 15 repetitions of each exercise in the set (unless otherwise noted). Rest for 15-30 seconds in between exercises and 1 minute between sets. This workout should take around 30 minutes.

Set 1

Inchworms with 10 second plank hold

Beginning in a standing position, slowly bend over and walk your arms out to a plank position, hold for 10 seconds, then slowly walk back and stand up straight. Keep your knees slightly bent throughout the exercise, bracing your core and keeping back straight.


Begin in a plank position, with back straight and core engaged. Keep arms out laterally slightly beyond your shoulders at chest height and the body as straight as possible in a plank position. Begin to slowly lower your body down as far as you can and push back up.

1 minute Plank on knees

Hold a modified plank position with arms supporting the body and knees bent. Keep back straight, arms straight directly under your shoulders, and abdominals engaged. Hold the position for 1 minute.

Set 2

Tricep Push-ups

Keep arms straight directly below your shoulders (narrow stance) at chest height and the body as straight as possible in a plank position. Begin to slowly lower your body down with arms close to your ribcage and elbows facing behind you as far as you can and push back up.

Tricep Dips-knees bent

Using a chair, step, couch or other elevated surface, place your hands facing palm down. Keep arms close to your body with elbows facing behind you. With back straight, arms and knees slightly bent, lower the body down in front of the chair. Work to keep your back as close as you can to the chair without actually touching it. Push the body back up to starting position.

25 Jumping Jacks

Begin in a standing position and jump your legs out lateral while also reaching your arms out laterally and above your head. To modify this movement you can also step out instead of jumping.

Set 3

SuperMan with Retraction

Begin by lying on your stomach with arms and legs straight, gently lift arms and legs upward towards the ceiling all at the same time. Be sure to engage abdominals, glutes and hamstrings as you lift.

Plank Shoulder Taps

Begin on the ground in a plank position with legs straight. Take one hand and reach across the body to touch the opposite shoulder, then repeat with the other arm.

30 second Mountain Climbers

Begin on the ground and hold the body in a straight plank position. Lift the right foot and bring the knee forward under the body towards the chest. Repeat with your left foot. Make sure to do this as fast as you can to increase heart rate.